Capital And Confidence
t,verybody who has money is tired m getting 1 per cent or no per cent for it. Every business man who has been lying on his oars is crazy to do something or engage in something he understands. Every enterprise which has been dorruaut is feeling its way for capital and confidence. Labor is everywhere eager for work and eniployerg Etill more eager to open their works. It only requires the normal machinery of the country to move in a normal way, for couauinption to again make demanda upon production. Wheu the history of the late panio comes to bewrnten aud thetroubles incident to u, oue of its remarkable features wil', be the effect upon railway traffic;, upon all business of 65,000, 000 people. of those who had to and those who had no ueed to economize, but dirl so n every possible way When oue familv nies the ola stove with the crackea íids and pastes paper over the brokeupaue of glass and doesnot renew any of the furniture or crockery, when they wear last year's clothes and go from fooa which might be luxuries to f cod which simply supports life, the economics are demonstrated which follow a total or partía! loss of income. Precisely that process has been going on for two-thirds of a year among 90 per cent of our population. It has made elear the f act that the American people, who are charged, aud probably justly, with being the most extravagant people in the world, can live as closely as anybody when it becomes necessary. Buc the effect npon merchante, middlemen and carriers in the volume of their business and their profits is disastrous beyoncl any process which has ever affect
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News