SWEET CLOVER J3ÜTTER COLOR Wil] nu beconie rancid by age, or leave a:iy tas:e or odir :o :he brttei. It is a perfectj'j liarmless vegetable c ilor, ManufacM re ■'. ! y Sberbach Drug and Chemical Co. FUICE; 10, IS, :: ad Cc per Mie, MARTIN & FISCHER. PHOFRIElOKfi OF TUK WESTEBK BKtWKKY ANN ARKOR, M1OH. Brewers of Pure Lager Beer. The irgu: Book Bindery No. 9 N. Main St., Ann Arbor. Blank Books EvJry Description Manufactured on Short Notice. Co lection and Pocket Wallets. Medical, Surgical, and other Glass Cases made and Repaired. We also make a specialty of repairing, cleaning and rebinding old books of every description.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News