The New Tariff And Income Tax
SCHEDCI-E A- Chemicals, Oils and Paints. Average Ad Valorem Under- McKinley New Rate. Rate. Acids- Aeetic, speciflo eraviíy not exrpBilinir 1 (147 13.19 20 pecífic t'ravuy ëxceedins 1.0Í7. . 22.36 20 ínrju-ir 95.12 5i.O6 hrrfmic-.;-.:::".... g- "itrr 28.i3 5 'nnii 181-28 16-03 ."taric S2.91 20 AlcolK.lic' përfpmerj; 81." 1.77 ompounds, alcoholir 103.43 lbb.4d Alumina, nJnm, suJphate of alumiua and alums ín crystals. . a.i Ammouia- arbonateof 28.66 20 Muríate of J5, Ín ulphateot -21 Jonechar iorax, crude . 13B.47 iVM Bórax, retined 2-81 16.WÍ Camphor, refined 1?- 30 Ooal tar, colora or dyes 8o A Oobalt, oxide of 19-23 16.02 Barks, beans, berries, balsams, bnds and bulbous roots 10 10 Barks for dying, other than hemlock 8-8 lu Ethers- Sulpliuric 0 40Ü Frnit ethers, oils or essences 238.28 190.62 lxwwood and other dye woods... 11.43 10 InkBand ink powders 30 Sumar, extract of 6S.J 1U Magnesia, snlphate of or epsom glltg óo.(H 0.01 Morphia r morphine 47.09 47.09 Oils- Alizarine assisiantor soluble oil or oleató of toda or turkey red oilContainincr 60 or more per cent of castor oil - W clitorber-":::::::::..:.:::::::.:.:m5 w Cod liver 28.65 20 Fueel oil or amylic alcuhol 10 10 feoH..?1?6.".;::::: %& Lr.rmi.n!:::::::::::-.-.-.-.-.-.-.:::::ttó i Fisb, not specially provided for. 32.12 25 Whale, not epecially provided for 83.90 25 Flaxáe'ed or linseed 95.14 59.46 Poppyseed oil 54.37 33.98 Opium- Aqueous, extract of and tincture Crude . . . . . . . ...... ....'..'. ' l'ree. Free. Paints and colors- All chromium colors, dry or mixed with oil 80.84 20.56 Ultramarine 40.15 80.77 Wash blue, containing Whltlne and pari, ' Do.grouiid in oÜ 1B9.50 04.75 Zinc, oxide of, and white paint containing zinc, but not lead- 3roúnd ïn' öiï. '.'.'. '. '. Y.'.'.'.'.'.'. '.Y. '.'.'. Y. 40Í47 23'iri Paris green and loudon purple. . . 2o 12.50 Phosphorus 40.79 80.59 Potash- Chromate and bichromate of .... 36.72 25 Do., prnssiate of , red 29.04 25. Do., do., yellow 25.40 25 Soda- Bichromate and chromate of 45.59 25 Silicate of 43.50 32.62 Seamoss Free 10 Strychnia or strychnine 93.79 0.34 Sulphur, reflned 34.23 20 Tartar, cream of and partly refined 25 80 Tartarate of soda, or rochelle salts „ 16.49 11 Baryta, sulphate of, or barytes, including barytes earth- manfactured 59.25 26.45 Blues, containing ferrocyanide of iron, dry or ground in or mixed with oil 20.03 20.03 Blanc flxe, or satin white or artificial BUlphate of barytes 47.54 25 "Rloíilr m-iHíi fi-ntn Vrni ivnrv fiT [.i lili K liiíiviü iium uuur, i"jj vji vegetable, including boneblack and lampblack, dry or ground in oil or water 25 20 Ocher and ochery earths- Gíround in oil 19.64 16.37 Sienna and sienna earths- Sroundinoil 21.14 17.62 l'ruber and umber earths- Bround in oil 25.80 21.60 Spirit varnishes 69.56 59.56 All other, including gold size or japan 35 25 Vermilion red and colore contamine quicksilver, dry or ground inoilor water 26.77 20 Vermilion red, not containing quicksilver, but made of lead, etc - - All other paints and coloro, including lakes, not specially provided lor, and artistí' colors in tubes or otherwise 25 25 Mixed or ground and commercially known as artista' water color paints 30 25 Crayons 25 25 Smal ts and frostiugs 25 25 Brown- Spanísh, indian red, and colcothar or oxide of iron 25 25 Vaudyke, cassel earth or cassel brown 25 25 Lead, acétate of - Brown - ■ - White 78.04 39.02 Litharge 94.91 47.45 Led, nitrate of 18.23 9.11 Oraiige, mineral 78.80 39.40 Red. 91.17 45.59 Preparatione, medicinal, including medicinal proprietary preparations - In which alcohol is used 