Didn't Know Whre It Stood.
FiïankfuRT, Ky., Sept. 21.- The Democratie conimittee oL the Seventh congressional district, met here to canvass the vote cast a week ago in the cougressional primaries, and demonstraterl ita ability to lote its beariusjs, as it were, anri not kaow "where it is ai." Of eourse Oens w;is i declared the nomiaee, Breckinridge making no contest - merely filing a protest against the conduct of the electioa, charging heavy fraudulent voting, which he supported by comparativo tables showing the vote of Sept. 15 at the primaries to have been much heavier in Fayette, Frauklin aul Scott countles than the vote for Clevelaud or Breckinridie in 1M)2. Ia closing his protest Breckinridge annouuced Uis nteution to supp"ro the aominee. The vote as canvHa 1 was: Owens, 8,074; Breckinridge, 7,81'J; Settli, 3.406. Tue committee tden adoptad resolutious declaring that the refusal of election ofBcers to obey the rule requirins? voters who took part in the management of a party oo accept the decisión of a majority and supDort the candidate and the invoentiou of au injunction against that rule, had caused its total suspension in one county and great relaxatiou iu others, so thrt the election was not held under the law and regulation, but on the face of the returns Owens had a pluraüty and was deulared the nominee and a'l cood Democrats were urged to supporo him. This sort of indorsement waa poison to Owens and his friends, and wheu he heard of it he was iudiguant aud refused to accept the nominatiou thu3 handlcapped The commiLcee was therefore called toKether again. and iu a brief time tb committee had reconsidered its action and passed a resolutiou simply statiug that Owens was the nomiuee and urging all Democrats to support him, the vote f r reconsideraron beiug ( to 3. Theu an attempt to censure Judge Cautrell - the judge who issued the injunction compl.tined of - was defeated - 6 to 4- and the committee adjourned.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News