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I OFFICIA!, I C'OTJNCIL CHAMBER, ) Ann akbük, Stpt. 3, 1894. ( Regular sessiou. Called to nrder by President Wines. Roll called. Quorum present. Absent- Aid. Wagner, and Ferguson 2. Tlie journal oí the last session was approved . COMMUNICATIONS. FKOM THE MAYOR. To the Honorable, the Common Council: Gentlemen,- The relations which the Ann Arbor Water Co. has sustained to the city and citizens of Ann Arbor from its inception to the present day, have been such as cali for careful deliberation on the part of the common council in determining the future policy to be pursued in securing for all purposes a sufflcient supply of wholesome water, the purity of which shall be above question and the quantity abundant for all our needs. When the city of Ann Arbor in the year 1885. entered into contract with the Ann Arbor Water Co., they formed aa obligation as favorable to the company as could well be made; exacting no restrictions in 'constructing or maintaining of the waterworks which were not only just but positively necessary for the protection of the citizens. On the other hand, they left little opportunity for redress in case of failure of the party of the second part to perform their portion of the contract. It is not necessary to begin at the springs and pumping station, proceed ing by way of the various points in th contract that were broken at the time of construction, the reservoir remaining unfinished to the present day. The statement that "the inlet pipe to the reservoir shall be so arranged that the water pumped into said reservoir shall pass in a pipe up through the same, above the level of the water and then fall over on a stone rockery so as to give the water more aeration" has been a little misleading. Any person who believes that all the water used in this city passes through the process of aeration described should spend a few hours at the reservoir to satisfy himself that such is not the case. The of water has always been a matter of great concern to the citizens who have been promised protection in case of firp It is not necessary to go into th numerous violations of that portion o the contract which relates to fire pro tection. but cali attention to the condi tion of affairs existing one year ago The contract States: "That the works shall at all times be capable of throw ing by reservoir pressure, slx streams 80 feet high at the court house at one time; and by direct pressure, the same number of streams at the same place 110 feet high." Aug 7, 1893, the chief o the fire department made the following statement: "I caused to be thrown from the fire hydrants at the cour house square six streams of water throug-h 100 feet of hose for each stream, and I hereby certify that the maximum height of said stream was not to exceed 55 feet with a registerec pressure of 60 pounds when hydrants were first opened and 40 pounds before same were closed." He further states that about three hours later, thrown through 50 feet of hose, the stream did not exceed 25 feet in height. If you will examine the chief's report you will fine that in those days a registered pressure of 20 pounds was very common. The chief recently informed me that there are times at present when the pressure is not sufficient for fire protection. When the common council met on July 17, 1893, the water committee, consisting of Aid. Ferguson, Martin and Manly, presented a report citing the criminal negligence of the Water Co. and that report was unanimously adopted. It was about this time that the citizens, driven almost to despair concernihg the scarcity and quality of the water, circulated a petition and sought the council to do something for their relief. More water had been promised in previous seasons but scarcely any attempt had been made to secure it. The mayor issued a proclamation calling upon the water takers to limit the use of water to the smallest possible amount in order that enough might be gained for fire protection. Days and weeks passed at this time, when the city would have been at the mercy of the flames had any considerable fire once started. The Water Co. evidently became aware that something must be done to quiet the people for at the next meeting