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A new doctor has arrived to stir up the livers of Saline. About one-tenth of "ïpsilanti, taxes remains uncollected. The soft aeolian melody of the chimney sweep intoxicates the ears ot Manchester. The Schubert Symphony club of Boston, will appear in Cleary hall, xpsilanti, Sept. 14. A male serenading party is using lts powers to extermínate the Kussian thistle, at Chelsea. Miss Fredricke Schneider and Adam Eppler, of Chelsea, were marned Thursday eveuing of last week. A rattlesnake snaoped a Dentón boy, named Coveou, last week, but he wab too much for snake poison and mes. The angel of death last week bore .,.,..„ ti, o tiMir-vftur-old spirit of a aloid coit owned by J. C. Wood, ot Saline. Mr. Dansingburg, of Augusta, ís dancing a iivelyjig for the nomination of county clerk, on the republican ticket. Emanuel church yard at Manchester has been tilled in and leveled up, and it is now good, even grade, chnstian ground. Mart Hendershott, of Manchester has purchased a phonograph and will take negatives of the campaign speeches. Chelsea people do not see any real excellent reason why they should not possess a lecture course. Neither does the Argus. The Dexter eider mili has been placed in commission, and is now ready for the manufacture of "the Devil's kindlingwood." Mr Hough, of Manchester, last week harvested bis second erop ot stravvberries. O, this is a cloudless California climate ! Most of the deaths in the recent miÏÏe dlsaster in Washington were Poles and Italiaus. What a pity!- Saline Obseiver. The Enteiprise insists with great unanimity ou a re-enforcement ot the vílfage waterworks. This is wetting down a dry subject. About Tuesday, Sept. llth will be the day of the bicvele, sack, toot, tut), hoss and other races at Manchester. Baseball and prizes also. C H Poster, a former Ypsilanti grocer, öpens a shoe store in l'enton. He catered to the body and now addresses himself to the sole. Miss Frobus, near Whittaker last week while washing, run a needie in her thumb, so deep that chloroform and a doctur were required in lts traction. Rheuuiatisni having "dowHed" Dr. Gregg, Oí Whittaker, a new doctor 18 ingliug tor bis patients. ötill, the deaxh late has not jet iucreaaed m that región. A new are light dynamo, is about to reuüer Cbeloea tne best liglued town iu Micnigan, according to the Btaiidard, but ibe light of the gospel is not mcluUeü. Edward Eogers. of Saline, bas fltted uu a one-mau machine shop, with HüioU savvs and all BOrts, ana is as eozy and happy as "Jolly Old Koger, tue tinmaker man." T VV. Hunt bas nuished taking the censa, He reporta iu this district 415 cbildren between the ages ot nve anü 2U years; 238 témales and 177 males.- Manchester Enterprise. A threat proceeds f rom Lima to the effect that E. A. Nordman; the hurncaue populist orator, will assaalt the oitizens of Washtenaw county with campaign speeches tbis f all. At the Bethel cbureb mission service iu Freedom, Sunday, last week, the sum raised amounted to $14e.oü, whicb will tend greatly to relieve the tight ünauces of the beathen. After a Good Templar speech at Uexter by A. L. Moon, of North i arniington, next Friday evening, a saturnalia of ice creaiu and- lemouaüe will follow, at popular pnces. The sim has so polished the grasa at Saliue that Mis. Afines McKinuou, last week, iu walking across a plat, slipped as though on a greased floor anü falling, broke one of her wri3ts. School seat agents, who want to sell seats to the new Seniinary at Ypsilanti, are so thick that it is üoubtfu whether if the seminary were seated their would be room to seat theni all While threshing in Sharon, las .veek, Seymour Kendall received a pitchíork jab in the hand that was as keen as a stab f rom a frieud, but was relieved to tind that it was not a rattle snake bite. Aside from Prof. DeWitt, who has been engaged as superintendent, ant Mr. Kent, of Ann Albor, who will ac as preceptor, the teachers of last yea will be retained in the village schools - Dexter Leader. Miss Genevieve Kinne, of Ypsilanti returned last week to New Haven C'onn., where she is the head of the department of ancient languages She is a very live lady at the head of a veiy dead department. This is, we suppose, the result o placing wool on the f ree list: Dogs killed eleven of the flock of sheep owned by John P. Teary, of Manches ter. But hold on! The f ree woo schedule is not effective yet. The Chelsea town hall with its new desk and new ecenery is quite a "daisy." It will hereafter be agains the rules to throw paper wads and ,tobacco quids at the scenery, especially when the actors are on the stage. The Glazier stove company haa mailed over fifty bushei basketa of catalogues within the past week to stove dealers in the United States. They paid Uncle Sam ivei $200 for postage Jfor the same. - Chelsea Standard. It is claimed by the Washtenaw Times that Ypsilanti has not in six years been able to convict a saloon keeper who has stood trial. Thi shows that they are nothing near s guilty as charged- 'deed they aren't. Dr. ïtyan gave the P. ü. S. S. au ad dress on temperance, Tuesday afteinoon. The Doctor knew what he was talking about, and gave some straight .truths that we t'ancy did not set as well as they ought witli some few.