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That Unrefillable Vial

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What do you think of a bottle that 1 can be filled only once - a vial that is I as worthless after its original contenta ' have been exhausted as a tomato can.' j A Boston inventor has dtvised such a ! bottle. ! Some time ago a Park square phar, macist asked him to exercise his ingemiity on a bottle for the use of a proI prietary fluid which could not be filled a second time, thus preventing the manufacturers of imitations from ofïeriiig spurious preparations in such of the I special bottles as they might be able to buy. The vital principie of the new device j is a cork float with a rubber pad at the back, located inside a glass cap iu the neck, which closes instantly whenever an attempt is made tofitlit This float, once against the entrance, is held in place by the weight of a glass ball attached to a chain. having the play of half an inch. The original coutents find their way out through interstices in the cap to a groove in the neck of the bottle into which no knives or tools can be thrust. All parts of the invention are of glaas except the chain and floats and will be blown invehen the bottle is made. - I


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News