Carlisle's Reply To Goldzier
WASHINGTON, Aug. 30. - Secretary Carlials has writtea a letter to Golilzier oL Illinois, in re.-pousü tu a letter frora that jautlemaa askiug the seoretary tur tlon of tbe term "alien anarchist," as used In the Hill anti-anarchist bill, which hm passed the sonate, and doubtleas will be brouglit up iu the house soon after consiress reassembles. Carlisle says the bill cleürly specifies the classes to t excludeil, ard each case will be determinad upon tli" evideoce. Tue duty or HdmiutSreriíJí i " law is with the exccutive and judicial officials, and it would be nethr prudeut nor jusc lor them to annüuuye in advain wbat construction they would place op the law.
Ann Arbor Argus
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