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Cloaks And Furs

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Whercvor the j.ame of The Store is heard the reputation of our Great Cloak Department extends. Great is the priveledge of achieveinent." I. the past three years it is acknowletged bv all The Store has done the Cloak business within a radius of 25 miles.- In Cloaks we acknowledge no peer in the State. } g 6 ml a Av rm reCeP.tly, "modeled and refurnished and filled with the bright new Stylish Swell Garment for fall and winter our Cloak department presenta a very pleasin All our ntyles in Cloaks and Furs are now displayed and ladies will fmd this the best time they will see this fall to purchase a garment. J P g f ' Él The Cuts shown on this page can give you but a M,ÉB'1 f slight conception of the thousands of different % a 7Z i styles of cloth and make we are showing. You ? 5 SPï yB i are especially invited to come and inspect our f j W?f W á j A Qreat Special Offering to Open f B fj up the Season. }t ÉjfHk sjp ;i) 1 ƒ - ■" Ladies' tigbt-fitting Coats; slashed or full back, with Reefer front, in Navy, m _ - "w ffiK M !lW -o Black and Brown, Beaver, Tan, Blue and Gray Coverts, are strictly all %T # C I ils ' ..-■■■ . - -;&:i-8B p; wool, made by one of the best New York houses, absolutely correct in gJ ■ - ■ I I f?W ;p ■- v__ style and make, 38 to 44 inches long, positive BH. 50 value. We wil] ? J Pf P Xl%J 9 "- An important, a very important feature of our cloak department this fall will be our display of Fl'K S L WkiBf HM 19 f3 ■-- GAKMENTS. The craze for furs this f all is extraordinary and we have made provisions to meet the r'SPPÍ kIMË! L -SrlÈ W fc r C3 ? '2 wants of all. Of this fact you can rest assured, there will be a saving on every garment you purchase =' a:- J (S ülÜïiwP . É w at The Store this f all. While we guarantee reliability of every garment sold. We are now showing g _ - a jH nNkw@(L f _S " ' 27-inch Astrachan Capes at $11. 5O, 30-inch Astrachan Capes, full sweep, good quality, $13, 30 inch O Êk ftïm 3K H i extra quacity, Astrachan Cape, full sweep, $15. Astrachan Coats, 30 inch, long full skirt, large sleeves _r -. P Mi ,j -H J s ï S an(i laped, very stylish, extra quality of fur, for $24. Large assortment Coney Electric Seal, Marten o 5 S fm$:WÈ ik W I Misses3 and Chiidren's Garments ft Pi


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