of the council, Aug. 24, 1893, Dr. Hale appeared before that body and stated in a plausible speech, that in the future there would be plenty of water if the council would only trust them. I want to ask if the gentlemen of the council supposed that plenty of water meant spring water, river water, or the indeflnite mixture of these which has been forced upon us. In the springtime the members of the council were invited to visit the waterworks, which they did. At that time one of your number warned Dr. Hale of the lack of water that would be certain in case of drouth, but the doubting member was assured that he need have no fear concerning the abundance and quality of the supply. Not being able to be present at this inspection of the works, Dr. Hale visjted me a few days later and extended a personal invitation to visit the works with him. At this interview the question of using river water was discussed and he assured me that it would not be necessary to use it, and furthermore, he assured me that their machinery was not capable of pumping any considerable amount from the river. He neglected to state, however, that they would iromediately put the machinery in sueh order that 50 per cent of the supply for rour city could be taken from the river when, in the opinión of the company, it was necessary. Gentlemen, we are at present engaged in constructing a sewer system which will, when completed, compel every householder to pay tribute to the Water Co., thus adding from flve to ten thousand dollars yearly to their income. The rates for closets should be very low in order that the poor may not be oppressed by this necessity which all must bear alike, and that at a very high price according to the present water rate. This should be properly adjusted at once. The contract expressly states that "the company shall furnish at all times, a sufficient supply of water suitable for domestic purposes." This portion of the contract has been frequently violated. We have abundant evidence to show that for some time the water has not been wholesome or fit for domestic use. At the second July meeting of the council the chairman of the water committee reported to you that 20 per cent of river water was being used in our city supply. The Huron flows through many small towns that either directly or indirectly drain into it; only a short distance above the pumping station a large paper mili discharges its refuse into the stream and dead animáis are frequently found floating in the water or lodged along the banks. When the stream is low, as it Is at the present time. contamination may easily result. Our citizens can and should protect themselves by boiling all drinking water, and children in the public schooís should be warned to drink the smallest amount of water possible from the school drinking fountains, until it is announced that the Water Co. has ceased to use river water in maintaining the supply. The time has come when a contract so frequently broken as that of the Water Co. with the city of Ann Arbor should be declared nuil and void. Our citizens have been long suffering and their only hope for redress or protection is through you. Your efiorts in the past with the Water Co. have been only partially successful. The annual tour of inspection for increase of water supply has been announced through the press and several springs have been sighted from afar. We are told of the sweetness and abundance of waters gushing from the hillside, but like thirsty travelers in the desert we wonder if we will ever live to taste them. Meanwhile the Huron river makes up the deficiency as it has in years past. Let us thank God for the never failing Huron. It is to be hoped that no one will underestimate the importance of the question, the quality of our water supply. It means much to us, so rnuch that it should not be trusted to a private corporation except under the most binding obligations. The promises of the Water Co. remain unfulfilled. Why should you trust them again? The time has come when we must act (Signed) C. G. DARLJNG, Mayor. Ali]. Prettyrnan moved that the Mayor's message be referred to a committee eousisting of the Water Committee of this Council and five citizens, and rnake a report on the Mayor's