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[ OFFICIAL I COUNCIL CHAMBEn, I Ank AsBoa, September 4, 1894. f Adjourned session of September 3, 1894. Called to order by President Wines. Roll called. Quorum present. Absent - Aid. Wagner, Ferguson, Taylor- 3. 1 Aid. Brown moved to reconsider the vote by which the report of the finance ; Committee was adopted relative to : printing 1,000 copies of the special sewer committee's report. 1 On motion the report was laid on the table. Aid. Brown moved that the report ' of the special sewer committee be printed in the proceedings of this 1 cou'icil meeting. Aid. Prettyman inoved an amend1 nieut that the expert sewer inspectora report be added to said report and printed. Aid. Manly moved an amendment to the ameudment that the testimony given by City Engineer Key, Pres1 Keech and Capt. Schuh be printed. The yeas and nays being called on : the amendment lost as follow: Yeas- Aid. Bodmer, Wood, Manly, Pres. Winea. Nays - Aid. Martin, Snyder, Brown, Kitson Prettyman - 5. The yeas and nays being called on the amendment, it was adopted as folio ws: □ Yeas- Aid. Bodmer, Martin, Snyder, Brown, Kitson, Prettymau, Pres. Wines - 7. Nays- Aid. Wood, Mauly.2 The original question as amended now being put prevailed as follows: Yeas- Aid. Bodmer, Martin, Snyder, Brown, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines- 7. Nays- Aid. Wood, Mauly- 2. Aid. Manly explained his vote as being on the ground that it was the understanding of all the members of the 'committee that the said report with the testimony annexed, was to be printed for distributiou, and for this reason I vote no. SPECIAL SEWER COM.MITTEE's REPORT. We, the committee appointed by the Common Council of the city of Ann Arbor to investígate the present condition of the mam sewer, hereby adopt the annexed report of our sub-committee as our report of the condition, etc, of the sewer, and respectfully request to be discharged from further consideration of the matter. Dated, August 16, 1894. Geo. W. Bullís, Chairmau. C. G., Arthur J. Kitson, Levi D. Wines, P. L. Bodmer, Frank Wood, C. H. Manly, Noah W. Cheevkk, Henry S. Dean. REPORT OF 3UB-C0MMITTEE m regard to the eonstructiou and present couditton of the main sewers in the city of Ann Arbor. The underslgned. as asub-oommittee, were directed by the general committee to take the statements of persons connected with the coustructlon of the main sewer and report the result8 of thetr inrestigation, and in pursuafice of such instructlon the committee employed a stenographer, and examinedsuch persons as cotrld give important information ín the matter, and herewlth submlt the results of the investigation with a copy of the testiraony taken attached. 1.- We flnd that the following persons had charge of the coustructlon of the sewer viz " A " That the Board of Public Works under the charter had full control of the construction of this sewer.and that a sewer committee was appointed by the Common Council to act with thetn in this matter by resolution as follows : Remlreri, That the Board of Public Works do proceed with the construction of the main l sewer accordlng to the plans heretofore approved by this council, aud such work oe lone uniier the dlreetlon of the Board of Pubic Works, with the sewer eommittee of this council as Consulting committee. B. That George F. engineer, with 'rof. O. E. Green, as consulting engineer, had uil charge of locating the line of the sewer ind establishing the grade and making sneli naps and speciftcations as were neeessary. C. ThatGeorge F. Key, city engineer. had thf iiiaiii cbarge of tbe consiructlon of tbe sffwer fioin iis mouiti at the rlver to the bagg.ïe room o'' the M. C. depot. D. Tnat du Ing the absence of Geonie F. Key, city engineer. causpd Hy hls sicknes , bind als i ti Is b-enee eaused bythe care n ". i.aubengayer, it appears tbai tiie i Hun of ilie sewer proceeded with uo other xuperintendfnce than that of Nelsou Sutber ! land, street lommissioner, trom the huggage room ot me M. C. K. K. depot to the gas Iiousr. akhoiigh liis primr duiies wre only to sre to employinj: the iaborers and keeping thelr time, and he hnd no experleuce in tne construction of sewers. K. That J. i'. Schub assumeJ raain cbarge of the consi.ruction of the sewer from Main street south to the terminus on HUI atreet, except that Mr. Key, city engiueer, had charge of that portioo of tlie sewer from Summtt t to Kingsiey street and from Madison streel to the terminus at Hill street. F. That we flnd that the cement at the joints of the tlie project into ihesewer and form obstruetions thereiii to the senous injury ofthe use of the sewers, viz: Thacfroin the west end ofthe iron pipe at the M. C. passenger depot to the end of the aewemt HUI streel, we tind tnal the cement at the joints of the tile in a large number of joints lias been forced into the sewer pipe and forraed ibtructimu ther. in from one tö flvainehes thicli, whleh isaserii us injury to the use ..f th sewer as material passing thrmigh the sewer muy catcli upon these and ünally block lip the wei-, and thee shou d be removed before the spwt is used. Thbt exhlblts A and B herewith submitted are small specimen of obstruetions. 