Our Policy Compels The Lowest Prices On Everything At All Times
Many pecple wonder at the magnitude of our business during these hard times. More wonder why we sell so cheap, but it is small wonder when our clear cut, determined and strictly adhered to policy is understood. Three years ago we started with the intention of underselling all others. We have grown to what we are by persistently and constantly underselling all others. Such a Policy guaran tees our patrons at all times the Lowest Prices for everything we sell. Such a Policy backed by the resources and power of The Store, must win, does win, that's why we lead. Dress Garniture. The very lates t Paris ideas for f all representiug a great variety of charming creations to be had only at The Store. $2,000 worth of Laces and Dress Triimnings, bought in vast ; quantities; bought cheap. 25 exquisite designs in Jetted Lace, 6 to 15 inches wide, trom 75c to $2.00 a yard. : 10 styles Vandyke Pointe Trimming, 5 to 12 inches wide, 5Oc to $1.25 a yard. 75 new fall designs in Chantilla Lace, 1 to 15 inches wide, 5c to $2.00 a yard. 50 new fall designs Bourdon Laces, 5 to 12 inches wide, 15c to #1.15 a yard. All over Jetted Lace, 27 inches wide, $1.50 to $2.25. 50 pieces Fine Oriental Laces, 6 to 20 inches wide, 10 to 85c ■a yard. ÏO pieces new Irish Pointe Laces, 4 to 20 inches wide, lOc to $1.75 a yard. 125 pieces Valenciennes Laces, i to 10 inches wide, 3c to 5Oc a yard. JET TEIMMINGS are in everything that's new in the fashionable world. Hundreds of designs in all widths in the Jets, the Iridescents, the Gold and Silver and Pearl Trimmings. CORSETS. Cor'sX The American Lady, The P. D. Corset, The J. B. Corset, CORALINE 5 Q H H Í H ö H ygp' SILK UM BR ELLAS 75 Elegant Pearl Handle Umbrellas, very best quality silk ; trus price, $5.00, going at $3.00. 75 Elegant Swiss Enameled Ball Handles, in Black, Cardinal, Brown and Blue colors, English roll, trust price, $7.00 and $8.00, selling at $5.00 and $4.00. Doiliestic GoOíls. Ladies' Maclriiitoslies. A great saving here. All are interested in this list : he fall season and fall rainsbring a gijffSi L yard wide, Fruit of the Loom 7c. gentle reminder of Mackintoshes. This ?■ L yard wide, Lonsdale 7ic. brings yon to the conclusión that The Store ï.h L yard wide, Lonsdale Cambric 9c. is the place you wish to cali, f or at The Store m $L, L yard wide. Heavy Bleached Sheeting 4c. ouly will you find a most complete line of ÊÊ Hik L yard wide, Fine Good unbleached Cotton, you pay 6c for, will Mackintoshes. m WkM be sold in this sale for 3c The Arlington is the latest fad, a f uil L9 Wm L yard wide Fine Unbleached Cotton, the Argyle, the best doublé military cashmere cape, with or withm % ily cotton made, 8c everywhere 5c. out sleeves, single and doublé texture, Ëji ï üolored Shirtings, the 12c quality, reduced to 10c. $6 to $10. Q $ Üolored Shirtings, the 10c quality, reduced to 8c. The Argyle, another new garment, is a H 1,000 yards Amoskeag Denim, 2L to 10 yard lengths, valué 18c, triple cape, single and doublé texture or silk % selling for 10c. lined in Navy and Black Cashmere, with or 15 pieces Ticking, in wide and narrow stripes, blue and all without sleeves, $6 to $12. I ors, are always 18c, reduced to 12c. 25 Full Military Cape, single texture, tan ■ ___ _-_- - - -- - -- --- - - - - - - - - - or gray color, valué $5, sale price, $3.50. B BATTI1TG FOU COMPORTERS. JÍSUtl. Macti"tos"es' " Bte E I Something new, made the size of Comforters; comes in i pound Full Military Cape, doublé texture Mackí packages, for 45c a package. Also the White Rose, the Governor, intoshes, Blue Black and Colors, $6. i_L__:„ __ jL the Boon, the Sterling, the 'Winter, at 10 to 20c a pound. LLÍf Siw T.b.. D:,:k,"To 5 Fall and Winter Underwear at the Ja d25Díeces Vhite ïable Damask, the regular valué, 85c, 90c and ITSW TarifF HíltSS.