recommendations, at our next regular meeting. Adopted. President Wines appointed the following dtizens as such conmiittee : Messrs. H. S. Dean, Dr. A. C. McLanghlin, Dr. David Ziminerman, J. E. Beal, George W. Bullis. ■ FBOM THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. To the Common Conncil : The Board of Public Works beg Jeave to submit the following report of its doings In the mattr ot blds for the eonsiructiou o plank walks. The Board causee) the Street Commissione to advertise and ask for sealed proposals, an as a result. on the day set for closing such of iers, had four bids hs lollows: For building walk of John V. Sheehan, on Mary street. Fred J. Gaeckle buis $3.15 per rod, George Kirn bids Í2.50 per rod and Cha Stevens bids $2.90 per tod. Kor building walk In front of the properiy of Herman Markhan.on Seventh streel, Fred Gaeckle bids $2.95 per rod. Charles Stevens bids Í2.75 per rod. D. Hunt bids $2.70 per rod. For building walk in front ofthe Kdmunds property on w Huron streel. Charles Stevens bids $2.85 per rod, Geo. Kirn bids $2.50 per rod. For building walk in iront of Wllliam M. Whlte's property, on Hil) street, Geo. Klrw bids Í2.50 per rod, ü. Hunt, bide $2.85 per rod. Geo. Kim is the lowest bidder on building the walks on Hill street, Mary street anc West Huron street, and D. Huutis the low est bidder on building the walk on Seventh street, all things considered, we recommend that the bids of Geo. Kirn and D Huntbe accepted. Respectfully subraitted. By order of the Board of Public Works. W. J., Clerk. Received and flled. PROM TfIE SAME. To the Common Council: The Board of Public Works, as directed by resolution of your honorable body, beg leave to submit the following report of its doings in the matter of bids for the construction of a new floor at the Sixth Ward Engine house. The Board caused notice of its wants to be pnblished in the Ann Arbor Argus and the Washtenaw Evemnt Times, and as a result, on the day set for elosing such offer, had four bids as follows : James A. Wells, $120.00; J. J. Ferauson, 8120.0U; Charles Saur, $87,i 0 and ArtburJ. Kitson, $8l,0d. Arthnr J. Kitson asked permission to withdraw hls bid. All things considered, the Board recommend that the bid of Charles Saur be accepted and contract be made with said Saur at hls bid, 7.00. Respectfully submitted. By order'of the Board of Public Works, W. J. Millek, Clerk. Accepted, and recoonmendation con curred in as follows : Yeas - Aid. Bodmer, Martin, Allinen dinger, Wood, Snyder, Brown, Manlv, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Presidem Wines- 11. Nays - None. Mr. Andrew Gibson was granted the floor and presented and read a petitior from Mrs. Cari Kdmonds, asking tha1 the time for building her sidewalk on W. Hurón street be extended to Dec. 1, 1894 ; also that the surface water at said locality be taken care of by the city. Aid. Manly moved, that the first part of.said petition be granted and time extended. Adopted. Mr. J. V. Sheehan was granted the floor and asked to have the building of his walk at his stores on State street postponed until next April, 1895. Aid. Manly moved the time of building Mr. Sheehan's walk is liereby extended until Sept. 1, '95. Adopted. FfcOM THE BOAED OF PUBI.10 WORKS. To the Honorable Comraon Councll of the City of Ann Arbor, Mich. Gentlemen: Herewith please findasetoi Sewer specifications for yourapproval or disapproval. Respectfully, Board of Public Works, W. J. MILLER, Werk. Referred to Coinmittee on Sewers. Aid. Prettyman moved that wlien we adjourn we adjourn to meet in au adjourned session to-morrow eve., Sept. 5, '94, at 7 :30 o'clock, local time. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aid. Bodmer, Martin, Alniendinger, Wood, Snyder, Brown, Manly, Tavlor, Kitson, Prettyman, President Wines. - 11. ZS'ays- None. PROM THE BOARD OP HEALTH. To His Honor the Mayor, President of the Council, City Clerk and Alderrnau of the City of Ann Arbor, Mich. Gents: Your Board of Health respectfolly beg of your Honorable Body to make au appropriatlon for the purpose of ascertaining the eondition of the various water supplies in the various schools in this city, inasranch ns therewill be a large amount used by the scholars a&d teachers during thehot weather. And asa board we recoramend immediate action. E. W. M ore, Pres. Board of Health and Chalrman of Building and Grounds. John Kapp, Hjolth Offioer. H.B Dodsley, Healtli Inspector. Referred to Committee on Water. 