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Jacob Zang, of Chelsea, spent Sunday in town, visiting friends. Miss Euoma Schultz spent a few lays at Tecumsen, visiting friends. Mrs. N, Schmid and sister, Mrs. Wm. Lehr, Tecently spent a few days in Detroit. Rev. and Mrs. Bean left Monday last week tor Canada, wliich will be their future home. Twenty new seats have been put in the higii school, making 80 in all, and all but three are occupied. Rev. Geo. Schoettle drove to AnnArbor and took part in the mission services held at the Bethel church. Mrs, Geo. Nisle went to Detroit last week to spend a few days visiting friends. She was accompanied by her little daughter, Margaret. Mrs. Florence Russell met with hei class at the Germán school buiiding last week. The regular singing school will conimence in Öctober. The foundation of the new building is completed. The work is progressing fluely, and before a great while the "new bank" will be finished. Albert Dresselhouse, of Freedom, owns a 12 acre peach orchard that thls yeai is in' fine bearing, although only three years old. The peach as well as the race record has been lowered tliis season. Monday week the funeral of Mrs. Arcli was held at Emanuel church. Mrs. Arch died very suddenly.of heart disease, last Saturday. She leaves a husband and four cbildren to mourn her loss, besides a large number of friends. Friday last week a number of this place went to Sharon to atteud the f u neral of Miss Alta Perry. Alta attended the Manchester high school graduating in 1891 and for two yeai s was engaged in teaching. About a year ago she was seized witli that dreadful disease, consumption. Ever cheerful and of good hopes she did nol realize how sick she was until a few weeks before her death. She was 23 yearsold, leaves a mother, brother, and sister to mourn her loss, besides a large circle of friends to mourn the loss of one who was so soon called to the '"better home." liev. Mr. Potter, the new M. E. minister at Dexter, having preached his first sermón and secured the approval of the Leader, the church will accept him. We do not hear that Mr. Thotnpson was present, but a brother with a photographic memory gave him an excellent account of the sermón.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News