--OUr jTQOX UU" $1.00, will be sold for 2 weeks for G5c. _ _ 20 pieces White and Unbleached Table Damask, 65c, 70c and ri.e!?WÊ3T Lfiáü-Sr 75c values, for 2 weeks, 45c. 50 pieces White and Damask Tabling, sold at 50c, 55c and 60c, for 2 weeks, 37c. - . Ladies' Fine Egyptian Pants and Vests, fleece lined, better than SOLE L.O-EZÑT'TS, GEMUITE our last year'8 50c"sood8' wiU sel1 at 25cThese goods need no introduction from .( J$ . LflGa' Fie gyptian Pants and Yests, last yeat's price was 60c, ai. Wherever Kid Gloves are worn, is C aLX S(f 1S offered at 5c. Foster's name to be found. What we wish V i' Ladies' Egyptian Ribbed Jersey Union SuitS, white and natural to say is that we are going to give you one coiorj ojd prices, $1.50, now selling at $1. pKhïïeTÏitbL.Ba2r2JKIÖ CLOVES Ladies' all-wool Jersey Ribbed Union Suits, white and natural Giovea, Tans, Browns, Modes, Slates- the kind we sell for $1.00, wool, $3.00 a year ago, now $2. will be'sold at 69c. 50 doz. 5-hook Glacé Kid Gloves, Browns Ladies' Fine all-wool Equestriene Tights, in Black, histyeat's price Taus and Slates, 11.25 values, at 75c. 25 doz. 7-hook Glacé Kid wag $2 50 sellh now for 1.75. Gloves, Lights, Tints, $1.35 vahu', seil for lOc. '25 doz. Biaritz' Gloves, all shades and black, $1.35 value, seil for 95c. 25 doz. __ ïarge button Glacé Kid Gloves, all shades, $1.35 value, sell for $1. , ' SOLE AGENTS OF THE CELEBRATED FLEISCHEU'S YAE1TS. tl-ilf:. _ ., .. TT , these Yarns for fall and winter, bouglit at lowest ebb prices. We are jf PSllBIIXl U HÚ.GYTXT &$LV . selling Fleischer's Saxony Yarn, 10c a skein. Imported GermánJT town Yarn 15c a skein. Germán Knitting Yarn, 18c a skein. . Spanish Yarn 15c a skein. Common "Wool Yarn, 4Oc a pound. A full line always in stock. These Yarns we have in all shades and colors. ________________ - - - - -__-_- - . 1 Ladies', Men's and Children's Hosiery. HANDKEROHIEFS. Were one to judge by the amouut of Hosiery we sell they would say every man, woman and child bought their Hosé at The Store. The reason is öbvious. Ladies' Embroidered Scolloped, bought in a great lot, 7o different , nn - - . . . o- i.r;=Aa Vno Rihhpd Hose Also all these Perfumes in bottles, at all prices ; also the 20c valué, lc, two íorac. j Misses Fino Ribbed Hose, and Tolet Wat Col Rum am ■ sizes 6 to 8 two pair tor 25c. r%d ' f ' Quinne Toilet Cerates, Italian Opta, Almond Meal, Tooth Powder Ladies' Tinted Hose for evemng wear Pink, Rnssian, Blue Blata, V ü( Green, Russet, Pnmrose, Lavender and Ked, at awc. öuk nose, 1 & t 75c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.25 and $2.50. Big line Men's Fine Hose, in the Onyx, Black, Tans, Slate, Shawkmtand Bntish, at 25c. f I- f A -A I-- Special.- 200 doz. Men's regular made finished top half Hose, 1 V, I L- 1- ' 1 - t V_ i VI - ' good 10c valué, selling at 6c 100 doz. Heavy Weight Men's regular made half Hose, the 12Lc kind, 3 pair for 25c. IN 1KÜ UU. Attend the CoüniU Fair fflTip mjflm n]1 Hf MpAn ijoü can make, ft Sim 0ÍTH I FÍII Big ihis ijear ai)d briOg llUl UUtil LUAl Ut DIUJAÜ For the BestLoafoBread Exhibid
Ann Arbor Argus
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