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Scores Of Victims

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Chicago, Sept. 24 -Details of the Ios3 of life by the cyclone that swept over Iowa and Mianesotaare provokiagly incomplete, but the lollowing is the total uuraber of dead as far as it can ba estimated f rom the dispatcbes received: NVsr Algona, Ia., 25; in Mitchell county, Ia., 10; north of Wesley, Ia., 15; near Oéae, Ii., 5; Cylinder, In., 4; Cerro Gordo couuty, Ia., 5; Spring Valley, Slian., 3; Leroy, Minn., 4; near Britt, Ia., 7; total, 77. The wires have been blown down all along the line of disaster, which accounts for the slow rjturus of reliable dcafh lists. St. Paul, Sipt. 24.- The cyclone that BWept the country between Spencer, Ia., and Marsh laad. Wis., has put a large, but at tliia writinij unknown, uunjber of persous in niouruiníí- a much greater nutnber than was indícate 1 by the first dispatchea. The disaster is one of the worst that has been recorred for years in the one item of loss of life, to say nothing of the destruction of property. A narro w strip of country 200 milea long was laid waste by the hurrioane. In the path of the "twister" areruined towns, devascated farms, and more than 100 dead and injured people. Starting about ten miles south of Spencer, in uorthwastern Iowa, the wind at 8 o'clock p m. besaa its work of t V '_l VJ s 1 W.'iV U11 I UU ÉtU i LO II VI 1 Ji destructiou. lt swept across the state Just north of Euinietslmrg and Algona, wiping iut the little towa of Cyliader, but rnostly injuriug the country dlstricts. After passing by Masou City and ruiniuf? the oountry northwest of Oiage, it bore off to the northeast, crossing the Minnesota line, and soon after loo'clook wreckel the little town of Leroy, where a bad flre added to the destruction. Au K-,tiiiiutn of the Fatalitles. Spring Valley was rij{ht in the path of the cyclone and suffered severely. ïurniug again to the enst the little towns of Homer and Lowther were badly damaged and at one time reported oompletely wiped off the face of the earth. After Crossing the Mississippi and doing considerable damage to farnj buildings near Marshland, Wis., the storm seemed to have ípent its forc. A smaller storm did some datnage at Dodge Center, which was not in the path of the maiu cyclone. The path of the storm was not wide, but it had all the characterlstlo of the deadly tornado and the dimensions of a cyclone. Just how many lives have been Io3t is still nncertain, but the reporta received so far indicate that certainly not less than flfty-two are dead, while some reports place the number at from sixty to 100. The towns damaged or destroyed are Cylinder, Britt, Forest City and Manly Junction, in Iowa; Leroy, Spring Valley, Dodge Center, Homer and Lowther, Minnesota, and Marshland, Wisconsin.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News