The Goddess Of Smallnoi
A striking account of the difficulties attending on the r.ttempt to extend the practice of vaceinatiou in India is given by Surgeon General Sir Williain Moore. The chief obstacle is superstitious prejudice The population finnly believe varióla to be matter under the control of the goddess "Mata," inwhose honor temples abound and f airs are held, where thousands of women and children attend with offerings. Tlie declivities of most of the numerous conical hills present either a rcddened stone or temple devotert to "Mata," with most probably an attendant Brahmán priest. Nearly evere village has its goddess of smallpox i:i the immediate locality, and in many places a largo piece of gronnd is esteemed holy and dedicated to "Mata " The people do uöt pray to escape the affection, unless in seasons when it occnrswith more thanordinary virulence. They do, however, petition for a mild visitation but even the loss of an eye does not appear to be viewed as a very serious calamity. "Is there not anotlier eye snfficient for all purposes?" questioned one of these stoical philosophers "If it were the leg orhand, itwould be different, but an eye i? i inmaterial. '
Ann Arbor Argus
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