1'HESENTATION OP PETITIONS. NOf R. W. Newton and forty-iive others sking the Common Council to order rading and rilling, to its lawïul width, E. Ann st., in the vicinity of 13th st. Referred to Committee on Streets. Of Frederick G. Schleicher and nineeen others, asking for the construction f a cement crosswalk along the south de of W. Liberty et., across Second st. Referred to Committee on Sidewalks. TotheMayqr r.r.ñ ('oinmon Councll of tl City of Anti Atbor: ve,the uiuierslKiH'ii cesidenta and prop eity nolders residing on the norlh siüe Madieon strekt, belween Thompxon au State reets, hereby agree with tlie the Co i roon Conucü and wirti eaen oiher to buil the coming falla five-toot artiöclal ston j walk long tlie north iside of Madisou streel aforesaid, between Thompson and State provided, the Comraon Councll will flx th : north line of said sidewalk three (eetsout of the propeny line. Sach locatlon of th : sidewalk will preserve the trees airead growiug on the streel, and avoid a large ex pense and inconvenience to property holder i aloug the line. Dated, August 27, 1894. LlLLIE M. NlCHOlJS, Eugene E. Beal, W. J. Herdman, „ Pres. of Península Society, agrees to build walk from Stat streel u side entrance of Alpha Delta Pin Houm, ROBEBT POPKIN, T. A. MacLachujt, E. M. O'Bries. Leave being grantea, the loüowlng I reeolutlon was offered : By Aldei-iuan Manly : Uenolved, ïliat perrnlsslon is herebyglve to tbe property ownere along tlie north sid of E. MdiRon Nireet, between .State tree and tbompcou Street to construct a flve-foo artlilclal tone sidewalk ttiree feet from th property line. Adopted a folio we : Yeas- Aid. Bödiner, Allmeiulinger i Wootl, Snyder, Brown, Manly, Taylor : Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines.- 10. Nays. - Aid. Martin. - 1. A petition sigued by Jolin C. Fischer and fourteen others, asking for the con struction of two Btone crosswalks along the north side of Kingsley street, acros Main street, and along the east side o Main Street, across Kingsley street. Referred to Committee on Sidewalks REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEE. FROM THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. To the Common Couneil : V'our Committee on Klnance respectfully report tbat they have bad the íollowinR bilí under consideration, and reeommend thei allowance and warrants ordered drawii, a sums stated. CONTINOENT FlTNFl. W. J. Miller, 1 month'ssalary t 66 06 John W. Bennen, " " 25 00 P. O'Hearn, " '■ 83 Geo. H.Pond, " 8 Marvin Da venport, janitor salary 6 2t Dr. John Kapp, 3 month's 6alaiy as health officer 37 50 Henry B. Dodsley, :i month'B salary, inspector 25 00 Eli VV. Moore, 3 month'B salary, Presidentboard of health 12 50 Sid W. Millard, job printing Estáte of Hice A. Beal, publishing 4 75 council proceedings ;io 10 Stenographic Institute, worlt done for city atiorney 1 10 Clay A. Greene, rent, assigned to F. G. McCaffory 29 ]7 Richmond. Backus&Co., supplies 4 90 W. J. Miller, supplies .„ 1 95 S. D. Childs & Co.. supplieB 20 00 Ann Arbor Agr'l Co., supplies 80 E. B. Pond, workon ordlnances 40 90 Nathan D. Corbin, 120 hours' work on ordinances 42 00 Peter Hertchen, burying dog 50 Clarence Sweet. burying cat 50 Ann Arbor Argus, publiehing council prooeedings .% 10 Estáte of Rice A. Beal, printing, etc.. 49 25 Mrs. Kuhn, cleaiiing offices 3 20 Ann Arbor T.-H. Electric Co., 2 mo's street llghting bill6(July & August,. 1157 16 Ann Arbor Argus, printing 25 7 Total 11717 82 STREET FÜND. Nelson Sutherland, salary.