Democratic Representative Convention.
The Democratie Convention for the nominatioii of a candidate for repre6entative in the State Legislatura for the iirst representative district oí Waahteíiaw County will be held at the Court House, m the city of Aun Arbor, Thursday, September 27, 1894. at eleven o'clock a m., to which Convention thetovriiebips and wards of the District will be entitled to delegates as follows, viz: Ann Arbor City- Freedom ti First ward 11 Lima 5 Second ward 1U Lyndon _ 4 Third ward 10 Northfleld 7 Fourth ward 9 Salem - b Fifthward 4 Scio 10 Sixth ward T Sylvan 13 Ann ArborTown... 7 Webster. 5 Dexter 4 Dated Ann Arbor, September 7. 1894. By order of the Committee,
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News