Local Brevities
Mrs. Albert Seyrncmr, of Vpsilanti, died Thursday night of last week. The Times corjfidently predicts rain for tomorrow. - Wednesday's Times. Avaunt, thou false prophet! Services will be resumed at the Unitarian church next Sunday morning, Sept. 2. Preaching by the pastor. Rev. L. M. Bennen wiil preach next Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock, at the corner of Washington street and Fourth avenue. The seminary at Ypsüanti will not be ready for service, before Oct. ï, on account of the dampness of the walls for the plastering. The Automatic Telephone company, of Ypsilanti, is giving a test to a new transmitter and may make it a part of their system. The Devotional meeting of the Young Woman's Christian Association will be held next Sunday afternoon, at three o'clock in the : tist church. Miss Jeanie McNichol, of Ypsilanti, was horseback riding the other day, when the horse suddenh jumped Jeanie to the ground. Hei arm is in a sling. Danger lights at the campus excavation are not always supplied. A citizen a few nights ago came ver near going down toward - he didn' know where, while crossing th campus. It is understood that at the schoo meeting, Monday evening, the lis of candidates for places on the board will include Miss Emma E. Bower, Mrs. A. B. Stevens, and Mrs. L. C. Burt. A firm in Ohio- The Christy Knife Co., of Fremont, are offering a Nine Hundred Dollar Steinway Grand Piano to the person sending the largest amount of cash for their goods before December 31, 1894. Those interested should not forget the grand Maccabee excursión to Lansing and return Sept. 11, over the T. & A. A. and D., L. & N. roads. The round trip fare will be $1.25. Train leaves Ann Arbor at 7.30 a. m. sharp. Returning leaves Lansing at 7 p. m. Fire Chief Worden, of Ypsilanti, bounced a captain. The fire committee told the captain to keep on sawing wood. The matter came before the council, Monday night, and the council by 6 to 4, said he couldn't. Mrs. Mary J. Warner died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. D Boylan, of North Fifth street, Tuesday afternoon, of paralysis, aged 82 years and seven months. The funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon, and the remains taken to Troy, N. Y., for interment. On account of the International Exposition, a Sunday excursión will be run to Toledo, over the T. & A. A., next Sunday, Sept. 2. The train will leave Ann Arbor at 10.25 and returning will leave Toledo at 7:00 p. m. Tickets will also be good to return on regular trains Monday, Sept. 3d. Round trip tickets 75 cents. In the case of Edward Graf, whose death occurred on Tuesday morning, the jury, after an inquest conducted by Coroner Clark, and Iistening to the statement of Dr. Kapp, vvho performed a post mortem, returned a verdict that Mr. Graf's death was caused by opium swallowed by the deceased, with suicidal intent. A chance to get a Steinway Grand Piano is something unusual. Our young people ought to take advantage of it. Any number of families would be glad to help them win the Pnze. The Christy Kmfe is a good thing and everbody wants it. A letter addressed to The Christy Kmfe Co., Fremont, Ohio, will bnngan answer immediately, giving full particulars. Joseph Meade, the young man whose leg was amputated at his nome south of the city, by Dr amith, is still doing well. His knee had swollen to a circumference of finches. Mr. F. H.C. Reynolds, on the day previous to the operaBon, accompanied Dr. Smith on a nm to the patiënt, and took a snap" photoof the leg. It will oe an interesting picture to medical men. This ong dry spell reminds one theyearof the Chicago fire in Iis7i, when it was so dry that the council ordered special patrolmen 'o wam everybody about smoking and throwing their cigar stubs or Mhes away, for fear that it might se' nre to the grass.- Times. Yes, Tery dry and hot. That was the season when cooked ducks were fly'g around with gravy boats on heir bilis, asking as a favor to be ' German-American Day wil] be celebrated in Ypsilanti, next year. Next Sunday, Union service wil] te held in the Congregational I church. The Sentinel mentions the name of Hon. James Lowden for state senator. "Have you tried the lung tester?" asks the Sentinel. No, the campaign isn't fairly open yet. The old red barn which for years has afflicted the opties of residents of North Thayer st. has been removed and dwellers in that quarter are executing the "Highland Fling." Fire along the T. & A. A. near the gravel pit Tuesday. at one time threatened very serious and exciting consequencesand nearly reached some buildings before it was checked. Mayor Seymour, of Ypsilanti, having gone away on a prolonged trip for the purpose of spending the surplus of his salary, Mr. Sherwood is nowsitting in the seat of honor as acting mayor. Rev. C. M. Cobern will condurt a general class meeting in the doublé parlors of the M. E. church, next Sunday mormng at 9:15 o'clock to be followed by preaching in the lecture room at 10:30. After today the uncollected tax roll of Ypsilanti will be turned over to the village marshall, who will attach some large nice fees to the original tax as the price of the luxury of owing the city. A. L. Deuel sold two lots in eastern Wequetonsing, Monday, to C. R. H. Davis, of St. Louis, and Mr Wagner, of Ann Arbor, sold three lots adjoining, to Mr. Hobart, also of St Louis.- Petoskey Daily Resorter. Somebody with a large bump of destructiveness,last Sunday smashed the glass in the Morgan semaphore at Ypsilanti. The party whosê native proneness to evil led him to do this is in danger of the penitentiary, should he be caught. Coronor Clark, without the slightst doubt of the complete victory of the county democratie ticket this all is willing to have his name put t the tail end of the ticket so that when the battle is ended he can sit on the remains of the G. O. P. There has been a 25-miïe go-asyou please match arranged for a week from Monday between two of the local sports of the city. The match was agreed upon last Monday and was to be for #25 a side but since that time the principáis have placed up $20 apiece extra. C A. Brown is the stakeholder.- Times Ypsilanti Dept. ' A jury of Ypsilantians Monday sat on Adam Schaner, charged with keeping his saloon open after legal hours,and found that the prosecution had been out so late that night that they were not capable of judging the time and the verdict was "not guilty, but don't do it again." Tomorrow Joseph Meyers will be tried for violating the law at its other end. He is charged with opening up too early in the morning. Hon. J. T. Jacobs yesterday received a letter from his son, who is in the west. It states that at Moose Jaw the party were obliged to pawn their guns in order to obtain provisions, from which it is to be feared that the expedition is not composed of sharpshooters. Young Jacobs is all right now, however, as the answer to his appeal "Father, dear father, come down with the stamps" arrived the day after the guns were pawned. The school bells of the city will jingle again on the ioth of September, the day on which Commodore Perry won his celebrated victory over the Hessians in the furious naval battle of Whitmore Lake. Nothing like it had ever occurred there since, until the four-square jawfight, on the day of the farmers' picnic, between the several candidates for governor. The school children can all easily fix the date of the opening by remembering the great day of Perry's victory, Sept. 10.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News
Edward Graf