- .".ttsfield Cor. Ypsilantian. So? What bad l'uss done- "yowed'' at a minstrel showV With lust Suuday's service the contract beUveeu Hev. Z. G. , ter and the Saliue M. E. ühurch closed ' )y maturity. The esteetned clergymau ias "shuuued not to declare the whole gospel," and leaves a village full of rienda Miss Chloe N. Danie'13, of Gregory, ! Aich , bas been chosen general istant in the Normal schooi. She is j a B. A. gradúate of the Michigan I University and has had large experince in teaching ia Penusylvania and California. Prof. Harry Thompson, of Ypsilanti, ïas the distinction of being the original discoverer of the Russim thistle : n Michigan. It was at Charlevoix. I Ie sent specimens to the Agricultural Dollege, and is credited there witb niority of identification. It is probable that the meteor that mocked a hoie through a colt at Ypsianti was not the ouly one that was ïanging around. Souie mysfcerioua ; maguetic inüueuce haa pulled up the , ïails in the Dexter sidewalks tiü the walk looks like a tlax-hetchel. A stranger, supposed by papers ound on him, to be Thomas Irwin, of Chatham, Ont., met the Central fast rain at Ypsilanti. Friday afternoon, and was hurled thirty feet and instanty killed. He was walking on the track and apparently did not observe or hear the train. The Argus stated recently that Alsike clover about Clinton, yielded 30 )ushels to the acre. We are informed that our types made the clover yleld at least 20 bushels too much at the very best. But how should he know V Je was onlv a farmer. Don't the editor know everythingV A young horse owned by George Webb, of North Lake, soaked his sysm in a spring a few days ago; and the more he fllled up with the spring, he less "spring" there was in him how straisge thi3 is!), so now it is not ikely that he will ever equal on the track the time of "Robert J." Those who engage in pedro playing and other card games are among those to suffer from the new tariff bill which )laces a revenue of two cents upon ivery pack of cards put upon the marcet. Our dealers have been called upon to whack up for what they have on land. What next?- Saline Observer. The Ypsilanti Commercial is rather disgusted, after sending samples of its own original squash bug to Prof. Burrows, the squashbugologist of the Agricultural college, to learn that the professor pronounces the beast to be 10 other thau the plain, every-day anarchist of the squash vine. Plague take him!- the bug. A large gathering of Saline citizens, armed with curiosity and crow-bars pried open a cerena bloomer, at the residence of Mrs J. H. Barr, last week. The flower was 5 i inches deep and 94 nchesacross. The cereus has a strange 'ascination. Ladies, too ill to attend cburch without catching their death, will drag thetnselves by inclies to Mrs. [Tonevsuckle's bome, and sit In the dewtill midnightto see a night-bloomer open. George Niss'v. sr., of Saline, died on the 24th uit. He was a much esteemed citizen and well known throughout the county. He was ?-wn in Wurtemurg. Germany in 1826 and came to América with his parent3 at the age of 21 years. He located near, Saline anl had been a resident of the vicintyafterwards up to the date of his death. He was the father of Georue Nissly, jr., formerly of the Saline Observer At the meeting of the Saline farmers' club, to be held next Friday evening, the question for discussion will be, "Should not a law be passed by which the consumer of bogus 'butter shall be absolutely certain that the representation is not pure butter?;' Is there not such a law? If not, there ought to be. because there are so manv people in the cities wlio would be glad to know they were not buying the disgusting ointment produced by some dairy people and miscalled butter. They would like to know that they were setting oleomargarine, straight. O. S. Woodward, of Ypsilanti, bas discovered that dry and wet seasons are recorded in the wood-rings of a tree. thoae of a dry season being thin and those of a wet season, thick. The discovery bids fair to become useful, as for instanee in this mannen A man usually knows the year in which he set out an orchard or shade tree. When these trees are grown and some old weather liar get3 to telling that such or such a year beat every other year for rain or drouth. he can be shown to be a liar and a horse thief by cuttinsr down part of the orchard and noting the rings. W. D. Meade, of Saline, last week caught his horse in the pasture and twisting: the halter strap about his wrist (this is the proper caper if your horse is skittish, as if he runs yon will j be with him), and was in the act of raounting when thp unregenerated nag took it in his head to exercise William by dragging him at a gallop and bobbing him up and down, now on the ground, now in the air; here in the dirt, there with his heels above the trees; and he looked when the race was over, like an Adrianite after a hall game at M on roe. He gets out of it by telling his friends that he was stepped on by an earthquake.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News