4.- ti om the memorandums made ofthe eramlnatlon ol the ewer byjolm Cogaer sewer exp.-rt from Detroit, we flnd the fo," iowmg to he the ondition of the =ewer trom west end of iron pipe near the foot . f rnlrteentb streel to the blind manhole in trontot th M.u. K. R. statin house, there were 440 titles examined, 117 of whlch are cracked the whole length of the tile: 20ioints witli cement protruding into the sewer from 1 inch to h inches; K joints open from y. inch to 2 inches. The amount of sand and mud varied from 0 luches to 6 inches in depth The amnuntof water and mud varied from 6 in to 6% inches in depth. Seclion from blind manhole at M C R R station house to Main street 872 tiles examined of which 119 are cracked22 joints are open and cement is protrudinit into the sewer from 1 inch to 3 inches; 20otl,er joints are open from 1 inch to W, inches The amount of sand and dirt varied from xi inch to 5 inches. The amonnt of water and mud varied from 5 inches to Hinches In thesection from the blind manhole at M C R R station house to Detroit street, there are 14-i tiles of which 2 are cracked. In thesection trom Fifth avenue to Detroit street the inspector could only go as far as the 68th tile because of the depth of water and mud encountered, it being 11 inches deep at the Entering this sedion at the manhole on Detroit street the inspector could onlv o into the sewer as far as the ninth tile on account of the depth of the mud and water which was 11 inches deep at this pointalso. There is little doubt but what this section is below grade nearly or quite 8 inches. The Iron pipe which was examined from near the foot of Thirteenth street west to the point wliere the crack tiles begin were found to be open from 1 inch to 2 luches at the joints The section from the manhole on Summit street diagonally across to the flrst manhole on Main street. contained 46 tiles all of whieli were in perfect condition, and the joints and evervthing pertaiuingto the secüon seemed to be in flrst-class condition. If the whole sewer had been as good as this section, Ana Arbor would have a flrst-class sewer. In the section from the manhole on Main street, near Summit street, to the manhole in front of the old Jail. there are 151 tiles all of whieli are sound there being but twojoints through which cement was protruding into the sewer. The water in this section was from 1 inch to 3 inches deep. ö.- We also flnd that in that portion ofthe sewer where gaskets were used. and also for abou 1 1Ú0 feet west of Summi t st.where no gaskets were used but where the tile was careiuliy laid, that there is little or no cement projecting from the joints of the sewer and it is practically clear, also that there is little or uo cement projecting In the sewer from the mouth of sewer west to the iron pipes at arout Tuirteenth street. B.- We flnd a sag or (epression of the sewer pipe below grade lor a disiunce of about two uunUred leet beginningat west baggage room ot the M C. K. R. depot and running west to tne gas house the deepest sag about 8 inches whlch sag was fllled with muil and water whieli bas been flushed out. Wealsoflnd a sag trom 2 to 3 below grade in the iron pipe. 7.- Vi ?ti;i(j t!iat most of the water and sand that. enters thesewer run into the joints ot thesewpr In tliat portion of the same from which just uorth of Müler aveuue, up the sewer sourh to Main street aad also that at the M.C. H R station there is 14 inclies of water runuii g turough thesewer. 8.- Weflnd thatquicksand enters thesewer at the joints of the pipe at Bodmer's lurnber yard aud above, and we think that the sewer pipe should be taken up and relaid froin Jefferson street east as far as quicksand is fouud to enter the sewer. 9.- It appears from the statements made to us that in that portion of the sewer between the M. C. R. R. and Fifth avenue, wuere clay soü was fouud, no soft earth or sand was provided n whlcu to lay the tile or to pack around and cover it. but that lumps of clay were placed around the tile and taraped down as much as possible. We are of the opinión that had sand or soft earth been proviued, and had tuis been well and thoronghly tamped around the tile, that the tile would not crack or break. 10.- That from mouth of sewer to Fuller st. each joint ot the sewer pipe was calked by tbe use of an oakum gakset and then was tllied with cement. Upon tnis subject of the use of askets, tue nommittee would r-spectfuliy cali attention to the statemeutoi' city engineer, Geo. F. Cey. Alter hearing the statements o!' th mei ] lers of the Board of Public Works, the City Engineer aud Street Coramissioner, your committee are of the opinión that the Board of Public Works who legally had control of the construction of the sewer acted ia good aith; but they were without sufficient knowledge or experience to enabte them to properly do the wortand they failed to give the City Engineer sufflclent power or support to enale him to secure the proper construction of the sewer Thecommitteeareof the opinión that had oakum gaskets beeu used and proper means takeu to keep the trench dry while laying the tile that the cement would not have worked into the tile