An Infant Phenomenon
A real infant phenomenon keeps all the medical men and pedagogues of the good old town of Brunswick iu a state ! of wonder and delight. The little sou ! of a local butcher. a baby just 2 years old, can readwith perfect ease anything written or printed in Germán or Latin characters. A few weeks ago threa Brunswick doctors had the babr introduced to them at the house of one of the ! learned gentlemen The first thing the ' little one did when brought into the '■ Consulting room was to stand on his toes at the table, reading out from the books , thatwerelyingabout. When 18monthS' old, the baby liked books and pers better than lollipops and toys, and ; whateverthe parents playfully toïd him I he remembered. with the result that, at the age of 2 years, he readswith ' fect
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News