Dead And Fatally Wounded.]
The list of dead and. wounded are incomplete, tmt the folio wing ia the beüt obtaiuable at tuis writing of the dead and fatally hurt: At Cerro Gordo, Ia., the dead are- D. T. Had Ion, Mm. D. ï. Haddon, Ellery McKercher, John Patterson, Peter Petersoa. The fnly injured - Miss Maggie Baker, Miss E lith BeQtley, Alioa McKerchf-r, Ilarold McKercher, James O'Neill, Sr. At Spring Valley, Minn., dead- N. Dodge, Mr.?. N. Dodge, child of Frank Mashek. Fatally hurt- Mrs. Louiae Rosa aod C. G. King. Charles Dodjie, Mrs. William Biree, Lana R se, and Sallie Williams were seriously wounded. AfLsroy, Minn., dead- Mrs. Dunton, Henry Fialey, Gilberson, drummer boy; Jos Xelson, laborer. Iwar Wesiey, Ia., dead - M. CaVer, Mrs. M. Cusler. J. W. Dinsman, infnutofMr. and Mrs. E len, iufaut of Mr. and Mrs. Rockow, Fr-d French, M. Schweppe, two childreu oí Fre,l Freuch, two childrea of Thomas Twti'id, two children of M. Schweppa, Mrs. Tweed. At Brilt, Ia., dead Jaeobson, Gria;gs, Mrs. Similtou, Mrs. Stua:gart, child of Mrs. Siruilton, two children of Mra. Stunsjnrt. At Cylinder, Ia., dead- Alexander Goulden, Mrs. A. Goulden, two childreu of Alexander Goulden. A special from Laroy says: The cyclone ufferers are in a very destitute condition. The loss will exceed $100,000. Thirty families are entirely destitute, and many businesi men have lost thoir all. Mouey is needed badly. The local relief committee is dolng all in its power, which is limited.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News