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An Ordinance

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The Common Coimctt of the City of Ann Arhar itrdain : Seotion 1. Tl. símil be unlawíul í'or any persontoábopt, kill, eripple, huiat, phase or in any way i tij ii re any sijuirrel orsquirrels wlthin 't 1 1 e liniits Of the City of Ann Arbor. Sec 2. Itshall be unlawful tor any person to shoot, kill, cripple, hunt or In aiiy'way injure any wild birds within the liinits of ihe City of Ann Arbor: Provided, this Section :i not apply to Kngllsh sparrows, crows or bawks. Sec. :!. It shall be unlawful tor any person to rob or tear down, injiireorf'estroy the nest of any wild liird within the Umita ot' tbe ity Of Ann Arbor: Provided tliis erlion sh;ill not apply to En?mh sparrows' nests. St'O. 4. Eacli andeveiy bird or sqnirrcl sluit, killed, erippled, lmnted, chased or i lured, and each and veiy bird's uest robtied, toin down. Injured or destroyed, In violatlon of anv provisión of this ordlnance sliall constta separate and distinct offense. 5. Any person violatin;aiiy of theprovisions of this ordinauee sliall, on conviction thoroof be puni-'hed by a fine not excecdinir Twenty-flve Dollars and costol' prosecutlon: and in the imposition of any sucb fine and costs the ooiirt may impose the turther sentence that the otfender be and remain imprisoned in tbe common jail of W&shtcnaw county urit il siirli (ine and costs shall have been patd, provided the term of 9uch imprlsonmeni shall nol ezceed the pertod oí thirty days. Sec. ii. Tliis ordlnanoe shall take efleoi and be in torce trom and alter tlic twentleih day Of Septemljer. A. D. 1894. Passed in Common Couneil Sept. :!. 1?9J. Anproved nept. n. isw.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News