Si25.oo in Prizes. Byclers, young and old, fleet and not so fleet, buckle on, and get your wheels in shape. All for the Washtenaw County Fair at Ann Arbor. Three thousand people want to see you race. See what the merchants of Ann Arbor contribute in prizes toward the races: Valued at Koch & Henne, over stuffed red plush Chair $10 00 A. Wilsey, Guitar 10 00 Ann Arbor Organ Co , Accordeon 6 50 Goodyear Co., Opera Glass 5 00 Mack&Schmtd, SUk ümbrella. 5 00 S. Friedberg, ieweler, Gold Chain and Charm..--' 5 00 W. G. Dieterle, Music Rack 4 50 Rinsey ei Seabolt, Barrel of Flour 4 50 Joe T.Jacobs Co., Woolen Sweater 4 00 Mills & Co., 1 doz. Gents' Linen Handkerclnefa 4 00 M. Staebler, Beauty Child's Seat 4 00 öohuh & Muehlig, set Rogers' Silver Plated Knlves and Forks 3 75 Oean & Co .Box Banner Cigars 3 75 H. J. Brown, Bicycle Lantern 3 50 Gibson & Clark, 1 doz Cabinet Pictures.3 50 Haller's Jewelry Store, Silver Plated Goblet 3 00 Eberbach & Son, Set of Carvers 3 00 Wadhams, hyan & Reule, Traveling Baï 3 00 E E. Beal. Bicycle Shoes , 3 00 George Wahr. Fouutaiu Pen 8 00 WabrM!ller, Bicycle Sboes 2 50 Moore ie Wetmore, Hammock 2 50 W. D. Adams. Toilet Set, or Album . 50 Wanner & Biermann, Razoror Pistol... 2 50 J. W. Eisele, 1081b. Sack of Flour 2 00 A. L. Noble, Derby Hat 1 50 A. L. Neble, Si.k Handkerchief 1 o Entry blanks will be sent you upon application. Address F. Stofflet, Ann Arbor, Mich.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News