and formed obstructions at the joints on the inside of the sewer. Aud the committee also thtnk that if these precautlonshad been taken that the joints would be water tight so that neither water nor sand would work into the sewer, and we would have a practically dry sewer. That ir. Sutherland reports that he has cleaned out all the cement and stones from inside of the sewer from between Williams and Jeiferson streets to the mouth of the sewer so that this portion of tlie sewer is now practically clear of cement and other obstructions. The committee are also of the opinión that the defects iound in this sewer were caused as followe: 1. - By not having some one person in charge of the work who would have absolute control of it aud held responsible that the work should be properly done. 2.- That complete speeiflcation should have been prepared for the construction of the sewer. 3. That a sewer inspector should have been employed to be constantly on the ground to see that the work was properly done written speciflcattons furuished. 4.- That work of this nature should always be let to responsible parties whowlll give adequate bonds that the work will be properly done and be constantly uuder the supervisión of a competent sewer inspector, ana the defects found were largely due to the failure to a dopt this course. Your committee recommend that thesewer tile from the end of the iron pipe on the south side of the M. C. R. R. track to the as house be taken up and relaid with Iron pipe before the sewer is used for general sewer purposes, and then the newer may be used up as far as William street. Your committee also recommend that the manholes be numbeied cousecutively frora the mouth of the sewer by palnting the mimber on the inside of the manholes. We refer to the stenographer's notes of the ' statements made to us, aad the report of John Cogger. ewer expert trom Detroit, which is hereto attached and made a part of tuis report. Dated, August 16, 1S94. Noah W. Cheevkk, Geo. W. Bullís. Levi D. Winks. Hekry S. Dean. REPORT OF INSl'ECTION OF THE ANX ! BOR MAIN SEWER, BY JOHN COGGER, OF DETROIT. 1. Does the main sewer coutain auy serioua ' leakages? Yes. I J 2. Between what points are these leakages situated? In all that district where ! quiek-saud is fouud. 3. Are there auy serious breaks or cracks in auy of the pipes? Yes. i I 4. Wbere are those breaks or cracks located? From the irou pipe on the river bauk cst to Fifth Avenue. 5. What is tlio nature of thosc breaks or cracks? All cracked lengthwise oí tlie pipe. 6. In your judgmeut what was the probable cause of those Breaks aud cracics? The material with which the pipes were paeked was not the proper kind. nor thorougtyy tamped, henee the tile were rot properly laid. 7. Would you advise a renewal of the pipe in those places coutaiuiug such pipes? To usure certaiu and perfect workmg of the sewer. the pipes ■ hould be renewed, but wouUl reconunend leaviug the sewer in its present condición till further accident or necessity reqtiired a chauge. 8. Did you fiuti cement protrudiug iuto the pipes at the joints? Yes. 9. In what IochU t-os was such the case? Betweeu M. C. K. K. iepot aud Uuiversity aewer. 10. How much did the cement protrude? From 1 inch to b iuches- i e. the diameter of the pipe is shortened by saidamounl stops the flow, 11. Would sueh obstructioh cause deposiís of sediment iu the pipes? Yes. .-u :h as n.g-i, grease. sticks, etc. 12. Did the pipes íu auy plae appear to be seriousiy lower thau thu grade for auy considerable distauce? Yes, on Depo' Street, about 300 fret ( bet .veen Fifth Ave. and 25 feet east of manhole ou Detroit street) ; aiso betweeu manhole 9 and l'j, 6 inches of sand was found. 13. At what locaiities are thefe depressions uoticable? At about 13'J ïeet east of Fifth Ave. 14. Did the line of the pipes dilïer materfally from a straight line? They did at certaiu places iu the quick-sand district lï. Were the pipes well joiuted together? No. 10. About what was the least aud what was the greatest distanees betweeu the socket end of que pipe aud the spigot end of lts immediate áéighbor? From 0 inches for the least, to 2'A luches for the greatest. 17. Have any obstructious been removed from the pipes during your inspection? Yes, 1 inch board, s laches by 12 feet. iu one of the joints a croquet bali 18. Do yon find the manholes in proper conditiorj? Nothing serious the matter except on qutsides. 19. Do you think the covers to manholes too small? Think a larger cover and manhole is preferable 20. Is it necessary to stop the leaks? Yes, if it can be done 21. What procedure do you recommend for doing that work? Practically relaying pipe properly. 22. Do you fiud anythip.í other than water entering the pipes at the points of leakage? Yes, quick-saud in the quick-sand district. 23. What is your general opiuion of the présent couditiou of the main sewer? It is geuerally iu a poor conditiou. 