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Crescents 12, Atlantia 13, at Ypsilanti, last week. The Normal athletic association wilt hold a iull Held day. John E. Graham, of Ypsilanti, diecl last week of cáncer of the stomach. Mrs. Orman Burt, of Ypsilanti. died Friday night. She had resided in Ypsilanti 50 years. The county cluistian endeavor society will meet in Ypilanti aftenioon and evening, Uctober 5th. The next meet oí the South Washtenaw Farmers' club, Oct. -5, at the home of W. E. Pease, of Manchester. The county C. E. convention will be held in Ypsilanti Oct. 5th. Over 200 delegates are expected to attend. Rev. George P. Tindall, many vears ago a Presbyterian minister of Ypsilanti, died recently at Sacramento, Cal. Frank R. Feit, formerly a Normal student, has feit it his duty to become a medical missionary to India, and will go. Pittsfield has an "O. N. O." club. It is a young ladies' club. Gentlemen stand' no snow :n the O. No club of Pittstield. Mr. and Mrs George Follmor, of Ypsilanti, do not regard marriage as a failure. Twins, Sept. 13, both of the feuiale insect. A musical and literary entertainment will be given about the niiddle of October. by the Webster Conaregatioual Y. P. S. C. E. Albert Schenk, of Chelsea, is suffering so severely from the effect of a f all into his cellar, as to be unable to describe how it happened. The Terrors, of Chelsea, played the Peacli Eaters, of Lyndon. tjcoie 45 to 18 ir .favor of the Tenors. The Peacli Kuiers ere seized with the yellows. It is whispered in the ear of the Dexter Leader, by Dame Rumor, that a number of cases of sunimer courtship have become ripe enough to piek. The Normal football term will have its tirst "scrap" next Saturday. They will play with the Detroit high school team. Jack Butler, of Ypsilanti, did not use his wife well because supper was not ready. He feil into the hands of Justice Beacli, who made it cost him $5.00. Miss Grigsby has been elected to represent the Adelphics on the Normal News staff this term. She takes the place of Miss Julia A. Rankin. - Times. Married, by the Rev. Bastían Smits, at the bride's home near Ypsilanti, Weduesday, Sept. 19, Miss Flora A. Woolsey toMr. Geo. B. Gregory.- Commercial. Ilon. James S. Gorman has had a wiudmill erected on his property at this place, and does not propose to have another drouth catch him uuprepared. - Chelsea Standard. Ed. Smith and Frank Lancaster, of Clinton, are building a cottage in Hardcastle's grove, Wampler's lake. It will be 28 feet square and the snufn'est resort on the lake. The trustees of the Ypsilanti Presbyterian church havingrented the lecture ïDom for the use of one of the school mades, a predestinated kick goes up f rom the young people of the church. Mrs. Sherman Cook, daughter-in-law of Peter Cook, of Urania, died at her home in that place last night at 8:30, or within a half hour of exactly one year froiu the time she was married. - Ypsilanti Times Local. Somebody who wanted to try the edge of his new jack-knife, slit a length of new hose pipe at Ypsilanti, last week. If the boys tind him, he will be tied up and a tire pressure stream turned on him till he "caves. '■ State Game Warden Hampton is planning a trap for sports throughout the state who particípate in shooting patridge out of seasou.- Saline Observer. He should have had it already planned, and spring it now. He would catch game. Does the Dexter Leader see the "red rag" iii the Chelsea Standard'? "It was intended to give the chance of entertaining the Germans next year to Dexter, but the committee has decided that the village was too small pumpkins to do the eutertaining act in a proper marnier." A Pittsfield Junction feller named Geo. J. Aran Horn, is ticket and freighi agent, baggage-buster and telegrapli operator for the Lake Shore and Aun Albor, postmaster and photographer. And yet that critter is spoiling for the lack of something to keep up the circulation of his blood. Mrs. John Escb, of Sharon, died recently, of apoplexy, after h hard day's work. &he leaves four children. Where do all the "foreign" pupil come frota? Theie is hardlv a sciiool in the county tbat does not ïenort an increased number of "foreign'" pupils? Keep the weëda oft" ilie farm. A stitch in time saves ntne. - Ali the County Kxciütiijjes And be .areful how ye sow, tor as ye sow. smv shall ye rip At the bicycle races held in Flint, yesterday, II. S. Diller, fonnerly of this city, won first prize in the one mile farmers' race open to Genesee county. - Ypsilanti. The invasión of foreigners into the Manchester high school is crowdiug the seating capacity, and it is feared that soon the big boys will be obliged to hold the girls on their