SEPOET OF THE COELITIC3 ÖFTBE ir i mm ai - AT - ArSX AlïISOR, MICHIGAN, Al toe cl'Me of husine-t, .Tuly 1_, HJ KÊSOÜKOBS. Loan3 and disoounts .-■.,,- o..M Stocks Honda and .. "av 71Í !,'.- Overrfraft 36SS 7R Dae fnm banks in reserve ciiiin lï'iiitësi ,)ue froru other bauks and bimkï-rs s'imdm! Puefrom Washtenaw Co ï'iK ,1 Furnitvire and tlxtures 2000M CuTreHt expenses and tuses puid "' ocin Intere.-t paul .2! Cbecksand cash items 3 MOM Nieten nn i permtes 2 1 48 Silvercoin iftSS C.S.andNation] Bank Not -s .".. limm Tolal ílT0992 LIAUILITIES. CapiUIptoc!: pd in $ Í0 0OO0O Sövluafund faoooeo pnaiviaei proflts 5.7S608 Uivideiias uupttia 535 kq [ndlvidua) r)M3it3 .sVsOa Cíitífisatf9.of di'poslt 1"S4859 ïavings deposita 8;0U 33 Total íi: 1,039 52 STATE OF 1ICHIGAN, („ Doubt; of Vaslitcua-w, jb'kI, Freilerick H. Bnlser, Cashier of the abovo a-irrfrf bai'rc-j s-oletuniy swiat that the above jtaieniflut ia true w ih ticst of ïij xnowledge üd Seiïef. F. H. Belser, Cashier, Correct- Attest . AMB'iOSE KEARKEY, ) W.F.Breakey, -Directors Edward Dufft, I Sabscribi anu swom to belbxe metiiis 19th dav of July, lá'JJ. H. A. Williams. Notary Public. if w Human nature to want sometfnng Jor notkmg. SILVERWAKE &IÏEI Af AY FIE -ATW. F Liodhoiz Xxrocery Store. Nos. 4 and 6 Broadtriy. Tliis ix the waf f it in done: With every Cash Sale, whether it be ten cents or fifty dollars we give you a coupon showing the amount purcha-ed, and when you hav ! boucfnt groceries or any goods in our line to ! the amount rif Forty Dollars, Forty-five Dollars or Fifty Dollars YüU CAN HAYE YOÜR CHÓICE of theïWFNTY BEAUTIFUL PIECESOF SILVERWARE. such as Sugar Bowls, Spoon Holder, Creará, Fruit, (jaster, Berry, Pickle, Butter Dit:cs, etc. CALIi AND EXAMIN2 Bemember JEvei-ything in the GROCERY LINE Sold Cheapfor Cash. W. F. LODHOLZ 4 aad 6 Broadway ARE YOUPOSTED Standard" díctionarY PUBLI9HBO Y FUNK & WAGNALLS CO., NEW YORK. LIT COST W NEARLY &fr MILLION 1 " DOLLARS. É-= - Grandest -S= . ! Literary "= &bsí Achievement fe 1! of the Age" It is made on New Plans by tha best Talent. lts Editora number 247. In preparation 4 years. Has a wonderful Vocabulary of nearly 300,000 WORDS AND PHRASES. More than Twlce the Words found in any other 1 Vol. Dictionary, and about 75.000 moro words than Any Other Dictionary of tlio LanKuage. Particulars sent f ree to any address. Address. PRICE $12 10 $22 toiSding. THE FULLER BOOK CO., ímaIqo, mich. Or apply to our Local Agent. EISENBARTH LIVER PILLS Will stitnulate a siuggish system into JieaUhy actior: . MiNFS DRUG STORE, 39 S. Main Street. ZE WHITE TOKAY The Best for all Purposes, MANN B1ÍOS., DrHg'jftets, 39 S. Main St. - ANN ARBOE. g.DO NOT VORHY SSgMW-CÏ tm - Periods are Painful fSif Mouthü.s :. iva ölopped %WLP M MC! p SAFE mïiOK .;, '■■ , -áB alta Li Suric t-.]rt '"?%,■ 0 or í:o Par. Pa rticu lars Free miTinx Pretroant v.-craen raust notuse, üAÜ i IU,t It wiil surely briug üu the flow.
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