2-1. What recommendatiqu do you suggest in remedy of the existiug diSicultiea? Renewal of ttie brokou pipe, proteotion of manholes on outsides. mannolea iucreased iu s:,e and pr.ividjd rith irou steps, lamp holes at least eaoh two hundred feet. 36. How many damaged pipes did you find outside of the 24? None. 26. Give your judgment as to the diminution of the capacity of sewer on account of leakage? Capacity will uot be impared for a number of years 27. Cau the sewer in its present condition be salely attached to, i. e., Is there any senous Objectiou to connecting the lateral sewer to the main sewer? It is perfectly safe so to do till some accident happens in the questionable district. 28. What is your f uil name? John Cogger. 29. Place of" residejice? 824 Fourth Ave., Detroit. Mieh. 30. Your business? Inspector oí sewera, and niason by trade 31. Bv whom recommended for the present work? Joseph Granger, eilief sewer inspector of Detroit, Mich. 32. Number of years experlence? Been engaged iu sewer work for 32 years. SS. How long as sewer inspector in Detroit? Over four years. JOHN COGGER. Signed. July 18th,1894. Chaimian Ritson, of the Comtnittee on Sewers, made a verbal report, statinjt that the Cornmittee on Sewers had duly considered the specifications for the construction of sewers in this city, as submitted by the Board of Public Works, and the Cornmittee would recommend =a few minor changes, as they are read. The Committee had also invited the members of the Board of Public Works and City Engineer to be present at this meeting. All members were present. On motion the Board of Public Works were invited to seats inside the railin?. City Engineer Key then proceeded to read the specifications and on motion ;he following changes were recomnended to be made in the specifica;ions: lst. The title to be changed to read: "Established by the Board of Public Works. Conürmed and approved by ;he Cooimon Council " 2nd. Section 3 of the SDeciflcations De stricken out. 3d. Section 38 of the specifications je amended so that the use of okum askets and pure cement shall be reïuired for makinji joints. 4th. Section 114of the specifications )e amended to read as follows: I "It is made a part of any and ai contracts with the city of Ann Arboi . for the construction of any latera! sewer that the contractor shall emploj í as trenchtnen and shovelers only sucl: persons as have been residents of the j city of Ann Arbor for six months pre j ceding the date of any such contract 1 so lona; as such laborers can be em I ployed for not more thaa ftfteen cents aa hour." FROM THE SIDEWALK COMMITTEIS. By Aid. Manly: Resolved, That Mrs. Hill residiug on the corner of Thayer and Hill streets, be percuitted to build her walk six above the established grade at the N. E. corner of Hill and ïhayei streets till such time as the Counril shall deetn it necessary to make it c iform to the established grade. i-u that the walk along J. Wahl's pro ieity on the east side of S. Fourth Ave . be made 5-ft wide and 4-ft frorn tlit ! property line and laid on the ebtablished grade. Adopted as follows; ! Yeas- Aid. Bodnier, Martin, All I mendinger, Woed, S.nyder, Brown. Manly. Kitson, Prettyman, President ] Wtnes- 10. Nays - None. To the Comnion Council: Yonr committee on side wal ka would report tbere being a necessity for gradiug and construction of sidewalks where stated, your committee eau sed to be prepared and herewith submit the proper resolution orderingthe same and recommend that it be adopted. Respectfully submitted, C. H. Manly, C. J. Snyder, Arthur J. Kitson. D. F. Allmendinger, Sidewalk Committee. Accepted, and leave being granted the following resolution was offered: By Aid. Manly: Resolved, That the grading and construction of the sidewalks hereiuafter meutioned is deemed and declared a necessary public improvement; therefore It is hereby ordered that plank sidewalks be graded, built and consructed on and aiong the following property in the city of Ann Ai'bor, viz: On the east side of Seventh street, from the north line of the property of Mr. Groves to Huron street, said walk to be built 4 feet ia width. On Spring street. in front of Mis. Foley's property. That all such sidewalks be built, graded and constructed in the manner, within the time and of the material prescrioed bv the provisión of an ordinance entitled "An Ordinance Relative to Sidewalks," and on the grade to be established. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Bodmer, Martin, Allmeudinger, Wood, Snyder, Brown, Manly, Kitson, Trettyman, President Wines- ]() Nays - None. Charles Worden was granted the floor and stated that the Street Railway linemen had fasteued a stay wire to one of tus shade trees on William street. Aid. Prettyman moved that it is the sense of tuis couneü that the board of public works, do order the street commissioner to cut said wire. Adopted. Aid. Kitson moved that the vote by which the resolution of Aid. Wood was adopted, ordering the board of public works to proceed with the repairs of the main sewer. be reconsiderad. Adopted. Aid. Brown moved as a substituto for the resolutioa that the board of public works be ordered to prepare plans and estímate of the cost of rebuilding the main sewer, as recotnby special sewer committee, if they find such repairing necessary and report at our next council meeting. Adopted. On motion the council adjourned. City Cleik.


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