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Cidcr apples and apples for evaporating wanted by the Ann Arbor Fruit & Vinegar Co. Ninth Annual Ohio Excursión. Wednesday, Oct. d, the Toledo, Ann Arbor & Nurth Michigan R'y will run their Ninth Annual Ohio Excursión. Train will leave Ann Arbor at 11:30 a. m. Excursión tickets good for 30 days will be sold to Toledo and all points on the Wheeling & Lake Erie R'y, Columbus, Hocking Valley & Toledo R'y, and Ohio Central Lines, Cincinnati, Hamilton & DaytonR'y, and Pennsylvania Co.'s Lines. Baggage will be checked to destination. Cali on agents for particulars. State Fair Excursión. The Michigan Central will run a special excursión train to Detroit, Sept, 10 to 21 inclusive, 1894, excepting Sunday, Sept. 16, 1894, on account of the Michigan State Fair. Special tickets, including one admission to the fair, will be sold from Ann Arbor at the rate of $1.65 for the round trip. Train leaves Ann Arbor at 7:23 a. ra.; returning, the special train will leave Detroit at 6 p. m. Tickets will be limited to September 22, 1894, and will also be good on regular trains, Nos.. 2, 3, 7 and 8, but not good on trains Nos. 5, 6r 10, 13, 15, 16 and 19. W. H. Hayes, Agent. Typewriters of all makes - _JSS- Calitrraphs, Remintrtons. sa HjL& rnonds, Etc, - 40 to 60 per cent. MSfSflSjM below manufacturers prices. JUfflf L ' Machines rented at JÊ mMéhk ingly lowrates 8 gl 'S 8 and' ' Pur" 8H WB hut chased, will alMÊ DS low a month's rental to apply H BA on price. Typewriter Emk B I'oridm, 161 La Salie Street, tSlr Chicago. Mention this paper. OWENS 18 THE MAN. Old Ashland, Ky., District Vindicates lts Honor


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News