Cowardly Murder In Texas.
DALLA8, Sept. 24 - A News Texarkan (Ark.) special says: G. L. Bryant, president of the Texarkana Iuterstate Norma! and Business college, shoc and t'atally wounded Professor George T. EUis. Bryant savv EUis sitting at Raglan's book store, and saldi "Come down to the Cosraopolitan hotel; I want to talk to you and show you some letters." Ellis accepted ti li e iuvitatiou, bat when thty reached the hotel Bryant proposed that they go outside the city liuiits and settle their diffureuoes by a fist figbc. This invitHtiou was also uccepted. They pulled off their co:its and laid them down preparatory to the encounter. Ellis then lurned his back to Bryaut and said: "See, lam Cinarmed," but as he turned arouud aguiu Bryaut buid: "I am armed and am ííoíusí to shoot you." EUis then said: "You are a covvard to taiü oí shooting." Tüeu Bryant leveled the pistol which he was fl ourishing und fired. The bullet strucs Ellis an inch above the navel and passed out at the back. Bryant escaped after the shooting, but was arrested near bis home two hours later and brought luto :own.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News