-.. $ 6f! 66 Geovge F. Key, labor 30 80 Ann Arbor t-avings Bank, accouüte assigned them as follows: P. D. Hogers, team labor $ 12 00 Martin AilariiBchek 6 00 Charles Stevons, buildiog walk.. 22 50 40 50 The Karmurs' A: Mechanics' Bank, accounts a8signed them as follows: Elias Sadler, building walk $ 31 72 Joseph tílaseer, labor 1 50 Jacob Kies, labor 4 50 George La veré, labor 4 50 42 22 State Savings Bank. accounts assigned them as foilows: Martin Ñagle, team labor $ 4 50 Charles Steveus, milding walk. i 6 25 Fred Clrich, labor 4 5u 15 25 Nelson Sutherland. accounts ass gned him as follows: Frank Schultz, labor $ 1 50 Joho Krumrie, labor 1 5" Albert Glassenapp, labor 150 4 50 G. Schuoa, labor, assigned to J . Goetz &Son 4 50 Frank Dugdale, labor, asBigned to G. Spathelf 3 00 Mat Luppold, labor 2 25 Eriu's' Gutekunst, labor 2 25 Charles Hintz, labor 3 00 Fred Hadke, labor :1 20 WilliamBrough, labor 1 50 Geo. Quintal, labor 150 Gustave Waltere, labor 10 50 William Darrow, labor 1 50 Chris. Jetter, labor 5 25 íatrick McCabe, labor 9 00 Charles Glaser, labor... 5 25 AlbertGlasseuapp, labor 2 25 'eter Hinderlong, labor 7 80 William Kretlow, labor 2 L Yederick Gakle, labor 7 50 Michael Williams, labor 15 00 Charles Winkle, labor 10 95 Willis Clark, í'oreman.. 82 IÍ7 Andrew Taylor, labor 2 25 George Fisher, labor 16 20 tembert Jones, labor 106 i'rank Sutherland, labor 21 76 aoob Michelfelder, labor 12 00 August Herrmann, labor 150 Slias Sadler, team labor 30 90 '. D. Rogers, team labor ti 00 .1. Bartlet, team labor 9 00 George Schaiei le, team labor. _. 1 50 Abraham Voorheis, team labor 3 00 ohn Freeman, cartage 15 )ean & Co., supplids 2 67 Total 8 4CB 62 (Continued on 7th page.) Council Proceedings. (Continued from third page.) SKWEK FUND. Aun Arbor Savings Bank, accounts a?sig:ned them as follows: Charles Stevens, labor .Sil 75 Albert Schoemiu. labor. --- 16 25 128 00 ïhe State Savings Bank, accounts assianed them as follows: Charles Stevens, labor $ 8 00 Gottlieb Kuyath, labor, assign to F. &M. Bank 1 35 George V. Key, salary 69 30 Mortlmer G. Barnes, asst. engineer-.. 55 T5 Charles H. Spencer, office work eng... 40 25 Frank Sutherlaud, labor 3 26 Rembert Jones, labor 1 50 George Fischer, labor 2 25 Albert Schoemin, labor 3 ('0 Camp Brothers, supplies 1 00 Stenographic Institute, work for special sewer committee 18 56 C. F.Stabler, pobshedplate 42x100 in.. 15 00 Sehatrer & Millen, supplies for Mrs. Mary Kennedy 25 03 Total t 271 14 BR1DQB, CULVERT AND CRO3SWALK FUND. Ana Arbor Savings Bauk, accounts assigned them aa follows. Charles Hewitt, cement crosswalks $ 66 28 P. L. Bodmer, lumber 21 tS S, Wood & o., lumber 62 3 James Tolbert, lumber 39 96 Jacob Michelfelder, labor J2 "U Joe. Hutzel, labor.... 21 70 Fred Utrich, labor 29 25 William Kuehn, labor 27 75 John Holk, labor 7 50 Wm. Wheeler. norse and cart 25 00 Fred Wolf, labor 3 00 Frank Sutherland, labor 1126 Jacob Beek, labor 12 75 Charles Winkle, labor 8 25 Albert Schoemin, labor 13 20 Mtcbael Williams, labor 6 75 Albert Glassenap, labor... .. 7 50 Patrick McCabe, labor 6 00 Chris. Jeeter, labor 24 00 William Darrow, labor 6 00 Hiram Kittredge, team labor 6 75 Elias 8adler, team labor 24 00 Geo. Weeks, sand 4 50 Chas. F. Stabler, oil 60 John Baumgardner, stone slabs - 9 95 Total $ 457 SI $ 457 81 FIRE DEPARTMENT FUND Fred Sipley, salary I 60 00 C. A. Kdwards, salary 50 00 Henry McLaren, salary 50 00 Louis Hoelzle, salury 50 uo Max Wittlinger, salary 50 00 Albert West, salary 50 00 Eugene Williams, salary. 45 00 Herman Kirn, salary 40 00 Samuel McLareu, salary, 8 00 Wm. Kettich. salary 8 00 Edward Huelzle. salary 8 00 William L. Schnlerie, salary 8 00 M .C. Kyan. salary. 8 00 Mrs. B. Ream, washmg 5 00 Fred Chapín, oats 28 05 John F. Lawreuce, hay and oats 37 19 C. Eberbacu, supplies 8 37 Walker & Co,, repairing wagon 23 20 Geo. W. Sweet, straw 4 26 J. H. Andrews, oats 27 76 Geo. W. fceybold, blacksmithing 7 10 Total i 576 43 POLICB HTTND' P. S. Banöeld, salary 65 00 David Collins. salary 50 00 Beuben Armbruster, salary 44 00 William Eldert - 50 00 George Isbell 50 00 Total I 259 W CEMETEBT ICND. RH 8. Miiuly, labor 6 00 A. Hammond, labor 15 00 Total I 21 00 POOB FtTND. Fred Sipley, salary I 10 00 C. Eberoach, supplies 57 J. Burg, shoes - 2 00 Edward Duffy, groceries 4 93 Mrs.Ann Evans, aid 5 00 John Eisele, groceries ö 20 J.J. Goodyear, medicine 1 15 John Goetz & Son, groceries 3 83 John Goetz, Jr.. groceries 189 Williain F, Lodhoiz, groceries 11 43 William H . Mclntyre. sroceries J4 1 O'Hara& Boy Ie, groceries 10 41 Caspar Kmsey, groceries 11 iW Rlnsey & Seabolt, groceries H 81 Wm, Salyer, groceries -- 3 00 ( harles Zurn, meat 1 22 Geo. seybold, repalrlng wood waaou. 