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A Voice From The S. C. A.

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Byron, Hls., Sept. 18,1894. Po the Womea of Aun Arbor: From time to time the genera! secretary and other officers of the Students' Christian Association have received letters from young people who wish to take a course of study in the University and earn a part of their expenses. Such students have frequently been helped to work, but the number of such is frequently greater than the number of places for thern to work. This fact has caused a desire to put the whole matter on a well-organized basis. It is much easier for men than for woraen to find employment. Just at this time, when you are getting your homes ready to receive a large number of students who will soon return to the University, will you not, as many as can, make a place in your home for a college girl, and give her a chance to do housework to pay for her room ? I shall be in Ann Arbor Sept. 22, and can be found after that at Newberry Hall, where I expect to meet many of the new girls. Please cali on me or any of the officers of the S. C. A I trust that this is only the beginnin of what may become a great help to college women in Ann Arbor. Vice-President S. C. A.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News