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The New Tariff And Income Tax

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Acida used for medicinal, chemical or manufacturíni; purposes, not siecially provided for in ihis act. Aconite. Acorns, raw, dried or undíied, bnt unground. Agates, unmanufactured. Albumen. Alizarin and alizarln colorsor dyes, natural or artificial. Amber and amberoid, unmanuf actnred or crude gum. Ambergris. Aniline salts. Any animal of pure breed specially for breeding purposes. Animáis brought temporarily for a ieriod not exceeding six months. for the purpose of exhibition or competition. Annatto, roucou, rocoa or orleans, and all extracta of antimony ore. Apatite. Argal or argol or crude tartar. Arrowroot, raw or unmanufactured. Arsenio and sulpbide of, or orpiment. Arsenate of aniline. Art educational stops, composed of glass and metal and valued at not more than 6 cents per grosa. Anieles imported by tho United States. Anieles in a crude state used in dyeing or tanning, not specially provideil for in this act. Asbestus, unmanufactured. Ashes, wood and ley of, and beet root ashes. Aepbaltuni and bitumen, crude or dried, but not olherwise manipulated or treated. Asafetida. Bagging for cotton, gunny cloth and all similar material suitable for covering cotton, composed in whoie or in part of hemp, flax, juteor Jute butts. Balín of gilead. Bark, cinehona ar otlier, from which quinine may be extracted. Baryta, carbonate of, or witherite, and baryta. sulphate of, or barytes, unmanufactured, including barytes earth. Bauxite or beauxite. Beeswax. Bells, broken, and bell metal broken and flt only to be remanufactured. All binding twine manufactured in whole or in part from New Zealand hemp, istle or Tamplco fiber, sisal grass or sunn, oí single ply and measuring not exceeding 600 feet to the pound, and manila twine not exceeding 600 feet to the pound. BirdBkins, prepared for preservation. Birds and land and water fowls. Bismuth. Bladders and all integumento of animáis and Ssh unmanufactured, not specially provided for in this act. Blopd,dried. Blue vitriol or sulphate of copper. Bologna. sausages. Boltlng cloths. Bones, crude and bone dust for fertilizing purposes. Books, engravings, photographs, bound or unbonnd, etchlngs, music, maps and charts, which shall have been printed more than 20 years at the date of importation. Books and pamphlets printed exclusively in languages other than English: alto books and music, in raised print, used exclusively by the blind. Books, engravings, photographs, etching8, bound or unbdnnd maps and charts imported by authority or for the use of the United States or for the use of the library of congress. Books, maps, musió, lithographic prints and charts, specially imported, not more than two copies in any one invoice, in good faitli, for the use of any society for educational, philosoDhical, ■ religious purposes. Books, librarles, usual fi. ..ature and similar household eflects of persons or families from foreign countries, if actually used abroad by them not less than one year. Brazil paste. Braids, plaits, laces and similar manufactures composed of straw, chip, grass. palm leaf, willow, osier or rattan, suitable for making or ornamenting hats, bonnets and hoods. Brazilian pebble, unwrought or unmanufactured. Breccia, in blocks or slabs. Bristles, crude, not sorted, bunched or prepared. Bromine. Broom coni. Bullion, gold or silver. Burgundy pitch. Burlaps and bags for grain made of burlaps. Cabbages. Oíd coins and medals and other antiquities. Cadmium. Calamine. Camphor, crude. Castor or castoreum. Catgut, whitgutor wormgut, unmanufactured or not further manufactured than in strings or cords. Cerium. Chalk, unmanufactured. Charcoal. Chicory root, raw, dried or undried, but unground. Cider. Civet, crude. Chromate or iron or ehromie ore. Clay- Common blue clay in casks suitable for the manufacture of crucibles. Coal. anthracite and coal stores of