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Edward Duffy was in Detroit yesterday. E. E. Calkins has returned from Frankfort. Miss Grace Haven has returned from the north. A. B. Case, of Tacoma, was in the city Sunday. Dr. Herdman is taking a rest at Nantucket island. Dr. Fay, of Battle Creek, was in the city yesterday. Capt. Bogardus, of Ypsilanti, was in the city, Friday. J. D. Ryan went to Detroit yesterday, on business. Judge Harriman was in Detroit Monday, on business. Mr. J. W. McNutt, of Bay City, is visiting Ann Arbor. Henry Cool, of Urbana, O., visited in the city over Sunday. Misses Emma and Bertha Weinmann are visiting in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Ottmar Eberbach have a new boarder. It is a girl. Chas. M. Hosmer, of Maryville, Mo., is in the city visiting friends. Chas. F. Vaughan returned Friday night from his trip in the east. Thomas Healy and sister, of Ft. Dodge, Iowa, are visiting in the ity. Richard Kearns, of Detroit, was visiting his parents here over Sunday. Eunice Parker, of Frankfort, is visiting at the home of E. E. Calkins. The father of Junius E. Beal died at his home in Alpena, Friday morning. Simon C. Hedrick, of Saginaw, is in the city visiting his parents for a few days. Mr. F. C. Hall, of Rives, arrived last week, a guest of Mrs. W. H. Dorrance. Hon. Charles H. Kline is home from a business trip in the western pari of the state. Mrs. Rebecca S. Dunster and Miss Bessie Dunster are visiting friends in Tt ledo. J. N. Hutchinson and daughter, of Sioux Falls, S. D., are the guests of Ann Arbor friends. Sara J. Redfen is ín Ypsilañti this week. Attorneys M. J. Lehman and E. B. Norris were at Whitmore Lake yesterday, on business. Miss Hamel, of near Whitmore Lake, entertained Miss Rose Hayden and Will Conrath, of this city, Sunday. Jaraes Marker, who has been spending a few days with Wm. F. Fisher, returned to Detroit yesterday morning. Miss Maggie O'Neil and Benjamin O'Neil went to Owosso last Saturday to attend the marriage of their brother, Charles O'Neil, to Miss Lydia Lynch. The wedding occurred yesterday.