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Double Tragedy In Texas

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BONHAM, Aug. 30. -A tragedy bas occurred her ia wtiicu two persons were killed. E. D. McNitt, wbo had lost both legs and one hand, had li ved in Bonham for a year past and had eariied a living by peddling candy oa the street. Before coming here he lived with a íamily named Martin in Arkansas. Martiu and hia wife separated, and Mra. Martin came to this city with hr türee cnildren. McNitt followed her and tried to get her to marry hiiu, bnt she ps-rsistently refuied. McNitt firuilly became half crazy wiih jealousy and procured a room in the house where J.Irs. Martin lived. Next morning Mrs. Martin was found on the floor by her bd iu a great pool of blood with her throat cut from ear to ear, and by her side, with oue arm around her walst and iu nis other hand a bloody razor, lay McNitt, with a great gash in his thioat and also dead. On a chair nar by lay an ax. It is sapposed thac McNitt entered the room, sf.ruck the woman with the ax, theu pulled her ofE the bed, cut her throat with the razor and euded his own life with the saine instrument.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News