Amer. lean, but none shall be unloaded. Coa! tar, crude. Cobalt and cobalt ore. Cocculus indicus. Cochineal. Cocoa o.r cacao, crude, leaves and shells of. Coffee. Coins, gold, silver and cnpper. Coir and coir yarn. Copper imported in the form of ores. Oíd copper, fit only for manufacture, clipping from new copper and all composition metal of which copper is a component material of chief valué not specialíy provided for in this act. Copper, regulus of, and black or coarse copper and copper cement. Copper in plates, bars, ingot6 or pigf, and other forma not manufactured not specially provided for in this act. Copperas, or sulphate of iron. Coral, marine, uncut and unmanufactured. Cork wood ox cork bark, unmanufactured. Cotton and cotton waste or flocks. Cotton ties of iron or Steel, cut in lengths, punched or not punched, with or without buckles, for baling cotton. Cryolite or kryolith. Cudbear. Curling stones, or quoits, and curling stone handles. Curry and curry powder. Cuten. Cuttleflsh bone. Dandelion roots, raw, dried or undried, but unground. Diamonds - minera', glaziers1 and engravers' diamonds not set, and diamond dust or bort, and jewels to be used in the manufacture of watchesor docks. Divi-diyi. Dragon'a blood. Drugs which are not edible and which have not been ad vaneed in valué or condition by reftning or griuding or by other process oí manufacture. Eggs of birds, fish and insects. Emery ore. Ergot. Common palmleaf fans and palm leaf unmanufactured. Fariña. Fashion plates.engraved on steel or copper or on wood, colorea or plain. Feathers and downs for beds and feathers and downs of all kinds, crude or not dressed, eolored or manufactured, not specially provided forin tliis act. Feldspar. Feit, adhesive, for sheathine vessels. Fibrin in all forms. Fibh, frozen or packed in fresh ice. Fish for bait. Fiflhskins. Flint. flints and ground flint stones. Floor matting manufactured from round or split straw, including what is commonly known as Chinese matting. Fossils. Fruit, plants, tropical and seinitropical, for the purpose of propogation or cultivatiou. Fruits and nuts. Fruits, green, ripe or dried, not specially provided for in this act. Tamarinds. Brazil nuts, cream nuts, palm nuts and palm nut kernel, not otherwise provided for. Fura, nndretsed, dressed furs suitable only for use in the manufacture of hatters' f ur. Fur skins of all kinds not dressed in any manner. Gambier. Glass, broken and old kUiss which cannot be cut for use and fit only to be renianufactured. Glass plates or disks, rough eut or unwrought. Grasses and fibers- istia or Tampico fiber, jute, Jute butts, manila, sisal grass, sunn, fiax stravv, flax not hackled, tow of flax or hemp, hemp not hackled, henip, flax, jute and tow wasu-s, and all other textile grasses or flbrous vegetable substances, manufactured or undressed, not specially provided for in this act. Gold beaters' molds and gold beaters' skins. Grease and oils. such as are cornmonly used in soaprnaking. Guano, manurea and all substances expreasTy ased for manure. Gunny bags and ;unny cloths, old or refuse, fit only for reman ufacture. Gutta percha, orude. Hair of borses, cattle or other animáis, cleaned or uncleaned, and human hair, raw, uncleaned and not drawn. Hides of skin, raw or uncured, wiiether dry, saltod or pickled. Hide cuttlngs, raw, with or without hair, and all other glue stock. Hide rope. Hones and whetstones. Hoofs, unmanufactured. Hop roots for cultivation. Horns. and parts of, unmanufactun-d, including hora strips and tips. Ice. India rubber, crude and milk of, and old scrap or refuse india rubber, which has been worn out by use and is fit only for remanufacture. Indigo, and extracta or pastes of, and carmines. Iodine, crude aod resublimed. Ipecac. Iridium. Ivory, Bawed or cut intii logs, but not otherwise manufactured, and vegetable ivory. Jalap. Jet, unmanufactured. Joss stick or Joes light. Junk, old. Kelp. Kieserite. Kyanite or cyanite and kainite. Lac dye, crude, seed, button, stick and shell. Lac spirits. Ijactarine. Lava, unmannfactured. Leeche. Lemon julce, lime juice and sour orange juice. Licorice root, unground. Ufeboats and life savins apparatus specially Imported by Bocietles incorporated or establjshed to encourasre the saving of human Ufe. Lime, citrate of. Lime, caJorlde of, or bleachlug DQwdür. XjtbograpbtcfitQJiSB, CWtvFiTT T.