Our County Fair.
Our county fair begins today, and everybody should attend at least' one day during the week. The offlcers have been working like beavers for weeks to make it the best fair Washtenaw has ever had, and their efforts bid fair to be crowned with success. Everything at the present time indi cates that it will be a hummer. Every department in the exhibit line is crowded. There is a fine display of agricultural and horticultural products, of horses, cattle, sheep, hogs and poultry. The exhibits in the line of needle-work, paintings, photos and works of art are fine. The merchants' and manufacturers' departments are first-class. The school exhibit also is worthy the attention of every one who is interested in our public schools, and who is not interested in these? There will be an elegant exhibit of old VVashtenaw's thousands of school children. Come and hear the children sing and see the enjoyment they get out of the fair. Let every everybody help to make the fair the success it deserves to be.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News