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Interesting To Tourists And Students

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The late Aloxander WincUell, Professor of Geolony and Pal;ï -n tology ia the University of Michigan, shortly before his death took a trip to Montana, and was so delighted with what he experienced rhnt he wrote P. I. Whitney, G. P. & T. A., of the Great Northern Railway, öt. Paul, Miun., a lentLiy letter f rom Ana Arbor, iu which he testified hia pleasure, aad from which we quote: "Í have jusf returued from the manificent tour devised and conducted under your auspiee, aud I wish first to tnank you for t :ie courtes es extended to me personally, and then to transmit an acclamation of thanks from the entire party. Nothing more delightful, more impresuive or mire memorable, could be planaed- thia was the oft repeated exclamation wlnt-h 1 lieard o every tiay of the tour. I 8hall tnabe much use of the ohservations and exoeriences of the trip, both in my lectures and in print, and I shall be very happy to ncrease interest In the reions traversed by your Unes. No new part of America offers so mu h to students, and tourists." lt was the intention of Prof. AViuchell to have made another visít to Montana, hdvin: beoome much interested in the marvelons opportunities f ireologicai study otfered by tb ■ heavals in the Belt Mountains and other outljiu ranses ia the vicinity of Great Fa ' which ransres also reveal abuudant remains of aneient aoitual life. Followintr the visit of Prof. Winchell, Prof. Scott and a party from PriDceton Cnl.,e went out and found the bones, in many caces well preserved, of noles9 thn forty ditf -rfut sort3 of hue and "rotesque animáis that existed in ihe oiden ages of life on the ilobe. Many variaties of fisbes an1 other forms of early marine life were also found buried ia the ciüis. It was a picnic for the scientiflc men vho iiotonly learned much more than they expected, but who enjoyed with keen relish the splendid mountain .scenery and exhileratiag air. and managed also to catch flne atrinca of rish. comnion now in the rivera and streams, and ba?, too. not a little jame.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News