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Democratic County Convention

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Tbe Demociats of Washtenaw County will meet in County Convention, in the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor, on THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 6, 1894-, at 11 o'cloek a. m., to elect twenty-one dele rates to the Congressional Convention to be held at Adrián, September llth, 1894; also to eiect twenty-one delegates to the Senatorial convention, hereafter to be called; aleo to Domínate a County ticket. Under thie cali townehips and warde are entit leci to lel epat es as follows: Ann Arbor City- Plttsfield 6 First ward 11 Salem 6 Second ward ... 10 Saline 9 Third ward 10 Scio 10 Fourth ward 9 Sharon 5 Fifth ward 4 Superior 6 Sixtb ward 7 Sylvan 13 Ann Arbor Town... 7 Webster 5 Augusta 9 York 11 Bridgewater K Ypsilanti Town.... 7 Dexter 4 Ypsilanti City- Freedom B First ward 8 tima 5 Second ward... 6 Irfxii 7 Third-ward 7 1yndon 4 Fourth 5 Manchester 12 Fifth 7 Northfield 7 Bv order of the Cnmmittee. Chairman secretary,


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News