15.51 15.51 Of which alcohol is not a component i art 25 25 Calomel and other mercurial preparations 35 25 Preparations or products known as alkaliea and alkaloids, and all chemical compounds and salts 25 25 All other essential oils and combinations of 25 2o All other flxed or expressed oils and combinationsof 25 25 All other rendered oils and combinations of 25 Bicarbonato of potash 2o ■ 25 Prepartions used as applications to the hair, mouth, teeth or skin, such as cosmetics, dentflflces, pastes, pomades, powders and tonics, including all known as toilet preparations, not specially provided for 50 40 Fi6h, glue or isinglast- Valued at not above 7 cents per pound 25.12 25 Valued at above 7 cents and not above 30 cents per pound 25 25 Valued at above 30 cents per pound 30 25 Gelatin- Valued at not above 7 cents per pound - 25 Valued at above 7 ceuts and not above 30 cents per pound 25 2 Valued at above 30 cents per pound 30 25 Ölue- Valued at not above 7 cents per pound 26.16 o Valued at above 7 cents and not above 80 cents per pound 25 25 Valued at above 30 cents per pound. 30 25 Cruoyea!ndp"urined 32.62 19.9 Reflned.... 62.54 35.0 schkkvi.k B - Earths, Earthenware an Glassware. Brick, fine, not glaaed, enameled or decorated, tona .....25.1o M Brick, not gled. enameled or decorated 25 26 Lima. 30.41 25.3 Piaster of paris- Hdd::::::::::::::::::::::::::: "58 ": Cay or urUu- Untrronent I8-72 13-l! WrohH.:........... 22-85 14. I Chinan, ! Painted, tinted, gilded, decorat e(j (50 25 j Plain'whlte L l,ava tips ■■ 55 30 Boules and víais, fimt and lime, holding more iban one pmt 61.27 45.96 IV., holding not more than one Tint and not less tban onequarter pint 81.30 60.97 1 Do., bolding less than one-quar: ter pint 50.34 40.27 Olbers, on which gpecific duty would be less than 40 per cent.. 40 40 Filled. holding more tban one pint w.79 65-84 Do., boküng not more than one pint and not less than one apaxter pint 116.05 87.04 Do., holding less than one quarterpint ■ ll.ou 95.84 OtherB on which Bpeciflo duty would be lesa tban 40 per cent . 40 40 Bottles and vials, green and colpin?:..110!"?1.1"."0.1".6..1.".0.11.6 70.17 52.C3 Do., holding not more than one pint añil not less tban one quarterpint U4.4S 85.81 T„ l,All! Inte tlion riTií (111QT. LMX, JÏOKllUg lee HJu uncijuftii ter pint ■ .148.06 118.46 Dthers on which specific duty would be less than 40 per cent. . 40 10 Filled, boldine more than one pint 71.48 53.61 Do., holding not more than one pint and not less than one qnarterpint 114.42 85.81 i Do holding less than one quarterpint.. 148.08 118.46 Dthera on which specific iluty wonld be le6S tlian 40 per cent. 40 40 Demijohns and carboyB- Holding more than one pint 37.91 28.43 Others, on which specific duty would be less than 40 per cent. 40 40 Filled, on which specific duty would be less than 40 per cent. 40 40 Flint and lime pressed glassware, not cut, engraved or decorated 60 40 Articles of glass, cut, engraved or decorated, not including plate glass or looking plata glass "O 40 Chemioal glassware, for use m laboratories 45 40 Thin blown glass, including glass chimneys 0 40 Heavy blown glass, not cut or decorated J 40 Porcelain or opal glaBSware 60 40 Cylinder crown and common window glass, unpolished, above 10x15 inches and not exceeding 16x24 Inches 106.19 70.79 Do., above 16x24 inches and not exceeding 34x80 inches 120.66 88.90 Do., above 24x30 Inches and not exceeding 24x36 124.97 86.93 Do., all above 24x86 inches 116.79 79.41 Plate glass, fluted, rolled, rough or otherwise obscured, above 24x30 inches and not exceeding 24x60 inches 48.03 38.50 Do., all above 24x60 inches 91.33 63.91 Plate glasst cast, polished 9r silvered, all above 24x30 inches and not exceeding 24x60 inches. 