Condition Of The National Game.
! CHICAGO, Sept. 24.- The positions of the clubs q the National League have not chansed sioce last report. fcThe following shows the situatioa: Per Clubs- Played. Won. Lost, cent. Balttmore 123 83 37 .700 NewYork 138 83 43 A',0 Boston 12 80 4 .635 Philadelphia 121 70 51 .579 Brooklyn 125 (58 57 .544 Cleveland 133 64 59 .520 Pittsburg 124 61 63 .492 Chicago 12 55 74 .420 Cincinnati 123 51 72 .415 St. Louii 128 ftl 75 .405 Washington 128 45 83 .352 Louis ville 14 35 89 .283 Following are the latest scores of League clubs at the game: At Cincionati - Brooklya 11, Cincinnati 6; at Chicago- I Philadelphia 9, Chicago 6; at Louisville ' - Boston 3, Louisville 2; (second game) Boston 4, Louisville tí; at St. Louis- Baltimore , St. Louis 1; at Cleveland - Washington 5, Cleveland 6; ut Pittsburg- New ; York b', Pittsburg 2: (second game) New i York 1, Pittsbura 4. (Suuday) at Chicago - Washington 6, Cüicago 5; (secoud game) Washington S, Cliicago 11; tt Cincinnati - Brooklyn 10, Cincintjati 9; (second gatne) Brooklyn i, Cincinnati 3; at St. Louis - , Baltimore 10, St. Louis 4
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News