The Ann Arbor Savings Bank!
REPORT OF THE CONDITIOX OF -au auh Aruor, jvncnigan, at the close of business, Maj 4, 1894. RESOURCES. LIABHITTP5 Loansand Discounts, 1387 350 03 L,iABit,ij.itb. Stocks, Bonde, Mortgages, etc 459231 1 rQ„i,oi i, iS Overdrafts ...!..... 1 591 i; C"p"1 itwk paldln 150,000 1 Banking house m]m 00 Surplus fund 150,000 00 Real Estáte, Furniture. Fixtures and Undivided prottts, u m , ■ Safetv Deposit Vaults 9 988 2U rv J4,J U9 Other Real Éstate W? 07 idenclsuQpaid, 355 00 Current expenses and taxes paid 3,107 7 CASH. DEPOSITá Due f rom banks in reserve cities ... 117 221 91 Due from other banks and bankers.. 3,656 37 Bauk.s ;u,d Baukers K Q5 n Checks and cash items 1315 0} nu, . .■ io.hoo i Nickelsandpennies "l il 13 Certlfleatef of deposit 5,700 00 Gold coiu, 30,000 00 Commercial deposita 18U ö37 14 üiran'NaüonaÏBTnkNoVeV;:;;;: Savings deposits V. m.m STATE OF MICHIGAN,, " " U ,008,750 11 County of Washtenaw. f BBI, Charles E Hiscock, cashler of the above nan:t-d hank, do solemnly swear thpr rh above swtement is true to the best of my knowledge ná belief. Chas E Hiscock II] ier Attest: Christian Maek, W. D. Harrimun. W. B. Pmlth Directors Lal.ier. Subscribed and 6worn to before me, this 8th day oí May. 18M. Michael J. Fritz, Notary Public. Capital security, - $100,000 I Toal assets, - $1 ,OOO OOO OO Capital stock paid in, 50,000 Surplus, - . 150,000.00 Transacts a geueral banking business; buya and Bella exchanges on New York, Detroit and Chicago: sells drafts on al! t,he principal cities of Europe ïhis bank, already having a lare business, invites merchants and others to open accounts with them with the assurance of tiie most liberal dealintr con"istentwith safe banking. In the Savings Department interest at ti.e rate of four per cent. is paid semi-annually, od the tirst days of January and July, on all sunis that were deposited three months previous to those days, thus affording the people of this city and county a perfectly safe depository for their funds, together with a return in interest for the same. Money to loan on apüroved securities. Directors.- Christian Mack, W. D. Harriman, Daniel Hiscock, William Deubel, Willard B. Smith, David "".insey, and L. Gruner. Officers.- Christian Mack, „ resident; W. D. Harriman, Vice-PresidentChas. E. Hiscock. Cashier, M. J. Fritz Ass't-Cashier.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News