61.97 3414 Do., all above 24x00 inches 49.39 31.2S Plate glass. cast, polished, finiehed or unfmished and unsilvered, above 24x30 inches and not exceeding 24x60 inches 97.49 87.74 Do., all above 24x60 inches 174.43 122.11 Cylinder and crown glass, polished, silvered and looking glass plates, above 24x30 inohes and not exceeding 24x60 inches 49.77 32.70 Do., all above 24x60 inches 43.88 27.79 Cylinder, crown and common window glass unpolished, when ground, obscured, ornamented or decorated, above 10x15 inch. and notexceeding 16x24 inches. 53.60 39.07 Do., above 16x24 inehes and not exceeding 24x30 inches 100.42 76.62 Do., above 24x30 inches and not exceeding 24x86 inches 73.33 64.06 Do., all ábove 34x36 inches 87.27 62.54 Cylinder and crown glasé, polished, silvered, wlien ground, obscured, oonamented or decorated, above 24x30 inches and not exceeding 24x60 inches 36.49 27.14 Do., all "bove 24x60 inches 40 29 Plate giass, cast, polished, silvered, Wi en ground, obscured, ornamented or decorated, above 24x30 inches, and not exceeding 24x60 inches 20.55 16.93 Do., all above 24x60 inehes 39.48 28.67 Plate glass, cast, polished, unsilvered, when ground, obscured, ornamented, or decorated above 24x30 inches and not exceeding 24x00 inches 65.32 60.89 Do., all above 24x60 inches 51.95 41.88 Spectacles and eyeglasses, or frames thereof 60 40 Marble and stone and manufacturers of marble - _. In block, rmif;h Or squared 39.20 30.15 Veined marble, sawed, dressed, including marble slabs and marble paving tiles 60.90 47.06 All manufactures of, not specially provided for 50 45 Freestone, granite, sandstone, limestone,undressedorunmanufactured 34.41 21.89 Do., hewn, dressed or polished.. 40 30 Grindstones, finished or unfinished 13.74 10 KlntR. rnofinc 25 20 SCHEDTILE C - Metals and Manufactures Of. Iron ore.... 43.70 22.77 Ferrósfficonf. 26.66 15.87 Spiegeleisen and ierromanganesse 25.54 15.44 Allother 40.94 24.37 Scrapiron and steel fit only to be remanufactured- Iron, wrought aud cast. 4i.83 28.47 Bar iron, rolled or hammered, comprising - Steef. 3 25.59 Flats not less thanone inch wide. Dor less tlian three-eighths inch thick 36.30 27.22 Round iron, not less than threequarters inch diameter, and square iron, notless than threeqnarters inch square 24.57 16.38 Flats, less than one inch wide or less than three-eighths inch thick; round iron, less than three-quarter6 inch and not less than seven-sixteenthsinch diameter; square iron, less than three-quarters inch square 52.63 31.58 Bars or shapes of rolled iron, and round iron in coils or rods, less than seven-sixteenths inch diameter 61.77 44.93 Bars, blumes, billets, in the manufacture of which charcoal is used as fuel 56.82 30.99 All other, and elabs, blooms or loope 35 8.29 Beams, girders, joists, angles, T T columns, with all other structural f-hapes of iron or steel.... 74.64 49.76 Boiler or other plate iron or steel, not thinner than No. 10 wirO gauge, sheared or unsheared, and skelp iron or steel, sheared or rolled in grooves- Valued above 1 cent and not above 1 .4 cent s a pound 49.47 45.66 Valued above 1.4 cents and not above 2 cents 54.35 30 Valued above 2 cents and not above 3 cents 44.45 30 Valued above 3 cents and not above4cents 40.58 30 Forgings of iron or Bteel, or forged iron and steel combined. 44.95 29.30 Hoop, band or scroll, or other Iron or steel, valued at 8 cents a pound or less, 8 or less in width, and less than threeeighths inch thick- Not thinner than No. 10 wire gauge 45.70 80 Thinner than No. 10 and not thinner than No. 20 wire gauge 41.41 30 Thinner than No. 20 wire gaue . 