Nervous, Despondent, Diseased Men!
Emisslons, Varlcocale, Seminal Weakness, Seif-Abuse. Syphllls, Gleet, Strlcture, Unnatural Discharges, Loss of Vital Fluid In Urine Impotency. Sexual and Mental Weakness. Kidnay and Bladder Diseases Posltively CURED OK NO PAY! ie YEARS IN DETROIT. 2OO.OOO CURED. ... _ ,, ... _ Syphilis Cured. "This terrible blood d IK6 Father ike SOtl YoungorMiddleAgedMan - YüuhaTeloda ease was in my aystem for eight yeari. Had ' ■"" "■■ gaylifeorindulgedinthevieesof earlyyouth. taken mercury for two years, but the disease Ê Tou feel the symptoms stealing over you. Sd returned. Eyes red, pimples and blotche on % abute, or later txcuits have broken down your the Bkin, ulcers in the mooth and on tongae, i_ i. t system. Mentaüy, phytically and sezually yon bone pnins, falling out of hair, weakness, etc. t V=J , are not the man you used to be or shonld be. My brother, who liad been cured of Gleel and ÜP -■ Lustful practices reap rich harvests. Think Strietnre by Dr3. Kennedy and Kergan, recomV fA ({r of the future. Will you heed the danger signáis! mendedthem. ïhey cured me in a few weeks _ fiO'AJv 'i iik Ar yon nervous and weak; despondent and and 1 tbank God I coneulted them. No reL -.- A "B 'v gloomy; specks before eyes; back weak and turn of thedisease in six yeara." J f Vpr ■ -. kidneysirritable;palpitationofheart;dreamB W. P. M., Jackeon, Mica. V Vjir,. _ andloaeesatnight; sediment in urine; A Minister Speaks. The Rev. W. E. Sparks, ; d I I1 TS ened manhopd; pimples on face; eyes sunken of Detroit, says: "I know of no dieease so in" LJ l fl'r C and che.eks hollow; poor memory; carewom jurioue to the mind bod &nd 8oul of n J lm MS-Ï. expression; Varicocele; tired in mormng; raen as that of Self Abuse. X have sent many Vi ' fn hfeless; distrustful; lack energy strencth vk-tims of this lnstful habit to Drs. Kenned? I _L-I A &Jí k and ambition. Our New Method Treatment Kerimn for ttimmt TnK.iriii,.n J'A-mBV-ZraS will positivel, cure you. It will make a mar JorB?Sïr ZZttJXohc f Hv. ivUéSiZ' Tf ft ilf1 V3T of you and hfe will open anew. We guaranUc when all pi", f-iilwl " L ThJ'JBwi" ff?ÍA TSTwy names used without written consent. S1.OOC . Doctor hecommendslt.. "I knownothing K 1 Vk2K- - - Jg-Ty' ft ftt paid for any case we take and cannot cure! m medical sciencoHo efficiënt for the cur of H Hr' ■■''tTL J '1 rOii 1 Sifih.Jis and Serum lucrases s the New Uethod I V lKK SSV- ZW Ji il cMiTrHcn rOn thp r.DAVPi Treatment ot Urs. Kmnedy t Kergan. Many I il sHÍÍÜr- mmmsm L JCJ", f ! SNATCHED FROM THE GRAVE I ,,ab.s wWch hud i)liftlwl 8Cores of piiy8icians Bj Bil r s}fk-=: y„ VrJ(, ƒ I A Warning From the Living. were cured in a fey weeks. I have seen this H f V. rP&CJl '- , JT Si'A Emissions Cured. "At 15 I learned a bad with my own eyeaand knowit tn benfact." E líZlVK rf JsïiKl habit. Had losses for seven years. Trieri T. 11. ALLI80N. M. D. K ] A)r il M jLr 11 four doctors and nerve tonics by the Bcore, Reader - Have you been guilty? Has your 1 II n W VffJ? -il withont benefit. I became a nervous wreek. Blood been diseusi d? Are you weak? Do you _J -"11 " II W r II Orli A friend who had been cnred by Drs. Kennedy desire to be 1 iim.' Are vou contemplating II f W JM ftt k Kergau of a similar diseaee, advised me to mai rhie? Our Keu Metu,rt Treatmenl wiÜ fSm m II try them. I did eo, and in two months was poffllively onre yon. Cures Guaranteed or Ño __K M ff J II positively cured. This was eight years ago. Pay ! Consultaron Tree! AC Jf f I -_ j I am now married and have two healthj No matter who !üu treated you, write for an - .1.1 ir2n ( children." C. W. LEWIS, Saginaw. Mich. honeM opinión int" of charge. Charges reasJL ffiV ZLjsP Varicocele Cured. "Varicocele, the result of ??bJ' Books Free-"The Golden Monitor" gtrT prIr- oariy Tice matje ufe miserable. I was weak (iHustrated), pn Diseases of Men. Enclose and nerToue, eyes eunken, baehful in society, Postage, 2 cents. Heaied. befoee tekatmint. hair thin. dreams aud losses at night, no ENo names used without written consent, f "Ye, I have juBt read the "Golden Monitor," bition. The "Golden Monitor" opened my Private. No medicine sent C. 0. D. No names edited by Drs. Kennedy & Kergan, and knowing yes. The New Method Treatment of Drs. on boxes or envelupes. Everything I their high repntation I shall consult them as tha Kennedy 4 Kergan cured me in a few weeks." tial. Question list for home trsatment and [ last reiort."- A Viclim. I. E. PETER80N, Ionia, Mich. cost of treatment. Frce. DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN, 148 5HELBY STREET, DETROIT, MICH."
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