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John A. Tice is visiting in Grand Rapids. Stafford Nickels has returned from Detroit. Dr. F. Carrow has returned from the north. J. D. Stimson has returned from Uay View. Dr. and Mrs. Nancrede are off for Old Mission. Mrs. Chas. Rose and son are 1 iting in Detroit. Mrs. Fannie Gardner is visiting in St. Louis, Mich. Mr. Mosher, from the upper peninsular is the guest of Mrs. E. R. Curtis. Mrs. Wm. Treadwell, of Adrián, is visiting Mrs. Elmer, of North Fifth avenue. C. P. McKinstry, city clerk of Ypsilanti, was in the city yesterday. Miss Mollie E. Stimson, of Manton, O., is visiting Mrs. Anna L Hadley. Miss Katie Peese, of Detroit, is visiting in the city. Charles F. Weissinger, of Rochester, N. Y., is visiting his sister on West Huron street, thss week. Dr. Mary and Miss Jennie McLean are visiting at the home of N W. Cheever. Fred Brown, W. Clancy, M. Stabler and Joe Parker attended the State Liquor Dealers' Protective Association in Jackson, Tuesday. H. W. Douglas and sisters have returned from ToDinabee. Chas. Wagner left Tuesday to join his family at Wequetonsing. Mrs. Geo. Quintal and children and Mrs. Ristine and children are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sweet, at Salem station. Martin Cook and J. V. N. Gregory, of Dexter, were in the city, Wednesday. Mrs. Abbie Warner Smith, of Delhi Mills, is visiting her granddaughter, Mrs. C. J. Snyder, of Gott street. J. F. Mueller and family of Amelith., Mich., are visiting in the city. B. St. James and family have returned from Whitmore Lake. Maj. Soule and daughter have returned from Port Huron. A son to Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Blake, Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Carr and family, of Gott street, are visiting at Jackson. Wra. AIrutz, of Chicago, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Louis G. Eichman, for a couple of weeks. D. Ross and family are enjoying a week at Zukey lake club house. Miss Charlotta Grace Brooks, who has been the guest of Mrs. e'. Hample for the past six weeks, has' left for a visit to Ashtabula, Ohio. Miss Emma E. Bower delivered a j Maccabee address at Monroe, Wednesday evening. i Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Cornwell ' and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Graber ' and daughter are spending a week in Chicago. Miss Bena Seyler has returned from Detroit, accompanied by her , sister, Mrs. W. G. Fowler, who will ( remain some weeks. i Dr. Cobern wil] leave Monday for the "Soo" to attend the Detroit conference. Gustave Brehm, Wm. Herz, Titus Hutzel and families left Wednesday for a trip around the lakes. John Lindenschmidt is off for New Vork for goods for the fall trade. Rev. John Dieterle has ráturned to his ho:ne in Troy, N. Y. Misses Addie and Alice Johns, of Lansmg, are guests of Mrs. H Mathews of W. Hurón st Mrs. ƒ. A. Ksith, of Mt. Clemens, is visiting Mrs. Geo. H. Pond. R. Commissioner Billings was in the city, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wirt Cornwell and family leave today for Mackinac. Mrs. D. D. Travis, of Plainwell, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. E. Beal. Mrs. Fanny Holden, of Duluth is visiting Mrs. Fred C. Brown of Packard St. She is on her way to New York, where she is completing a course in music. i Mr. and Mrs. Andrew R. Peterson and their nephew, Mr. Kelley proprietor of the woodjard at 33 E. Huron street, have returned from an extended visit in Ontario Canada, including Hamilton, London, Ancaster and other cities. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. C. Reynolds and daughter Margaret, left yesterday for Niagara Falls. Mrs Reynolds and daughter will return thence to Bangor. Mr. Reynolds will still make Ann Arbor his headquarters until the street cars get in motion. The good looking phiz of ' Quartermaster General F. B. Wood prosecuting attorney of Lenaweé " county, was visible in Ann Arbor Wednesday. The General denied ( that he was seeking a congressional c constituency, and stated that his i presence was purely on business. ,