úinii-, j:i ";,;:rr(T er no( pfëjJarëïL LoadslouAs. Maader and munjeet or Tutjiun madder, grounti or lireparctl, ar;i v.'i t .tn.cis of. Magneeia, BU pílate of, or s;ilts. Magneaite, or DatiVf ruinera; c;.r nate of magnesia. Magnesium. Mn-nett. Aianganese, oxide and ore of. Manna. Manuseripts. Marrow, crude. Marshmallows. Madili acreofod s Imr.orary finmcnons. fueersnaum, ernae or unmanaactnred. Ürk, fresh. Mineral waters, all. uot artificia!. lemonde, soda water, and all similar watr. Minerale, cradc. Modele of iDventions. lloss, seaweeds and vegetable substances, crude or unrnanufactured. Muk, crudo. In natural pods. Myrobolan. Needlee, hand sewing and darning. Newepapers and perlodicals. Nux vómica. Oakmii. Ocherand ochery earlhs, sienna and gienna earth;-, umter and umber eartha, not epecially provided for in thi act, dry. Oil cake. Oilfi- Olive oil for manufacturine or mechanica! purposee, unfit for eating andnot oiherwiRe provided for ín thiB act. Opium, crude or unmanufactnred and not adulterated, coiiliiiniug 8 per cent and over of morphia. Orauge and lemon peel, not preserved, candied or otherwise prepared, Orchil or orebil liquid. Ores of gold, silver and nickel matte, Osnmim. Paintiiigs, in oil or water colore. Palladium. Paper stock, crude, of every description. Paraffiii. Parchiin-nt and vellum. Pearl, motber of, not nawed or ent or otherwise manuf actured. Peas, green, in bnlk or in bárrele, sacks or similar packages. Personal or household effecis not nierchandise of citlzens of tbe United States dying in foreign countries. Pewter and britannia metal, oíd and fit only to be remanufactured. Philoeophical and seientinc apparatus. Pbosphates, crude or native. Plants, trees, sbrubs and villes of all kinds commonly known as nursery Ptock, not specially provided for in this act. Piaster of paris and sulphate of lime, ungroued. Platina, in ingots, bars, sheets and wire. Platinura, i unmanufactured. Plows, tooth and disk harrows, harvesters, reapere, agricultural . drills and planters, mowers, horee rakes, vators, thrashing machines and cotton gins. Provided that all articles mentioned in this parasrraph, if imported from a country I wbicli lays an import duty on llke articles imported from tije United States, sball be subject to the dnties existingprior to tbe passage of this act. Plumbago. Plush, black, known ■ commercially as hatters' plush. Politshing I Btones and burnishing stones. Potaeh, crude, carbonate of or "black salts." Caustic potash or hydrat of, including refined in sticks and rolls. Nitrate of potash or saltpeter, crude. Sulphate uf i)otash, crude or reflned. Clilorate of potash. Muríate of potash. Professional books, implements Instruments and tools of trade, ocenpation or employment, in the actual possession at the time of persons arriving in the United States. Pulu. Pumice. Quills, prepared or unprepared, but not made up into complete articles. Quinla, sulphate of ! and all alkaioids or salt6 of chichona bark. Rags, not otherwise specially provided for in ! this act. Regalia and gems, statues, statuary and specimens or casts of sculpture where specially imported in good faith for the use of any society inoorporated or established solely for educational, philosophical, literary or religión pnrposes. Rennet, raw or prepared. Saffron and safflower and eitract of and safl ron cake. Sago, crude, and sago flour. Salaáne. Salí. Sauerkraut. Sausage skins. Seeds. Selup or saloup. Shells of all kinds, not cut, ground or otherwise manufactuied. Shotguu barrels, forged, rough bored. Shrimps and other