Beginning: To See The Point.
"What have you to say to this charge of assaulting Michael Rafferty?" asked the judge. "Oi licked 'im, " replied Mr. Dolan, looking the court ia the eye. "Au wid no disrespect to anybody, it's hopin Oi am that Oi done it good. " "Was there any provocation'" "They wor thot same. " "What was it?" "Oi have a goat. yer anner - a foine animal too. 'Does yer goat give milk?' says Rafferty to me. 'It does, ' says Oi. 'Thin, ' says he. 'it's buttermilk. ' 'It's as swate an foine as any ye iver saw.' says Oi. Certainly. but it is buttermilk.' says he, an thin we came together. Though Oi must say, yer anner. thot when Oi come to repate it over a few toimes au consider the nature av the goat Oi'rn compelled to say Oi wor a bit hashty. Bedad. if the court'll srive me lave. Oi'll 'ooloaize to
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News