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Estáte of Dwight B. Tate. QTATE OF MICHIGAN. COI' N n O o! Wahif mtw. ?3, At a sesáion o.i ;'. 3ou:tforth Cnnntv of Washtenuw hnMnatth ; Probate Orhct1 ín the City ot Ann Arhjr, on i Cue(trty, 4r.y dayot September. to ó. jüht ; )ne tbousaP'1 eiffhi hun ired ud oinety-iour. Present. J.WillarU rinbhitt, Judge of Prohnt In thp mirt.' ol' th esiate ot Dwijilit ". Tate, deeeased. Soloinon fitte, the idminiatrator of said estáte, comes into court aau repreeuts thut he ia now preparen to render bis final accouut as sucb ELdniiaiatrator. Tbereupon it is ordert'd, thal Tuesday, the second dy of Ocioutr nt?xt, at ten o'clock in the forenooo, be as3irned fr exauiinini: umi alloiu)f sucli account and that the heirs it law of said deceased and all üther persons intereatmi in stiid estáte, are required tr appeat at a lettlou of aaid Court, thea to be holden at the Probate Ornee, in the city of Ano Arbor, in aaid Uounty. and show cau?e, if any there bs why rhe said Account abould not bealloweil: And :t fa further ordereil, thar sftid executor give nonce to the persons imerested ia naid estáte ot thpeudency o! siiid accuuiu, and the hearing i beroof, vcausing a oopy of tfaia order to i)u published u the Ann Abbor Argls, a oewspaper print"i i: i drculating in said County, three suc. ■■-iv. wedks previoua t aaid dnv of heariuii. J. WII.LARD BABBITT, LA truecosv] Judce of ProbtitiWilliam (;. Dotv, Probate E;EU:er Estáte of Mary A. Ottmar. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF Washteaaw, sa. Ata seasion of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holdeu at the Prohate Office in the City of Ann Arbor. on Tuesday. the 4tli day of áepiemher, in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-iour. Present, J. WlUnrd Babbitt, Juda-e of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Mary A. Ottmar, deceaaed. Christiue Blum. the administrator of said estáte, comes into court and representa that she is now prepared to render lier nnul account as such administrator. Thereupon it is ordered that Tuesday. the 2d day of October next at 10 o'clock in the f orenoon, be assigrned for examiniagand allowiugsuch account, and that the heira-at-law of said deceased, and all otber persons tnterested in aaid estáte, are requiredto appear at a seseion of aaid Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor In said County, and show uause, it auy there be, why the said account ahould not be allowed. And it i further ordered tbat said administrator g-ive notice to the persons interested in said estáte of the pendency of said account, and the hearinif thereof. by eausing a copy of this order to be published in tbe Ann Arbor Argiis, a newspaper printed and ciroulatiner in said county. three successive weeks previoua lo said day of , J. WTLLARD BABBITT. Judge ot Probate . A true copy.l Wm.G. Lutv. Probate tleifistr. Estáte of Elizabeth McGuinness. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTV I O of Ataaessiou of the Proht i Court for tbe CüUDfy ttf W ashtenaw, holden at Probate Office. In the city of Ano Arbor, i Saturday, the 15th day of September, in the yen1 ' one thoiisanii eUht hundred and ninet'-four. Present. I. Willitid Babbitt. Judae'of Prub t'.-" Ti'rter o' the estáte of Elizibeth llcGuinn-'s. ducensed.l 'l'Voiiui MeGuinneS4, the ndmioistrator of said e-t.i;-1. fm'í ia'o court and represents that he is pow prepnred to render his tinal account as such adu Luistrator. Thereupon it ia ordered, that Tuesday, the I6U1 day of October next, at ten o'clock In tbe torenoon, be assigned ior exaraininfif and aliowing such account, and that the heirs at law of said deceaed, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are rcquired to appear at a session of aaid court, tben to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said eounty and show cause, if any tbere be, why tbe said account should not be ailowed : And it 13 farther ordered, thftt satd administrator give notice to the peraons interested in saidestate.ot thepondenoyof saió account, and the hearing thereof, by cauainga copy of this order to be published In the As Arbor ARQU3,a newsoaper printed and ciroulated in said county, three auccessive weeks previous to said day of hearing. J. WILl.ARD BABBITT, (A -ruecopyj Judgeoi Probate William (i.Dorv. Probate ReKister. Real Estáte for Sale. CJTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF k3 Washtenaw- as. In the matter of the estáte of Lucinda DePuy, deceaaed Ñotice is hereby ïiven, that in pursuance of an order granted to the undersigned, administrator of the estáte of said decoased, by the Hon. Judp;e of Probate for the County of Washtenaw. on the Uth day of September, A. D. 1894, there will be sold at public rendue, to the hishest bidder, at the East front, door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, in the County of Washtenaw, in aatd state, on Tuesday the thirtieth (30thi day of October A. D. 1S94, at ten o'clock in the torenoon of that day (subject to all encumbrances by mortgase or otherwise extstlng at the time of the deathof gaid deceasedï the following described real estáte, to-wit: Lot number eleven dl' iu blqck two (2) north of Hurón street and ran;?e fourteen (14) east in the eastern addltion to the rlllage mow ctty) of Ann Arbor, Michigan, aocordiutr to the recorded plat thereof. Dated September llth, 1894. WM. K. CHILDS) Administrator. Estáte of Adelaide Anthony. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw. es. At a session ot the Probate Court ior the county of Washtenaw, holden at the probate office in the city of Ann Arhor, ou Wednesday, the Üfth day of September, in the year one thouaand eight hundred and ninety-four. Present, J. Willard Babbitt, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the state of Adelaide Anthony, deceased. Onreadinfrand flling the petitition, duly verified. of Ireue Kimble, praying that tbe aduiinistration of said estáte may be granted te Warren Kimble, or somu other suitable person. Thereupon it is oidered, that Monday, the 81I1 day of October next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition and that the heirs at lawcfsaid deceased, and all other persons interested in said state are required to appear at a session ot said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause it any tbere be, why the prayer of the petitioner should uot be granted: And it is further ordered that said petitioner g-ive notice tothe persons interested in said estáte of the pendency ot aaid petitionand the hearing thereof by causiugacopy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbob ArGus, a newspaper pnnteJ and circulated in said county, three successive weeke previous to said dav of hearing. J. WILLARD BABBITT, [A true copy.l Judge of Probate Wm. G. Doty, Probate Register. ïfejPO NOT WORRY oti fm If Periods are Pain ful 'm' wirWmor Monthlies have Stopped F # HELP 151 QUÍCK 3 JK ot"So Pay. Particulars Free. L.PECIFICSUPPLYCO.h0 PAlIXinU IreS'nan': women must not une. ÜAU I lUrl It mll Burely briug ou the flow,


Ann Arbor Argus
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