49.52 80 Bars or rails for railways, flat rails, punehed, iron or steel 44.38 25.88 T rails or other railway bars- Iron 50.09 28.22 8tel or in part steel 68.24 33.99 Sheets of iron or steel, common or black, valued at 3 cents a pound or less - Thinner than No. 10 and not thinner than No. 20 wire gauge 48.90 34.23 Thinner than No. 20 and not thinner than No. 25 wire gauge 72.70 41.26 Thinner than No. 25 wire gauge. 70.24 55.19 Corrugated or crimped 26.24 19.83 Sheets or platesof iron or steel, galvanized or coated with zinc or epelter, or auy alloy of these metáis- Thinner thanNo. 10 and not thinner than No. 20 wire gauge 40.48 21.97 i Thinner thau No. 20and not thinl ner than No. 25 w iré gaug e 72.70 41.26 Thinner than No. 25 wjre gaujce. 49 30.70 1 Sheet iron or sheet steel, ixlished, planished or glanced. 45.93 32.15 Sheets and plates, pickled or cleaned by acids, cold rolled, stnoothed, not polished - Thinner than No. lüand not thinner than No. 20 wire gauge 34.73 22.92 4 Thinner thanNo. 20 and not thin_ ner than No. 25 wire gaugc 44.46 30.4Í ' Thinner than No. 25 wire gauge. 72.79 64.04 Steel iugots. etc.- Valued at 1 cent a pound or less. 50.48 87.8t Valaed at 1 cent a pouud and not 0 aboveL4 cents 39.06 8LH I Va'ued above 1.4 cents and not Hbove 1.8 nlij a pound 52.76 89.57 Y. ued above l.b centa ;;nl not ubove'2.2 cent ft ponhd 44.08 34.76 Vivlui-ü above 2.2 cents and not above Soents a ioui;d 43.11 32.3a Valned ato'e 3 cents and not above 4 cits a pound 41.54 31.10 Valued above 4 ceuts and not abo ve 7 cents a pound 35.64 23.10 Valued above 7 ceñís and not above 10 cents a ponnd 30.36 20.60 Valned fibove 10 cent and not above 13 centí a pound 30.07 20.62 Valued above 13 cents and not above 18 cents a pound 29.38 39.58 Valued above 10 cents a pound.. . 30.75 20.00 Sheets and piales and saw platee of steel- Valued above 1 cent and not ni . .ve 1.4 centsapouiul 42.91 34.83 Valued abnve 1.4 cent." and not above l.S cents a pound 4S.11 36.08 Valued :'.ive 1.8 cents' and not above 2.2 cents a pound 41.45 32.24 . Valued above 2 2 cents and not above 3 ceñís a pound 43.33 32.50 : Valued above 3 cents and not above 4 cents a pound 49.48 37.11 ! Valued above 4 cents and not above 7 cents a pound 31.71 20.61 , Valued above 7 cents and not above 10 cents a pound 33.26 22.07 Valued above 10 cents and not above 13 cents a pound 31 21.30 Valued above 13 cents and not above 16 cents a pound 2fl.f!l 19.06 Valned above 16 cents a pound.. . 24.78 10.62 Wire rods- Rivet, BCrew, fence and otheriron or stee' wire rods not smaller than No. 6 wire cauge, valued at 3V cents or less h pound Sí 22.67 ; I'lat ron or steel, with longitudinal ribs, tor manufacture of fencing, valued at 3 cents or iessapound 34.04 22.70 Wire of iron or Steel- Flat steel wire, or sheet steel, in strips of any width, tempered or unlempered, 25-1,000 inch thick orthinner 50 40 Not smaller than No. 10 wire gauge 32.54 32.54 Smailer than No. 10, and not smaller than No. 16 wire gauge. 48.77 41.80 I Smaller than No. 16, and not smaller than No. 26 wire gauge. 45.95 30.63 Smaller than No. 26, wire gauire. 26.08 17.39 Coated with zinc or tin or auy other metal- Not smaller than No. 10, wire gavige 47.88 34.28 Smaller than No. 10 and not smaller than No. 26 wil e gauge. 9S.25 65.50 Smaller than No. 2B wire eauge. . 