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The Great Sale Continues

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Never in the history of Detroit cotnmeree has auy event produued such a wide-spread aensatlon as the Xew York Baiikrupt Sale, makiug nearly onequarter of a million dollars' worth of merchandise thrown in the market at 27 cents on dollar. All the stock bas now nrrlvpd trova New York, and is now attractlag the multitudes to Nu. 4 Monroe Ave, Detroit. If you v;mt to secure some oí these bargalns, you must come to tliis great sale at once. ! Don't miss; it if you are in waui of a j fiue fall or wluter snit or overeoat at j 27 cents on the dollar of the uiaiiiifacturers1 oost. This is without exQèption ! one of the choiees; selecl stocks oí i tiiie Milor mui foady-made clothiim' ever pl.-.cxl on public s.ili.. ani! everyiiodv shouUl take advantage of such au oppurtuulty. Mr. K. 1'. MrC:irthy, assisnee of the Bnukrupl Clotliing Co., has been appointed by the court to dispose of this stock, and n guarant'v is giren that every afticle is exactly as represented or money reiunded. lt will pay yon to come one huudred miles to atiend tl is prent banknipt sale. The sale w'dl continue froiu d;ty to day until all is sold, and remember all must be sold and the entire stock; will be sacriHced without reserve. V'ollowlBg are a rew of tne many thousands of bargains offered at this Krent sale. Read price list and description of goods carefully and bring this list with you for comparison. 2,000 men's dark and Ught Cassimere Ruits that sold at $0 and $7 now going for $1.89. Men's fine Cheviot Suits, former price $10 and $12. at this sale for $3.95. Men's extra fine all wool Sack or Cutaway Luits, plaln colors or fancy mixtures, i inner selling price $15, now being slauglitered al $6.37. Men's tin,' cl. iy Worsted and Tricot. in aack, Regent, cutaway or Prince Ubert suits, former price f rom .$20 to $2S, go al this sale íor $8.36 and $10.25. 1,300 men's heavy overeoats, former price $0. now going at $1.85. S00 men's Storm Klng Ulster, former prlee $8, now selflng at !f2..'57. Jleu's tiue Dress Ulstets. all wool i htnchilla aud Beavers, former price fr)m $10 to $18, now selling f rom $i.V to $6.75. Au elegant line of men's fine Kersey, Melrons and Beaver Overeoats, worth froin $15 to $22. These beautiful and el gantly rtnished garmeots are in all the new styles and fashtonable pat'Itjs ;ind will be saeriticed at onenjiartsr the cost of manufacturing . A!so abóut 2,000 boys' and childrec s overeoats in all styles that formei-ly sold from $2.50 to $12, now guing at from 89c to $3.95. ■n's irood heavy working psnts, foriiier prieé $1.25. now go for 5'.c. Xieu's Oassimere dreas pants, former price $2.50, uow going for 08c. Men'a fine all wool pants in fine ' ís-íp.],'".' aud fancy worsted, former pi ■ :. qow being sijcrlflced at $2.27. Chilclren's Knee Pant Suits that sold r -'-' go at this sale for 49c. B ;s' Lona; Pant Suits that sold at $5 selling for $2.15. R iys! I'ii'.e Suits in Cheviot and Tricit goods, ■-■■ from 13 to 18 years, for; nrioe $!. now selling for $4.33. 3.000 Children's knee pants at 17c. 1,500 Childreu's knee pants, all wool Cassimere, at 49c. Men's fine stiff hats, former price $1.50, now selling for 59c. Men's fine fur stiff hats, all the la test styles. formerly sold from $2 to $4, ïow selling for $1.15. Men's fine soft hats, all shapes and ■ryles, former price from 75c to $3, now elUng at from 25c to $1. 3,000 boys' fall caps and hats will be laughtered at 19c. 2.IHM) men's and boys' working shirts it 17e. l.CHMj urdaundered white liuen shirts .it 29c. 800 fiue laundered dress shirts at 42c. Men's good, strong socks, 4c per pair. Men s fme dress socks ia black anü Hght colors. former price 35c, now selling for 13c. Men's tine, strong overalls, 24c. Men's good suspendere, 9c. Men's, fancy silk web suspenders f'ininT price. 50c, now selling for 19c. Men's toe Unen handkerchiefs, (c. 2,000 splendwl umbrellas, former price froiu $1.50 to $3.50, now beiug slaughtered at trom 4!)c to $1.25. 5,000 pieces inen's and boys' f all and winter underwear in fine balbriggan, natural wool and scarlet flannel, will be sold at 25c on the dollar of the cost of mnnufacturing. 500 dozeii men's linen collars at 5c. 500 dozen men's lineu cuffs at 9c. 200 dozen meu's all wool socks, former price 5Oc. now golng at 22c. l,00() dozen niku's and boys" fine neckvcear in aü Btyles, shapes and colore, will be slaugbtered at orie-quarter the manufacturer's An Immense line of meu's fall and wriftter eapg In flne silk plush and all wool cloths, will be jlosed out at 25c on the dollar. men's Rubber Co:its, warranted suïctly waterproof, formerly sold at $3.50, now being slaughtered at ?1.48. T.",o men's elegant Macintosh Cape Coats being closed out at $3.85, $4.:5T and $5.50, formerly sold at $8. $10 and $14. ltomember there are 20.0(X other baralns whieh. for the want of spaee, cannot be mentloned. A larjte f orce of polite s:ilesmen have been engaged to meet the rush ao that all can be walted on promptly


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News