2 25 Total % i 08 WATER FUND. The Eberbaob Dru and Chemloal Co for niukiiif?quuuritative analyniaot w;,t('r trom the A. A. Water C'o. res ervoirby order of B. of H 20 00 RECAPITULACIÓN. Contingent Fund )-■ Street Fund 'tmt' SeyverFuud " Hndu-e, C'ulvert and Crosswalk Fund. 4.7 81 tire íuud 5;r 4. ! Pólice Fund 25'.) uo Poor Fund i m Cemetery Fund 21 ou Water Fuod gü 00 Total I 8,888 90 j Respectfully submitted. KRANK WOOD. ('. 11. MANLY. Finance Corunüttee. Accepted, and rei-oinmeiulatioti eonourred tu as follows: Yeas- Aid. Bodnier, Martin, Allmeudiuger, AVood, Snyder, Browu, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettvman, President Wiiies.- 11. Nays - one. FROM THE F1SANCK O1MS11TTEE. To the Cotnmou Couucil : Your cornmittee od flnanoe to whom was referred the bids for furnishlugthe city's coal lilis seusoti, would respeetfuliy report th"1 your committee found four blds as follows: M. Staebler, eg, stove and nut delivered, at J5 50 M. Staebler, grate _....__I 5.25 E. B. Hall egg, 3tove. grate, nut, and mixed, dellvered, at 540 Louis Khode, egg.stove, nut and mlxed. dellvered, at 500 Louis Rhode.grate. deliveredf, at..-H._ 5Í45 Hisoock & Sou. grate, dellvered, at 5.00 " egg, dellvered, at 5.40 " stove and nut 5.50 All tliings oon8idered. we recommend that the bid of E. B. Hall, be accepted and contract be mnde. Respectfully submitted. Frank Wood, C.H. Manly, Finance Committee Accepted, and recomraeudation concurred in as follows : Yeas- Aid. Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder. Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettvman, President Wines- 11. Isavs - None. FK05I IHI KINANCE COMMITTEE. To the Comruon Council : Your commlttee on finance respectfully report on the matter of printing the special sewer committee's report and testimony annexed to said report, after a carefu! consideration of tlie matter your committee would recommend that the said report and testimony be printed in pamphlet form. We have asked for bids from all the local printers aud found the bid of Sld. W. Mülard the lowcst- at I.i'? per paae. It is eslimated that said report wlll make about .35 pages. We therefore recommend tbat a contract be made wltli said Millard for printiug 1000 copies accordlng to speciflcations on Ule at the city clerb's office. Respectfully submitted, Frank Wqod, C. H. Manly. Finance Commlttee. Accepted, and recommeadatioti coneurred ia as follows : Yeas - Aid. Bodnier, Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitsou, Prettvman, President Wines- 11. Nays - None. REPORTS OF CITY OFFlCERS. The monthly reports of the City Clerk, City Treasurer, Poor Superintendent and Chief of Pólice and Board of Health were read and jrdered flled. ' Poor Superintendent Sipley reported the following expenditure during the month of August: lst ward, $5.00; 2d ward, $13.56; 3d ward, $38.22; 4th ward, $9.42; 5th ward, $29.96; 6th ward, none. Chief of Pólice Banfield reported twenty arrests during the month of August as follows: Drunk, 6; violating city ordinances, 11; assault and battery, 2; violating liquor law, 1. The Board of Health reported 12 deaths during the month: One case of searlet fever, abated 13 filthy or unlawful privies, 6 pig pens, 60 filthy alleys, lots or premises. The health of the city is exceptionally good; there is only one case of contagious disease in the city, and but few cases of summer diseases. The clerk reported deed executed by Isaac Dunn and wife for a 50 foot roadway, extending northerly from Broadway to Mili street. On motion the Clerk was directed to have the same put on record in the Office of Register of Deeds. The Clerk reported that he had been served with notice of a 85,000 darnage suit by Mrs. Ann G. Walker for dam age sustained on sidewalk on Geddes avenue. Ou motion the City Attorney was dircted to take charge of the ca3e. CITY' TREAStJRER'S REPORT FOR THE MONTO ENDING AUGUST 31, 1894. To the Common Couucil of the City of Ann Arbor: Balance on hand as per last report $11,634.56 MONEV KECEIVED. Pólice Fund- P.S.Banfield. fees-.. 