15.75 9 Wire of iron or steel covered with cotton, silk or ot her material and wjresor stripped steel, commonly known as crinoline, corset and hat wire 16.66 40 Wire of iron or steel, valued at more than 4 cents a pound 45 40 Ro., galvanized 54 40 Wire card íor manufacture of card clothing 85 40 Wire rope and wire strand, made of iron wire- Smaller than No. 10 and not smaller than No. 16 wire eauge. 73.94 60.49 Smaller than No. 16 and not 6mailerthanNo. 20 wiregauge. 57.56 44.27 Smaller than No. 26 wire gauge. . 26.50 19.87 (alvanized, smaller than No. 10 and not smaller than No. 10 wire gauge 88.85 68.35 Smaller than No. 10 and not smaller than No. 26 wire trauge. 53.60 55 Smaller than No. 26 wire gauge. . 86.72 59.27 Made of steel wire not smaller than No. 10 wire Eauge 66.98 60.61 Smaller than No. 10 and not smaller than No. 16 wire gange. 57.02 55.20 Smaller than No. 10 and not smaller than No. 20 wire gauge. 47.66 51.21 Smaller than No. 26 wiregauge.. 13.07 42.73 Galvanized- Not smaller than No. 10 wire gauge 80.65 61.51 Smal. er than No. 10 and not smaller than No. 16 wire gauge.109.25 65.71 Smaller than No. 16 and not smaller t ban No. 26 wire gange. 77.40 56.29 . Smaller than No. 20 wire gauge.. 80.84 54.70 Not smaller than No. 5 wire gauge, cold rolled, cold hammeTed or polished 96.15 40 Wire cloths and wire nettings, made in meshes, from iron or I steel wire- Not smaller than No. 10 wire gauge 79.30 61.10 Galvanized- Smaller than No. 10 and not smaller than No. 16 wire gauge. 24.84 44.97 ) Steel ingots, cogged ingots, i blooms and blabs, and steel in all forms and shapes, not specially provided for - Valued above 7 cents and not above 10 cents per pound 36.63 22.75 5 Valued above 13 cents and not above 16 cents per pound 29.41 18.51 Valued above 16 cents per pound 25.85 16.70 5 Boiler or other plate iron or steel (except saw plates), not thinner than No. 10 wire gauge, sheared or unsheared - Valued above 2 cents and not 9 above 3 cents per pound 55.81 35 Valued above 3 cents and not above 4 cents per pound 48 oo . Sheets of iron or steel, common Thinner tban No. 10 and not thinner than No. 20 wire auge 41.70 27.53 Thinner than No. 20 and not thinner than No. 25 wire gauge 55.61 38.10 Thinner than No. 25 wire gauge. . 79,47 58.98 Sheets and plates and saw plates of steel not specially provided for - Valued above 16 cents per pound. 31.19 ' 20.22 Sheets and plates and saw plateB of steel not specially provided for, better than the grade of cold rolled, sraooth only, hereinbeforeprOvided for - Valued above 4 cents and not above 7 cents per pound 50.11 20 Valued above 7 cents and not above lOcents per pound 51.48 24.14 Valued above 10 cents and not above 13 cents per pound 42.34 21.39 Valued above, 13 cents and not above 16 cents per pound 35.05 18 Valued above 16 cents per pound. 15.33 8.74 Steel circular saw plates- Valued above 4 cents and not above 7 cents per pound 50.81 22.01 Valued above 7 cents and not above 10 cents per pound 39.48 19.74 Valued above 10 cents and not above 13 cents per pound 35.99 19.20 Anchors or parts thereof, mili irons and mili cranks, of wrought iron, and wrouglitiron for shius, and forgings of iron or steel, for vessels, enginesand locomoti ves, or parts thereof, weighing each 25 poundsor more 32.95 21.89 Axles or parts thereof 27.35 20.51 Anvils 39.04 27.33 Hammers and bied ges, track tools, wedges and crowbars. . . . 