laps. The Saline Observer quotes the Argus coucerning the amount of wool in the warehouses and asks: "How about the priceï" Looking up a trifle, since the passage of the Wilson bill. According to the Commercial, Gen. Spauldmg was in Ypsilanti last week "and greeted the honest voters" &c. Why didn't he shake hands with the repubücans as well as democrats? With the c:tmpaign staring Ypsilanti in the face, and theater conipanies waiting for dates with no opera house to hold the crowds, theie is a sorry outlook done that may "Shute it all." The Milan correspondent of the Saline Observer says: " A. Wisdom has put down tvvo new sidewalks, one in front of his own residence and one for K. Ostrander." This was excellent wisdom. Dogs in saline run a lively "free wool" campaign last week. Seven were muttoned in the Hoek of John Hauser, and tifteen in that of Adam Schroen. The dogs have not yet been appreheuded. Wheat being too cheap to steal without being absolutely vulgar, a thief over in Lyndon lately took ten bushels of potatoes trom the' pit of Walter Webb. Aud is theie no other "pit" for such a fellow? At the sight of a camp of dirty gypsies, the horse of Henry Gammer, of Saline, sprang so suddenly to one side that both occupants of the carriage were duiuped on the ground. What's a good for, anyway? Washtenaw county has a minister who lies abed eleven hours out of the twenty-four. Must be a " lay :' minister.- Adrián Press. Willsomebrother please contribute a "pillar" of the church to this " sleeper'?" George Follmor "sees" his companions and ''goes them" one better. His additiou to Ypsilanti's population, Thursday, was two daughters, both girls. - Sentinel. And didn't Mrs Follmor have any share in this affair? Miss Storms entertained the Musketo Club at her home Monday evening. A nice time was enjoyed by all present.- Chelsea Standard. Let the poor things make the most of what isïeft of warm weather. The frosts are at hand. There were 4S yes and 1-4 no votes cast in the special electioirin Ypsilanti to decide on bonding the city for $6,000 to complete the central school building. It seemed to be a matter of practically no consequence to the taxpayers. Gen. Spaulding attended the chapel exercises at the Normal last Thursday and addressing the young men, said the young women were crowding them out of places of employment. The general is fully aware that the ladies cannot vote. Rev. Dan Shier's lecture "Beyond the Rockies," at Manchester, last week, magnetized his audinece almost as thoroughly as he charms the black bass of Wampler's lake. The eider always spits on his balt; that is, when tishing. From this time out the Sentinel will pay more attention to politics, and our readers mav prepare for it.- Ypsilanti Sentmei. Yes, the Argus also deerns ie a dut y to say to its readers that it now has on its "trunks" and hard gloves for the campaign. Ten shpep killed out of the flock of J. Munley, oC Saline, last week were paid for by the owner of the dogs. Make a note of the fad that a man bas been found who conceded the guilt of his dogs. The shrewd fellow is probably scheming for a contract with a freak show. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Lehman, of Chelsea - a girl. The Herald says: The parents were delighted, of course, but would have been more so if- but people can't always have things just as they want them." Yes; some prefer singles; others want twins. It is hard to please everybody. A nine from the grammar room played a game of base ball with a niné from the high school, last week, which resuited in a score of 2(i to4 in favor of the former. - Chelsea Herald. This shows that the grammar-a-r'-ans understand the "nine" parts of speech. The language used by the beaten nine evinced their familiaritywith the rule, adjectives belong to and qualify nouns. After reading what the Grass Lake News said last week regarding our ball team's failure to go to Grass Lake, the boys sent a challenge to the Grass Lake team to play here for $25 a side, but as yet have received no reply.- Manchester Enterprise. What! Will the grim Grass Lakers, urged on and inspired to glory by the rhetorical editor of the News, now do the spaniel act and hide their diminlshed heads? Concerning the recent flrst ward democratie caucus in Ypsilanti, the Ypsilantian says: "The records show that the patriots present were Judge Uabbitt and Seward Cramer, while pharlie Brown stepped in now and then to break any deadlock that might appear in the council." In any caucus, democratie or republican, in the fonrth ward at Aun Arbor, the "third man" is likely to be an ofticer to keep the otlter two from fighting.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News