shellfish, canned or otherwise. Silk, raw, or as reeled from the cocoon, but not doublé, twieted nor advanced in manufacture i in any way. Silk cocoons and silk waste. ! Silkworms' eggs. Skeletons and other preparations of anatomy. Snails. Soda, nitrate of, or cubic nitratO and chlorate of. Sulphate of soda or salt cake or niter cake. Sodium. Sparterre, suitable for making or ornament ing hats. Specimens of natural history, botany and minerology, when imported for cabinets or as objectB of 6cienoe, and not for sale. Cassia, casBia vera and cansía buds, unground. Cinnamon and chips of, unground. Clovesandclove Btms, unground. Glnger root. nnground and not preserved or candied. Mace. Nutmegs. Pepper, black or white, unground. Plmento, unground. Spunk. Spurt and stilts used in the manufacture of earthen, porcelain and Btoneware. Stamps- foreign postage or revenue stamps, canceled or uncanceled. Stone and sand. Storax or styrax. Strontia, oxide of and protoxide of strontian, and strontianite, or mineral carbonate of stroiitia. Sulphur. Sulphuric acid. Sweepings of silver and gold. Tallow and wool grease, including that known commercially as degras or brown wool grease. Tapioca, cassavaor cassady. Tar and pitch of wood,and pitch of coal tar. Tea and tea plants. Teetb, natural or unmanufactured. Terra alba. Terra japónica. Tin ore, cessiterite or black oxide of tin, and tin in bars, blocks, pigs, or grain or granulated. Tinge wire, lame or lahn. Sa wed boards, plank, duals and other lumber, rough or dresseu, except boards, plank, deals and other lumber of cedar, lignum vitae, lancewood, ebony, box, granadilla, mahogany, rosewood, satinwood and all other cabinet woods. Pine clapboards. Spruce clapboards. Hubs for wheels, posts, last blocks, wagon blocks, oar blocks, gun blocks, heading and all like blocks or sticks, rough hewn or sa wed only. Laths. Pickets and paliugs. Shingles. Sta ves of wood. Woods- namely, cedar, lignum vitas, lancewood, ebony, box, granadilla, mahogany, rosewood, satinwood and all forms of cabinet woods, in the log, intended to be converted; bamboo reeds and sticks, not otherwise specially provided for in this act, in the rough or not f urther manufacturad than cut into lengths suitable for sticks for umbrellas, parasols, sunshades, whips or walking canes, and india malacca joints, not f urther manuf actured than cut into lengths for the manufactures iuto which they are intended to be con verted. Tobacco sterns. Tonquin. tonqua or tonka beaus. Tripoli. Tumeric. Turpentine, Venice. Turpentine, spirity of. Turtles. Types, old and untit only to be remanufactured. Uranium, oxide and salts of. Vaccine virus. Valonia. Verdigris, or subacetate of copper. Wafers, unmedicated and not edible. Wax, vegetable or mineral. Wearing apparel and other personal effeets. Whalebone, unmanufactured. Wood- logs and ronnd, unmanufactured timber. Firewood, handle bolts, heading bolts, stave bolts and single bolts, hop poles, fence posts, railroad ties, ship timber and ship plank ing, not specially provided for in this act. Timber, hewn and sawed, and timber used for spare and in building wharves. Timber, squared or sided. Wool of the sheep, hair of the ramel, goat, alpaca and other like animale. Works of art, the production of American artists residing temporarily abroad. Works of art. drawings, engravings, ph9tographic pictures and . philosophical and scientiflc apparatus brought by professional artists, lecturers or scientists arnying from abroad for use by them temporarily for exhibition. Works of art. collections in illustration of the progress of the arts, science or manufactures, photographs, works in terra cotta, parían, pottery or porcelain and artistic copies of antiquities in metai or other material, hereafter imported in good faith for permanent exhibition ataflxed place by any society or institution established for the encouiagement of the arta or of science.


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