36.50 24.33 Tubes, pipes, núes or stays, boiler or other, of wrought iron or steel 10.18 25 Bolte, with or without threads or nuts, or bolt blanks and finhinges, hinge blanks of iron or Bteel 31.88 21.26 Nuts and washers of wrought iron or steel 26.35 25 Card elotiiing- Manufaciured from tempered steel wire 58.10 46.48 Other 25.92 20.74 Castings- Cast iron pipes of every description 19.81 13.21 Cast iron vessels, plates, stoye plates, andirons, saciirons, tailors' irons, hatters' irons 26.97 17.98 Malleable iron castings 31.83 16.37 Hollow ware, coated, glazed or tinned 35.33 23.55 Chain or chains made of iron m steel- Not less than three-quarters inch diameter 77.93 30 Less than three-quarters inch and not less than three-eighths inch diameter 47.28 30 Less than three-eiehths inch diameter 51.84 30 Other 45 30 Cutlery- Penknives or pocket knives or parts thereof and erasers, wholly or paxtly manufactured, valued at not more that 50 cents a dozen 79.72 54.72 Valued at more than 50 cents and not above $1.50 a dozen 96.17 01.94 Valued at 1.50 and uot above $3 a dozen 94.47 58.30 Valued at more than $3 a dozen. 86.95 50 R&zor and razor blades - Valued at less than $4 a dozen. . 67.07 45 Valued at more than f4 a dozen. 62.74 46 Swords, Bword bladen and sidearros 35 35 Tahle knives, forks, steels and butchers', huntinK, kitchen, piumberg', painterB' and artista' fcnives- Valued at not more th&n $1 a dozen 47.64 35 Valued at more than $1 and not more üian $2 a dozen 52.99 86 Valued at more tban {2 and not more than $8 a dossen 46.05 36 Valued at more tban (3 and not more tban $8 a dozen 51.89 45 i ViJued at mure tban SA a ünwn fc TA AE e I All carvlug and cooks' knive a.nd forks- Valued at not more than $4 a dozen r-W'l Valued at more than $4 and not more than Í8 a dozen 60.97 45 Valued at more than $8 and not more than R12 a dozen. 59.83 48 Valued at roore than J12 a dozen. 58.52 45 nies, file blanks, raeps and float S - a nu f 1 Four inches long and under...... 67.08 6. .08 Over 4 inches and under 9 mches long ! 5239 Over 9 inches and under 14 inches loncc öUtWf v Fourte'en inchen long and over... 49.76 .S8 Firearms- MuBkets and eportine rifles o 6 Pistola, revolving, valued at not more than 1.50 each 64.03 30 Valued at more than 1.50 eaeh.. 08.43 80 Sliotguns, douhle barreled, sporting, breechloading, valued at not. roore than $i eacn Oi.W) OU Valued at more than $ and not more than J12 eaoh ............. 80.30 30 Valued at more than $12 each . . . 46.b9 80 Sbotguns. blngle barreled.breechloading -10 8 Sheets and plates, waresor articles of iron and steel- Enameled or glazed with vitreous glasses i " Enameled or glazed with vitreous glasses with more iban one color or ornamenïed 50 o5 Nails, spikes and tacks- Kails and spikes, cul. of iron or steel as-5 L-w Nails. horseshoe, liob and all other wrong!. t iron on steel nails, not specially provided U,v...... ob.48 dO Nails, wire, made of wrougnt iron or steel- Shorter tnr.n 1 inch and ligliter than Xo. 1B wire ga'.ige 46.43 2o From 1 inch to 2 inches In lenglh and lighter iban No. 12 and not lighter tlian No. 10 wire gauge. 36.oO 25 Two inches long and longer, not lighter than No. 12 wire gauee. 30.91 25 Spikes of wrought iron or steel. .107.15 25 Horse, muie or ox shoes of wrought iron or steel 19.66 2o Tacks. brads or sprig6, cut- Not exceedinylöounces totheM. - S5 Needlee- ; Forknittingorsewing machines, crochet and tape needies, and bodkinB of metal 35 25 Knitting, and all otbers not specially provided for 25 25 Engraved plates of steel 25 o Stereotype plates and electrotype plates, wid plates of qther materiale engraved or lithographed i.vr printing. 25 Zo Railway fisíiplates or splice bars of iron or steel '2.18 25 Rivets of iron or steel 20. o o Saws - Circular saws 30 25 i Crosscut eaws 10.98 12.24 ! Hand, back and other saws not specially provided for 40 b Mili, pit and drag saws- ! Not over 9 inches wide 16.67 15 Over 9 inches wide - - Screws, commonly cahed wood Bcrews - One-balf iachand lessin length. 