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Manchester's Ship Canal

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It appears that tbe people of Man chester are beginning to find that thei vaunted snip canal is something of an elephant on their hands. The chairman of the canal company has submitted t the municipal authorities a report whie does not make them feel very good His figures show that at the end of th current year the canal déficit wil amouut to L 146,862, and unless some thing can be done about it, nobody knows exactly what, the city will hav to meet the interest of the bonds in 1896, which means an increase of taxa tion of 1 shilling 1% pence ou the pound, or about 8 per cent. It appears, too, that the canal cora pany has eutered into eundry obligations which the corporatiou knew nothing about and to meet which will make a tremendous drain even on the resource of the Corporation The canal will moreover, have to keep dredges at work at a cost of about f 50, 000 a year, anc more capital is called for to meet the extra expenses of digging the canal. The chairmau ad vises the taxpayers to make no further pledges to the cana and announces that he proposes to re sign the position of chairman, as he does not feel equal to the task of extri cating the canal from its difflculties. This all makes a showing very different from the roseate reports of the canal which have been comincr across the w.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News