Preparing For The Emergency
"No;" said Floatinhair, the poet, "1 ghall uever cali ou that editor agaiu - bever, never!" "What has he done?" "He has been rudely sarcastic. I handed him a bundleof manuscript this morning, and lie told the office boy to hunt up his overshoes. ' ' "Overshoes!" "Yes; he said he had a lotof slush to wade through. " - Washington Star. "Er man kin run inter debt, " said Uncle Eben, ' 'but when it comes ter feittin out he's crawl." - Washington Star. Ue Oot the Ruiwt Shoes. Oliver Van Oetend, the New York Electric expert, is very fonrl of driviiig und a day or so ago told bis groom to have the mare he most f avors for a spin in the park freshly Bhod. Bcing in a jmerrymood, lie added, "If the blacksiuith has any ruöaet shoes, teil him to fit her out with tliat kind. " What was liis surprise to get a'bill for a complete set of fine copper shoes, especially made to order; but, as the joke was on him,
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News