1.33 1 Over Véinch and not more than 1 inchinleninh 83.33 68.33 Over 1 inch and not more than 2 inchea in length 46.67 33.32 More than 2 inches in length 110.95 ftU.ui Umbrella and parasol ribs, stretcher frames, tips, runner handles or parts thereof, made in whole or chief part of iron, steel or any other metal 45 60 Wheels. or parts thereof , made of iron or steel 83. i 41.86 Ingots, coprgcd ingots, ! ooms or blanks, for railway i.eels and tires, witliout lo the _ greeol' manufaciuro 60.61 39.7Aluminium- In crude form and alloys of any kind in which aluminium is the component material of chief value L&.L& 14.80 Argentine, albata or german bilver unmannfactured 25 15 Brass - ,_ Barsorpigs 9-97 10 Old, and ciippings from brass or duteh metal, and old sheathing or yellow metal, fit only for remanufaoture 11 37 10 Bronze powder 36.26 40 Bronze or dutch metal, in leaf, In packages of 100 leaves 102.25 40 Aluminium leaves, in packages of lOOleaves 88.93 40 Plates, rolled, called braziers copper, sheets, pipes and copper bottoms 35 ZO Sheathing or yellow metal, of which copper is the component material of chief value, and not componed wholly or in part of iron ungalvanized 35 20 fcrold and silver, manufactures Bnllions and metal thread of gold, silver or other metáis. ... 30 Zo Gold leaf in packages of 500 leaves 44.87 SO Silver leaf in packages of 500 leaves "" 80 Lead and manufactures of- In silverore 75.36 87.68 Pigsand bars 49.13 24.56 Sheets pipes, shot, glaziers' lead and leaüwire 36.6o ló Mica 35 20 Metals, unwrought and metallic mineral substances in a crude Nickel.'nïe'kei'óxidë.'.'.'.'!".'..!... 23.77 14.26 Pens, metallic, except of gold 44.47 29.71 Gold pens 30 25 Penholder tips and peuholders or parts thereof 30 25 Pins, solid heads or other, all kinds 30 25 Quicksilver 24.79 17.85 Typemetal 47.66 23.83 Types, ne w 25 15 Chronometers, box or ship's 10 10 Watches and paris thereof 25 25 Zinc or spelter and manufactures of - Inblocksor pigs 32.32 18.47 Insheets 29.19 14.69 Old and worn out, fit only to be remanutactured 21.9SI 13.19 Manufactures, anieles or wares not specially provided tor 45 35 Aluminium 45 d5 Bronze 45 8u Metals, not otherwke -cheduled. 45 35 Musical instruments 45 35 Nickel 45 35 Platinum 45 a5 Zinc 45 35 SCHEDÜLE D - Wood and Manufactures Of. Sawed boards, planks, deals, all forms of sawed cedar, lignum vitse and all other cabinet wood not further manufactured than sawed 15 25 Shooks, sugar box and packing boxes and packing box shooks. 30 20 Casks and barrels, empty 30 20 Chair cane or reeds, manufactured f rom rattan or reeds 10 10 Furniture, cabinet. or house, wholly or partly finished 35 25 All other manufactures of wood. 35 25 Musical instruments, wood chiefvalue 35 2o Carriages and parts of, wood chief value 35 25 SCHEDÜLE E- Sugar. Molasses Free. 15.54 Sucars, all not above No. 16 Dutch standard in color Free. 40 Sugar, above No. 16 Dutch Standard in color- Beet, cane and other, except maple. 12.86 43.21 Beet, cane and other, except imple (if export bounty is in excess of that paid on sugar of a lowergrade) 16.12 46.07 Maple. 6.2U 41.52 Sugar candy and confectionery, including chocolate confectionery, made wholly or in part of sugar- Valued at 12 cents or less per pound, and refiued sugar, when tinctured, colored or in any way adulterated 119.90 35 Other not especially provided for 60_ 85 Glucose or gnipe sugar 23.71 15 Sacchavinc (not enumerated) - 25 (Contlnued in Tuesday's Edition.)
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News