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ANNOUNCEMSNT. J. T. Jacobs. Chas. H. Allmand. m i mm Have opened a Shoe Store íh whicb will be found a very complt-te line of SHOES, Ladies' Fine Shoes a specialty in all the varied widths and sizes. By looking over the stock it will readily be seen that the Children have not been forgotten from the infant up. Babie's shoes as low as twenty-five cents. Particular attention is called to our Fine Line Of Men's Wear, and medium and cheap goods for men. Ask to see our tWO dollar Shoe. WASHINGTON BLOCK. SWEET CLOVER PUTTER COLOR Will not become rancid by age, or leave any taste or odor to the buttei. It is a perfectly harmless vegetable color, Manufactured by Eberbach Drug and Chemical Co. ?R1CE 10, IS, 25 and 50c per Bottle, AN ORDINANCE For the Protection of Squirrels and Birds within the Limits of the City of Ann Arbor. The Common Coimcil of the City óf Ann Arbor ordafn : Section 1. It shall be unlawful lor any person to shoot, kill, cripple, hum, chase or in any way injure any stjuirrel or squirrels wiihin the Umita oí the City of Ann Arbor. See 2. ltshall be unlawful for any perron to shoot, kill, eripple, hunt or in anyway injureauy wild birds witbin the limits of the City of Ann Arbor: Provided, this section shall not apply to English sparrows, erows or hawks. Sec. 3. It shall be unlawful ïor auy person : to rob or tear down, injure or destroy the nest of any wild bird witbin the limits of the city ' of Ann Arbor: Provided this section shall not apoly to Enslish sparrows' nests. See. 4. Each and every bird orsquirrel shot, ! killed, crippled, hunted, chased or i ijured, i and each and every bird's nest robbed, torn down, Injured or destroyed, in violation of any provisión of this ordinance snall i & separate and distinet offense. Sec. 5. Any person violatlng any of the i viéion6 of th.8 ordinance shall, on conviction Í thereof be puniíhed by a fine not exceedinc Twenty-flve Dollars and cost of prosecution ; i and in the imposition of any such fine and ■ co8ts the court may impose the further i tence that the offeuder be and remain oned in the common jail of Washtenawcounty ( until such fine and costs shall have been paid, ( provided the term of such imprisonment i sball not exceed the period of thirty days. ] Sec. 6. This ordinance shall take effect and i be in torce from and alter the twentieth day í of September, A. D. 1894. Passed in Common Couneil Sept. 3, 1891. Approved Sept, 8, 1894. CYRENÜS G. DARLING, Mayor. W.J. MI1-LER, City Clerk. Mortgage Sale. i I BFAULT HAVING BEEN MADE IN THE s J conditions oí a certain mortgage made t by George J. Keebler and Eugena Kuebler andGeorgeJ. Gruner and Lizzie Gruner to 5 the Hurón alley Building and Savings A86O eiation, a Corporation organized and doing j business under the laws of thfi State of Michigan, at Aun Arbor, Michigan, dated March ( .!Oth, A. D. 1891, and recorded In the office of s the Register of Deede, for tlie County of e Washtenaw and State ot Michigan, on the J first day of April, A. D. 18.01, in über 78 of i morttrages on page 5, on vrblcb mortgage there isi'laimed to be due at the date of this notice thesum of twelve hundred and twenty-five i dollars and an attorney's fee of twenty-five dollars provided for in said mortgage, and ho i 8uit or proceedings at law having been insti( tuted to recover the moncys secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof: , Now, therefore, by virtue of the power of l sale eontairied in said mortgage, and the stat tu'einsoch case made and provided, notice l Is luTiiby given that on Saturday the eighth j day of December, A. D. 1S94, at nine o'clock ; in the forenoon, I shall sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the soutb front door ] of the Court House in the City of Ann Arbor, t (that beinjf The place where the circuit court .. for W'asliienaw County is holden), the premï lges descrihed ia said mortgage, or so much i thereof as may benecessarytopay theamount i due on said mortgage, with seven per cent f interest, and all legal costs. together with an attorney's fee of twenty-five dollars covel nanted for therein, the premises being desi cribed in said morttfage as all that certain lot piece and parcel of land sitúate in the City of Ann Arbor, in the Couuty of Washtenaw, . and State of Michigan, and known and described as follows: Commencing at the southeast corner of lot numler twenty-one (20 ( in blocknumber five(ñ) souihof Huronstreet. range number four (4) east in said city of i Ann Arbor, thenee running north on the west ( line of Fourth street ninety-nine (9'J) feet, , thence west parallel with the north line of .. said lot number twenty-one (21) to the west c line of lt number twenty (20) in i-aid blocK fi five (5), thence south on the west line of said i lots twenty (-0) and twenty-one 121) to Mailia son street, t.ience east along the north line of , Madison stn;et to the place of beginning. t Sitúate and being In block five 15) south, d range four (4) east, city of Ann Arbor, Wasiir tenaw County Michigan. THE HURÓN VALLEY BUILDING AND SAVINGS SSOOIATION, Mortgagee. Bv Thos. D. Keahnky. Attomev for Mortgagee.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News