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A Dummy On The Track

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The street nrchins who spend their days round Eleventh and TVelf th streets and Third avenue, Brooklyn, looking for the ïnischief the father of all evil is supposed to supply for "idle hands to do," havefound a new vaoation amusement, and some of the inotormen on the Third avenue trolley line are on the verge of nervous prostration. The boys beg, borrow or steal old clothes nntil they have succeeded in getting together a very complete man's outfit. The next thing is a dummy, life size, which is well dressed, even to hat and shoes. A dozen or more eonspirators, escorting this semblance of a man, stroll carelessly onto the track in front of an advancing car, talking busily. The bell is rung loudly, the boys scatter, and the dummy falls across the track. Then the jokers discover their histrionic talent. They rush back, apparently in terror, and make futile efforts to get the mau out of danger. In the meantime the motorman, who is not the bloodthirsty wretch driving the car of Juggernaut that he is popularly eupposed to be, is in an agony of horror. His hair fairly stands on end, and the veins stand out on his forehead as he uses all his muscle on the brake. If he succeeds in stopping before the car goes over the prostrate f orm, it is pulled off the track and sent flying into the car with wild shouts. The feelings of the unfortunate man at the brake are toovehement for utteranee when he discovers the trick. The scheme is very successful just about dark, and whichever way it goes it is great fun for the boys. - New York Times. After a drill by the Light Infantry, Wednesday evening, a meeting was held at which Chas. M. Manly resigned as secretary and Sergt. W. D. Cooper was elected to fill the vacancy. The company will give an opening hop late in September.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News