1710 J. W. Bennett, fines 2.00 Contingent Fund- W. J. Millerlic 17.50 PlusofRoIl 418.21 A ppropriation 5,000.00 Street Fund- Appropriation 7,500,00 Fire Fund- A pproprüition 6,500,00 Pólice Fund- A ppropriation 3,200.00 Poor Fund- Appropriatioti 1 ,250.00 Water Fund- Appropriation 5.OO0.0O Cemetery ITund- Appropriation 50.00 Univ. Hosp. Aid Bond Fund- Appropriation 3.480.00 Bridge, Culvert & Crosswalk Fund- Appropriation 5 000.00 Main Sewer Fund- Appropriation 3,500.00 Sewer Fund- Appropriation 5,000.00 Total I45,9:M81 Less uncollected city tax 8,230.17 37 704.64 49 339.20 MONKY DI8BITB8ED. Contingent Fund I 756 OH Street Fund 442.2:1 Firemen'a Fund 498.2a Pólice Fund 295.00 Poor Fund 118-94 Bridse, Culvert and Crosswalk Fuud 880.17 Sewer Fund 430.68 Soldiere' Relief Fund 30.00 Total 3.451.27 8,461 245,887 m BALANCE ON HAND. Contingent Fuud 10,024.23 Street Fund 5,151.17 Firemeu's Futid 7 íth y Pólice Fund 3,757 st PoorFuud 712 4;i Water Fund 4 793.40 Cemetery Fund 288.76 Soldiere' Relief Fund. 1,143.(13 Cnirersity Hospital Aid Bond Fund 4,:-.ü).W I44.U9 Sewer Fund 5,880.66 Main Sewer Fund 3,500.uu Bridgre. Culvert and Crosswalk Fund 7.6R3.W Dog Tax Fund 100 00 Total 54,a2 4!) Leas uncollected ctty tax 8.230.17 144.3J 8,:J74.56 8374.56 45,887 93 Total Treagurer's Balance S45.RS7 93 Kespectf ully submitted, Geo. H. Pond, City Treasurer. Aun Albo-, Aur. 31. 1894. Ana Arbor Savinjra Bank, Ann Arbor, Mich., Sept.l, 1894. To the Commou Council of the City of Ann Arbor: Dear Sirs- This will certify that Geo. H. Pond has on deposit to hls credit a8 City Treasurer, the sum of Forty-flve Thousand, Nine Hundred Seventy and 43-100 Dol lars, 5,970. 43). Yours truiv, CHAS. E. HI?COOK, Casbier. City Engineer Key submitted report with drawing and estimated coat for building au addition to the Entine House, which was referred to the Fire Department Committee. ORDINANCES. The third readiug by section8 of " An Ordinance for the Protection of Squirrels and Birds within the Limits of the City of Ann Arbor," after which the chair having stated the question to be: "Shall this ordiüance passV the yeas and nays being called, the ordiuance, as amended, p'issed as follows: Yeas- Aid. Bodmer, Martin. Allruendinger, Wood, Snyder, Brown, Manly., Taylor, Kitsou, Prettyman, Pres. Wines- 11. Nay - Noue. TJNFINISHED BUSINESS. Aid. Manly moved that the report j made by the Board of Public Works as j to building plank walks be adopted and the Board proceed with the i structiou of the walks, excepting the ! walk of Mrs. Edmunds on West Huron street. Adopted as follows: Yea - Aid. Bodmer, Martin. A1Imendinger, Wood. Suyder, Brown, Taylor, Kitsou, Prettyman. Pres. Wines- 11. Na s- None. By Aid. Taylor: Resolved, That the telephone now located at the residence of James Murray is hereby ordered placed in George Spathelf's nieat market, in such manner as to afford f ree access to the public both day and night; said Spathelf to pay one half the telephoue reatal. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines- 11. Nays- None By Aid. Kitson: Resolved, That the sum of $40.00 be appropriated from the Street Fund for the grading of Elm street from Geddes avenue to South University avenue. Referred to the Committee on Streets. By Aid. Wood: Resolved, That a committee '"3 three be appointed by the President of the Council to secure a lease of premises for the city offices for the ensuiug year. Adopted. Pres. Wines appoiuted the following committee: Aid. Wood, Prettyman, Manly. By Aid. Brown: Resolved, That the sum of flfty dollars be and is hereby appropriated from the Contingent Fünd to be used in the discretion of the Water Committee for the purpose of having the city water analyzed from time to time. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines- 11. Nays - None. By Aid. Wood: Resolved, That the Board of Public Works be and are hereby instructed to proceed at once to put the main sewer in condition to receive the Iateral3, as recommended by special Sewer Committee. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Bodmer, Martin, AUmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines- 11. Nays - None. By Aid. Brown: Resolved, That the Foor Commissioner be and is hereby authorized to pay to Daniel Flynn the sum of eight dollars per month from the Poor Fund. Aid. Prettyman moved that the resolution be laid on the table until our next regular meeting. Adopted. On motion the Council adjourned. City Clerk.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News