Drs. Kennedy &
■- - - niii1" jr tw asnaHHtu I Varicocele, Emissions, Nervous Debüity Seminal Weakness, Gleet, Fj Stricture, Syphilis, Unnatural i c!i:iw, Seif Abuse, Kidney and Bladder Diseases pos'tively Curecl by WiiiwpiGlliöiiïïeaiDieiii-iliifltiiiisfiOïOiiI fYou can Deposit the Money tn Ycur rvü r-r wi.'i Yonr rW".s;i;r to be paid us after you are Jur.J.r t wrttui tiuartmtet.1 Sclf Abute, Excat'ts and Booii nijMuhnvwnirl'"d Üie liv .' 'i -f fonngmea and mïddle aged men. The farm, the workxhop. i , ■ -M:n li m b ■ !. tiie n1 Ice. Ihe im easinns - all have its victims. i'ou g man, if you ii.ive bot'ï n r c, bewrfieof tbo fotartf Êtiddlt aged men, you are growing promaturuly wruk umi .li. u th uxaall) and püysicailyConsult us before too late. NO ÑAMES USE Wt.'HOÜf WRIITlN CONSENT. Contidentlat. VARICOCELE, EMISSIONS AND SYPHIL1S CURED. IW. B. COLLTNS. W. S. Colllns, of Saginaw. Spuks. W. S COLL1NS. sïNk "I am 29. At 15 Ilearnetla bad habit which I ö5te SivN uedtillW. I then became "one of tlie boys" and led u SEEV i nil M'1 e' EipoBure protluced Üyphiti. I becamo y k L il] ons and despondent; noambition; moniory poor; eye Gfc v iÏÏS fiW X red, sunken and blur; pimples on fiice; Imir loose, bone p P TO VCfc.y pains; weak back; Taricocele; dreauia aad losses at ïLa i I 9?7 night; weak parta; deposit in nrine, etc. 1 Bpent Vr dreds of dollars without help, and was contemplaiinu V. fc- í W suicide when a friend recommeiided Drs. Kennedy & J y -m ylK Kergan's New Metbod Treatment Thank God 1 P - Fts "tW'rS-fA T tried it. In two months I was cured. Tliis was six Vf TSt-iTp'f'i r ■í' ñ lV years ago, and never had a return. Was married two ' j n ffi ' L Sv 1 il (Cv years afto and i all happy. Boys, try Drs. Kennedy t II - ' f ? bkfoke treatm't gan before giving up hope." aïter treatm't s. a. TONTÓN. Seminal Weaknes, lmpotency and 8. A.TwmN, f1 Varicocele Cured. jSsSmSv "When I coneultod Dio. Kennedy A Kerean, I hal ƒ -"A I littie hopo. I was surprisod. Tln-ir ncw MothodTre ■'- tei - 4?jj 1 ment improved me the first weuk. Umisnions ceased, I " Jy j nerves became stronc, l:ii' dÍ8a;ioRrel, Imir rew in , rí' g again, eyes became br-rlit. pheerfol Is nomoanj ajld - t Btrong sexually. Havii.j; triocl many Qa:ink, I can V Iheartily recummena D:s. íúunutly le Ilergmi au reliabio " )9I SpecialiBta. Ttiey txoat' ii m I i.i-it ■'■■ nid killfully." ï n B BEFOEETKKAX.M 7 ' A ' ' -AIMT. W T. p. fMTOOiq, a Nervous W rei. k- A HirPv Life. T. P. " "''ON. I jf" T. P. Emtricn Kas Kwrtn Cscajw. y&v ' Ja ' 1 live m tin funn. At. Bchooil l.-urii .1 nn ■arly Í ! R f " ' Wl nabit, wblcli ve;i.unf(i ma tli icuiljr, uexuiiliy and 4 Mi áí C? ISï) mentally. Fumily Doutur k.ü 1 w.u .■ní int.. p7Lï i"ST Vin 8 j. , ■L Monitor," cditeil bv I)rn Íimui '!.■ itKermm 111 M jL- IJ jM WJX&. 1 to in; band. 1 ifiirmU live y'uAanil ■"■-!. Sylf f?4 , ft. y ;1 V "r; " 7 abuse had Bamind ' vitniily. 1 t"k ttie ffno ." .%. k. Mtihod Trwtmeml a&d wa curd. My fritmrlfi hink I ii_ -áVj7]K wab oored oL Connniptiix. l baTp seiit them many 5Cn m. iH-f'lV pHtients, aü of whom curtxl. TUrir New "#iWTi 9 liïar - iriftflirl Method Treatment supiilies vigor, vitttlity and "5ïr l%a-=fy f .1 ■ BKFUEE TKKAÏM'ï. llOüd." AFTER TBEATMLXT. ■ DCAnCD } Areym a victim? Havo jon lo t Iioik'? Are jon contemplating ■ ritLrALIIlri I riafi Hoh your Bi od bt-eri disaeotl? H;ive yon any weaknesa? Uur ■ New Method Treatmcnt will care you. hj.t it ius (Unie foi otliers it will do for you I OXJHBS GrTJ A&IA3ST XS Xj "=. NOPATtI 16 Years in Detroit. 60,00 í Curcd fJo Risk, Consultatlon Free. Xo m"ttorvïio hvi t-fitc( -n. vri' for an honest opinión I Free of charge, ('harqes reasonaUli . Bos F e - ' I (i iluto Monitor" ■ tritadl on Diseases of men. Inclose pnrtatte, 2 rpntj. Hoali .1. ■ Wo NAMíS UStD W1THOU ' WHi . . N CONSENT. E VA-pti. No medicinu sent C. O. 0 No on boxes or ■ ones. Fverythlnsr contidentia.. Question list ;md est of I ment. FREE. No. 148 SHELBY ST. I DETROIT, MICH.
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