Proceedings Of The Board Of Public Works
lopkicial.1 Office Board of Public woiïks, i Ann Albor, Sept. 12. f Regular session. Called to order by Pres. Keech. Roll Called. Present Messrs. Keech and Schuh. Minutes of the previous meeting read and approved. A petition signed by Charles F. Pardon, asking permission to cut Miller ivenue, for the purpose of connecting with the sewer of the Courier buildug was presented . By Mr. Schuh. Resolved, That Charles F, Pardon be allowed to cut Miller avenue for the purpose of connecting with the Courier building sewer, provided permission is given him by the proprietor of he Courier building sewer, and also that this permission for connecting with the said sewer does not exempt Mr. Pardon from any lateral sewer ax. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Messrs. Keech and Schuh. Mis. Neble and Mr. Ptisterer asked 'or an extensión of time for building heir walks at their property on Kingsey street. Ref erred to Mr. Claik and the Street Commissioner. Superintendent Carroll. of the Ann Ar oor Street Railway Co., appeared before the Board, stating that be wished in different localities where the company's tracks weru belowgrade, permission to raise them. , This matter was referred to the Citv Engineer and the Street Couamissinner to superintend. Mr. Schuh moved that this Board recomniend to the Common Council tbat the appropriatiou ot $50.00 be made l'rom the Street Fund for the gradina of Forest avenue South of Hill street. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Messrs. Keech and Schuh. On motion the bids for the construction of cement and plank sidewalks, where not built by the property owni ers were opened and inspected. By Mr. Keech: Resolved, that the respective bids be transmitted to the Common Council with the recommendation that the bids of N. Felch, Geo. Kirn and W. H. Richmond be accepted, respectively. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Messrs. Keech and Schuh. By Mr. Keech: Resolved, That the Williams siphon be adopted by this Board and used in our flushing-tanks in the construction of the lateral sewers. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Messrs. Keech, and Schuh. On motion the Board adiourned. Clerk.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News