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M. G. Corson has returncd fjo:)i Petoskey. Mrs. Thos. Corbett has returned from St. Johns. Miss Susie Dunston has returned from her vacation. Charles Conrad, of Dexter was in the city Saturday. Miss Grace Flagg returr.ed last week from Detroit. W. L. Bumage, of Tecumseh, is here visiting friends. D. J. McNamara, of Dayton, O. is visiting in the city. W. C. Mack is in New York for the purchase of goods. Epp. Matteson has returned from a northern business trip. Henry Frank, of Saline, was a visitor in the city Friday. Hon. Perry F. Powers, of Cadil lac, was in the city on Friday. Miss Anna Noli started for New York Saturday, to visit friends. Theodore Greece has returnec from a business trip in the west. J. A. Cass and wife, of Spring Lake, are visiting in Ann Arbor. Theo. Wetzel, of Calumet, is vis iting his parents for a few days. A. Wood, of East Tawas, is in the city on business for a few days Mrs. A. H. VanVoorheis, of Chicago, is the guest of Ann Arbor friends. Trustee Schmid, attended a meet ing of the Eastern asylum board, last week. Mrs. Victoria Morris returned last Friday from a summer residence at Old Mission. Zack Roath left Monday morning for New York, to purchase fall anc winter goods. Attorney Walter C. Burndge, oi Tecumseh, was in the city on business, Monday. C. M. Brown and Richard Anderson, of Tecumseh, visited Ann Arbor, Saturday. The Misses Cal and Ella Whitaker take up their residence in Ann Arbor this week. Herman Armbruster is in Detroit attending the meeting of the Detroit Schuetzen Bund. Samuel Krause returned last week from a business absence of severa! weeks in the East. H. E. Shaw, representing the firm of E. W. Gillett, of Chicago, is at the Cook House. E. G. Mingay, of Toronto, Ont., is spending a week with T. W. Mingay and other friends. Ralph and Miss Ella Wagner have returned from Wequetonsing, where they spent the summer. Col. Dean, J. Q. A. Sessions, and other G. A. R. men, have returned from Pittsburg. Mrs. E. Jones, of Grand Rapids, late guest of Mrs. Jacobus, of Mary street, has returned home. L. G. Lawson, of Grand Rapids, arrived last week to draw the plans of Prof. Pattengill new residence. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Liken and daughter, of Sebewaing, are visiting the family of Mrs. Fred Schleede. Mr. and Mrs. L. Burns, of Detroit, were last week guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Bigalke, of Volland street. Prof. E. F. Johnson returned Saturday from Lansing, where he had been attending the Maccabee convention. Mr. and Mts. W. P. Jacobs, of Chicago, are in the city, being called here by the death of Mrs. Jacobs' sister, Miss Storms. E. A. Gartee was in the city last Friday, and reports that Mrs. Gartee is at the home of her mother in Ithaca, very ill of dropsy. J. C. Hoffstetter, ticket agent at the Union depot, Erie, Pa., an old Ann Arbor boy, has been in the city for the past two days. visiting relatives. Mrs. Albert Lohr. and daughter, or Marshal, late the guests of Mrs. Lohr's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Schulz, and other relatives, returned home this morning. Mr. A. H. Cross, one of the editors of the Sunday School Advance, the organ of the state Sunday-school association, also editor of the Lyons Herald, was in the city, Saturday. Mr. Cross has been seven years a publisher, though now only 23 years of age. He is a wide-awake young man, and appears to be the offspring of quite a newspaper calculation.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News