Proceedings Of The Board Of Public Works
i official. i Office of the Board of Public Works, i Ann Arbor Mich. Aug. 29, 1894. f Regular session. Called to order by President Keech. Koll called. Full board present. Minutes of the previous meeting read and approved. A communication from Trof. J. B. Davis was read, asking that sidewalk grade along the south side of Ilill street, from Tappan street to Oakland ave., be modifled from the profile submitted by the engineer, so as to make the elevation 132 feet east of Oakland avenue, 870.00 feet above the city datum. The Board referred the municatioü to the Sidewalk Committee of the Council for their consideration, also directing the Clerk to write Mr. Wm. M. White for grades and profile of the Tappan Park Addition, as was to be furnished by him. The Clerk reported that the Finance Committee, had recomniitted Mr. Orcutt's bill of $60. to this board, for copy of agreement ior keeping well on Mr. Orcutfs place in repair. The bill was referred to Mr. Schuh. On motion of Mr. Keech, the matter of rëmoving oak trees on Hill street between Forest avenue and East University avenue, was referred to Mr. Clark and the Street Commissioner. The Sidewalk Inspector reported that he had personally inspected the sidewalks which had not as yet been constructed: Kingsley street, North and South sides, in front of the property of the Burk Estáte, William Fohey, Mrs. May, Dr. J. W. Keating, John Pflsterer, and Mrs. Neble; on Ann street, South side, along the II uut property; Washington street, along the South side in front of the property of John Laughlin, Miss Sylvia E, Smith, Mrs. W. G. Moseley, N. G. Butts. Dr. W. B. Smith and Mrs. S A. Wilson; East University avenue, along the North side, in front of Theodore McDonald's property, Xo. 29. On motion the report was received and ordered filed, and the Street Commissioner was ordered to ask for sealed tenders to build said walks. On motion the bids for the eonstruction of walks were opened and inspected. By Mr. Clark: Resolved, That the respective bids be transmitted to the Council with the recommendation that the bids of Geo. Kim, for building 5 f eet plank walks on West Huron street, in front of the Edmund's property; on Mary street in front of J. V. Sheehan's property, and on Hill street in front of the property of Wm. M. White, at 82.50 per rod, be accepted; also the bid of D. Hunt for building walk in front of the property of Herman Markham's, on 7th street, be accepted at $2.70 per rod. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Messrs. nKeech, Schuh and Clark. The matter of sidewalk line on 3d street between Washington and Huron streets was referred to Mr. Schuh, City Attorney and the City engineer. On motion the bids for building floor in the 6th Ward Engine House, were opened and inspeeted. Mr. Keech moved that the respective bids be transmitted to the Council, with recommendation that the bid of Charles Saur be accepted at $87.00. .Adopted as follows: Yeas - Messrs. Keech, Schuh and Clark. The street and sewer bilis for the month of August were read and audited by the Board, and their payments recommended to the Common Council. The Board then adjourned to meet in adjourned session, Saturday evening next. to consider lateral sewer specifications. Clerk.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News