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Hayes And Meiklejohn

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Many of Ann Arbor's citizens who recollect the notorious Col. Hayes, of Detroit, when he attended the University will be interested in the following letter clipped from the New York Sun. Col. Hayes and wife occupied when in the city the residence of Col. Wilcoxen, on North División st. At hat time he was evidently looking up financial matters by having every young attorney in the city working o get good loans for his vast captal. He always had much to say about his Salt Lake city mortgages which paid hitn two per rent. a tnonth: Totlie Editor of the Sur. I notice that among those who urged the pardon of Col. William 3. Hayes was Congressman Meikleohn, of Nebraska. In this Mr. Vleikljohn was paying a debt of gratitude which is not at all to his discredit. In the winter of 1879-80 ongressman Meiklejohn and Col. iayes were fellow student in the aw department of the University of Michigan. Mr. Meiklejohn was a hard student and close application to his tudies brought on a fever which developed into typhoid. He was ar from home and dependent upon he care of his fellow students and he tender rnercies of a student boarding-house keeper. His condiion was very serious, when Col. Hayes, who, with his devoted wife, was occupying a commodious dwellng in Ann Arbor, learned of his )light. Col. Hayes immediately ïad Mr. Meiklejohn removed to his own home, gave him every advanage of good nursing and the best medical attention, and undoubtedly aved his life. I mention this incident to show hat Mr. Meiklejohn would have roved himself an ingrate had he not nterested himself for Col. Hayes, and also to show that vile and crimnal as the latter undoubtedly is, he s at least not without some ng qualities. New Brunswick, Aug. 30."


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News