The School Election
It was hot. There were 988 votes !cast. The rush of voting scorched ; the ballots as they swished into the box. The men worked hard and the women harder. Talk about your recipes for making jam! None of them can come up to a mixed ; school meeting when the interest is j warm. The candidates voted for were: Evart H. Scott, John V. Sheehan, John R. Miner, Emmi E. Bower, Mrs. A. B. Steveas, Mrs. L. C. Burt. A ticket bearing the names of John R. Miner, Emma E. Bower and Evart H. Scott, Mr. Sheehan's name being left off, was extensively voted by ladies, although they disclaimed responsibility for it. Many split tickets found their way into the box. The vote resulted as follows: Evart H. Scott, 582, Joha R. Miner, 660; Emma E. Bower, 524; John V. Sheehan, 470; Mrs. Stevens, 395; Mrs. Burt, 382. Miner, Scott and Bower were declared elected. The question of continuing German in the ward schools was laiƫ on the table for one year. : The appropriations asked for were fated.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News