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Mack & Schmid

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■ DEPARTMENT In regard to this important department of The Store we have this to say with absolute truth and without fear of contradiction from any source whatever.- We are Selling-Carpets, Rugs and Draperies for less money than it is possible to get them from any merchant in Michigan. Our low prices have attracted the attention of people far and near and as a consequence great quantities of Carpeting have been sent out.-Our remarkable prices we will continue 30 days longer during which time this department will not be run for profit but to bring people to our town. 59c 59c 59c 59c 59c 59c 59c 59c 59c 250 Rolls-the very best Extra Super 2 ply Ingrain Carpet known to the trade.-They are the Lowells & Hartfords.You all know that no other carpets equal the Lowells in reputation or service -For 30 days you get the choice of our entire stock- all of which are new fall designs purchased within the past 30 days-and all worth 75c, for 59c. 59c 59c 59c 59c 59c 59c 59c 59c AjQf 25 Rolls Extra Super All-Wool 2-Ply Ingrain Carpet, fresh new designs -will give satisfactory wear and ara A q jfcOO strictly standard goods, worth 70c, will go for the next 30 days at 48c. TTOC RnnY ft F The Bigelows, the Lowells, the Hartfords.- Body Brussels are inIIP nAny Pvrp I Unñ comParable for quality-for design, for wear.-We give you your UrM PM nn, rrr. -, Q IL choice ofour entire stock of 5-frame Body Brussels, worth the Ml r plUh:Lz5 world over $1.25, for the next 30 days 95c. HWN BRUSSELS MA 3-Ply Agra Weave Carpets are here in large assortment in new goode, rtfl 9HIl nrg a. J'IMJbmi MM tn mmmmm _. urn. MJ IA You have always paid $1.00 a yard for those most excellent carpets. Kor Ml A ft { B MBl h j H I w J y y the next 30 days we well sell them for 80c. UUv Jf Ril S&fa. M ■■ t! fe C-Si 50 rolls Union Carpets-have heretofore been sold rk ák ÍÜ QR Chenille Portiers, Plain and Doublé Dado fti QP .- T% f for 50c- your choice of the entire line now can be .- W C h I Borders, heavy fringe. Sold every day in the year at 13.50. H tj KJ V had at g t- U O y 1 1 ü W During September at $1.95. U B U U Á4-( M mw p.p-.ï. 50 Window Shades, with Hartshorn Fixtures, all colors, are 25c every J 1 Jljrl. 1 J Jl JU VÍ M 150 pair Nottingham Lace Curtains, new designs, of fine quality, excellent value at $1.00, at 67c. Large Saving by Buying Your Supply of Matting During this Month. _____ We are making prices to close out our entire stock. 75 Pair Nottingham Lace Curtains, 3 i yards long, you can't buy for less than Si. 75. 10 rolls China Matting, the regular 25c quality ; is marked down to 15c. Will be sold for ----.... ifcl.001 18 rolls China Matting, plain and fancy colors, our former price 30c, will close at 18c. 50 Pair Real Irish Pointe Lace Curtains we have always sold for $3.50, as a leader at S.IO' 35 rolls extra quality Cotton VVarp Matting, our regular price 45c, to close at 28c. $5.00 Irish Pointe Lace Curtains, go at - - - - - - 3.50 30 rolls Extra Heavy China Matting, the best 50c grade, to close at 35c. $6.50 Irish Pointe Lace Curtains, go at - - - - - - 4. 50 20 rolls Best Cotton Warp Matting, worth 50c, to close at 35c. $7.50 Irish Pointe Lace Curtains, go at - - - . - . 5. 00 $10 Irish Pointe Lace Curtains, go at - ■ . - . 6.50 $12 Irish Pointe Lace Cnrtains, go at . . . . . g.00 ■ % W y y LV W""V W TT T 1 Lot Brussels Net Curtains, cut from $4.50 to - - . . . 2.98 ■ Ijl $Zv rT l 1 Lot Brussels Net Curtains, cut from $5.50 to ----- 3.6 Real Lyons Silk Curtains, always marked $6, are now sold for - - - 4.5Q We have received in the last thirty days a large purchase of rugs in all sizes and makes Real Lyons Silk Curtains, our $8 goods, cut to - - - - - 6.55 We are going to give you the benefit of very low prices on them during December. Real Lyons Silk Curtains, the $10 value?, offered now for - - - 8.00 (renuine Wilton Velvet Rugs, 27x64, - - $2 85 - - . Kasmir Rugs, 27x64, - - - - 2 25 Smyrna Rugs, 6 ft. x 9 ft., - 15.00 15 dozen Crochet Bed Spreads, $1.25 value, to sell at 89c Smyrna Rugs, 7j ft. x 10 ft., - - - 28.00 8 dozen Real Marseilles Bed Spread8 cut from $2.50 to $2.OO.' IspahanRug, Jft xlOlft - . - - 9.o0 5 dozen Marseilles Bed Spreads cut from $3.50 to 2.75 , Uur Rugs, White, Black and Colored, - - 2.50 ( 3 dozen Marseilles Bed Spreads cut from $5.00 to Hoo! OLvíSívEL 1 O. 25 GheniileTable CoVers, fieaVy Frii)ge ai)d good 100 Pair Blankets, White and Colored, sold last year for 90c and $1.00, now go at 59c. ValÜe at $l,Oöj CÜt tO 6SC 65 Pair Blankets, Fine Quality, Fancy Border, to sell for $1.00. ♦ 50 Pair Blankets, White and Colored, never shown for less than $1.75, now $1.25. 10 doz' Chenille Table Covers, beautifully designed, centers good, $1.25 value, cut to 89c


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News