"CEIXÜLOÏD" COHARS AOT CüFFS are made by covering a linen collar or cuff with "celluloid," thus making them strong, durable and waterproof. When soiled they eau bc cleaned by simply wiping off ■with a wet cloth. No other waterproof goods are resüe with this interiining, conseqnently no other goods can possibly give satisfaction. Do not forget that every piece of the genuine is stamped as foilows : # tradc fARK Insist r.pon goods so marked and refuse anything else if ofTered. If your. c.aier does not keep them yon eau procure a sample from us direct by enclosing amount and stating size and whether stand-up or turned-down collar is wanted. Collars 25c. each. Cuffs 50c. pair. The Celluloid Company, 427-429 Broadway, ftew York.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News